
I will become the ice jellyfish queen with the Chat Group(Dropped)

after her death, Grey meets a man named six who tells her she will be reborn as a random on a random world but she has two wishes, before she is reborn his first wise is a Chat Group system, and the second, was super healing so even if she lost her head her body will grow back so after she is done wishing she wake up to find herself in the sea only to see she is a jellyfish in the middle of a frozen sea but this will not make her give up easily she will live like a king or die trying and she is not alone she has a big family of overpowered heroes and villains note Grey is a codename can you guess her real name

m_42 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

fight the secret boss

in the dark basement, you can see a man getting his ass handed to him by Shrek?

[an hour ago]

[Arakan]: it is dead now

[Goosein]: well that was easy

[Noah]: stop you two hear this... the music just become louder why

[Arakan]: it is getting up

[The second phase secret boss {green slimy man garden protector}]

{green slimy man garden protector}


[Noah]: s####

[after half an hour]

[Goosein]: DIE

Goosein jumped and punched the boss in the face killing it for good



everyone was looking at the monster coming from the green slime his name was

[The last phase secret boss {Shrek the eater of worlds}]

{Shrek the eater of worlds}


[Shrek]: you mortals have freed me from my prison so a will reward you by killing all of you and eating this world...

[Arakan and Noah and Goosein]: JUST DIE

[after half an hour]

now we are here Arakan is being choked by Shrek and Noah and Goosein are looking at him

[Shrek]: where are your gods now mortals tell me

[Noah]: how can we beat him

[Arakan]: use Violence, if it doesn't work, use more violence

he said as he was Stabbing Shrek's arm that was choking him

[Shrek]: you are so pathetic

he said as he throws Arakan so hard he breaks the roof and landed in the cafeteria

Arakan looks just to see Ahma has gotten up from the bed and Rimuru and John and if you look close you can find Akako sitting in front of a chocolate cake and Grey is making some Delicious fragrant soup and it looks like more than a hundred Operator in here but he was cut short by a flying Noah and Goosein now he remembered the demon


he said as he get ready and made a bone sword as soon as he said this every Operator get their weapon ready the Room gut silent in seconds readying for the coming Demon it was a green hand first then the second one came then a very ugly green head

[Arakan]: attack it now

[Before Arakan came out of the cafeteria ground]

in the cafeteria, you can see Grey singing Wolf in Sheep's Clothing for some time that even Rimuru and John, and Akako are here she did try some more but this was her last song

[Grey]: done ok everyone this was the last song I remember I will go now bay

Grey ran as fast as she can to the kitchen and close the door after some time she look at the Refrigerator and open it to get a fish and lemon and some garlic powder if she did not find it she can buy it she start making some lemon-fish soup it will take some time lets go to Rimuru and the rest

[Rimuru]: she did great but why did she run to the kitchen

[Akako]: Rimuru we came here to eat because you were hungry and your look at my arm is weird next time don't add salt to my arm and then bite it look I still have your cute bite mark now the old king will make more fun of me or maybe even put me in a prison and make me drop the soap daily for fun he may even make it a law

[John]: will your king go this far just how did you two become friends

[Akako]: long story but let us eat first and Rimuru stop looking at my arm like this and drop the salt

[Rimuru]: sorry I'm just hungry and this small is making me hungrier and your arm looks like a cake

[Akako]: John can you go and make us some food and fast

[John]: ok but why do you not go to the buffet there

he points at the line of people Who are waiting for lunch

[Akako]: ok let us line up

[five minutes later]

[Akako]: we made it and Rimuru next time if you don't go after my arm don't go after Operators' arms

Rimuru is holding half of the buffet alone and eating said

[Rimuru]: this hunger is new to me so it was hard and some of them said they liked it when I bit them

John readied his gun and said

[John]: can you tell me their names tell me

[Akako]: can you two finish your food first and look Ahma is here

Akako points at the coming Ahma and waves his hand at him Ahma waves back he is in a Wheelchair and the doctor and Amiya are helping him and talking to him Amiya is holding the small doctor Grey made

[Akako]: I heard doctor Kal'tsit gut a small Amiya made by Grey she did make one for every Operator look miss Lappland has a small Texas and she is...don't look Rimuru Forget what I said

after this Akako came from the ground ok now back to Shrek's coming moment

[back to Shrek's coming moment Grey pov ]

the very ugly green head start talking

[Shrek]: more ants in my way now you made me Angry

Grey drops the soup and starts running at the green monster on the way she looks at his hp

{Shrek the eater of worlds}


she activated her cold fire and punch him in the face but she was scared after seeing this


[Shrek]: die ant

he punches at Grey sending her to the wall it hurt like hell she takes a look at her stats to see this

[Grey]: stats

name; Grey

species: magic fire and ice jellyfish demi-human

age: [9] days

exp: [7041/19000]

level: [39]

hp: [1400/1400]---->hp: [1000/1400]

mana: [2000/2000]---->mana: [1500/2000]

after she looked at her stats she said

[Grey]: don't let him hit you or ''vomiting blood'' this will happen

looking at this everyone is more Cautious to make her Grey the one who solo Talulah like this in one punch he must be strong

[ chapter end ]

[Note from the author: did you see this one coming or not tell me (☞゚∀゚)☞]

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