
I Will Be the Strongest with My Slayer System

April was sure he died after getting assassinated on his way home from school. He wasn’t expecting to wake up in an orphanage, in the body of April Frost, in a parallel world. The world resembles his old one, except the supernatural is not just a story, although hidden, and he has some connection with it. Bad news though, he’s supposed to be twenty but he’s stuck in the body of a thirteen year old, both mentally and physically. It’s not all bad though since he has a system that supports him; the [Slayer System]. The more enemies he defeats, the stronger he becomes. One day, the orphanage April lives got involved in a territorial dispute between demons and vampires and became collateral damage. The only survivors were him and two others; Sylvia and Klint. *** “I will make them pay. I will become the strongest and I will make them pay!” *** April, Syril and Klint, ends up under the care of one Sakura Tsuchimikado, the famous Witch of the East. Under Sakura’s care, April and a few others investigate cases revolving around the supernatural, providing April with plenty of enemies to fight making him stronger and closer to his goal. But just as he and his comrades got into a rhythm, problems arise which involves the higher echelons of the supernatural and at the very center of it is April with his mysterious power. Will April become the strongest just as he desires? ******* A/N: This is an original fiction story. Although a few elements may seem familiar, it is still a fact that the events in this story came from the author's imagination. Also, I welcome honest and helpful reviews, comments and power stones. And feel to stick around. P.S. Cover was found on google and edited on Canva. Xoxo, Bai_Wu_Yue

Bai_Wu_Yue · Fantasie
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102 Chs

That Guy

"Klint! You know you can't just do that to April!"

I open my eyes and I see a mop of light brown hair and a pair of dark blue eyes. If my memory serves me right, the one who slammed into me should be Klint, he's currently fourteen. He looks like my size but considering he's a growing boy, he will probably have some sort of sudden growth spurt soon and he'd be six feet before he even reaches eighteen.

Meanwhile here I was, stuck in this body.

Never mind that.

Klint was already in the orphanage when I came five years ago and he was the only person who did not stop bugging me to play with him. He was left at the orphanage's doorstep when he was a baby and he has been here since then. There were instances that he was almost adopted in the past but it was always cancelled at the last minute.

I still wonder why…

According to my memories as April Frost, I don't dislike the people in the orphanage, in fact I cherish them. I just keep some distance, afraid of getting closer to them than needed. Klint disregarded that small distance I made and became some sort of follower of mine.

Over the years, I learned to accept the fact that he'll always be sticking with me.

The other person should be Sylvia, she's sixteen. She came about three years ago and unlike the other kids in the orphanage she has a bit of a dark past.

Sylvia was rescued from a human trafficking ring when she was thirteen. Her parents weren't tracked down so she was sent to Hope Orphanage where we are currently are living.

In conclusion, the two are my best mates. And even though I'm the eldest among us, I look like the youngest.

Speaking of looks, everyone seems to be okay with the fact that I look like a thirteen year old despite being eighteen.

Hmm… Why though?

[Answer. The possibility of everyone in the orphanage is connected to the supernatural is high.]

I see… If that's the reason then they have probably already accepted my situation.

"April!" Klint calls me. "The Forest Guardian is looking for you!"

"The Forest Guardian?"

"She went to the orphanage early this morning." April inserts and sits next to me. "She said she wants you to check a spot in the forest since the dryads can't seem to enter it."

Well that answers my question.

In this world, the supernatural is real and April Frost can see and talk to them.

"Wasn't there a similar spot like a week ago? How come there's another one again?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. You think it has something to do with the territorial dispute between the vampires and demons?" Sylvia replies.

I can't help but wonder about that.

"Seriosuly? Mt. Ilihan is a neutral territory since it belongs to the dryads. Why are they causing trouble here?"

"That's why they want us to check."

April Frost, Sylvia and Klint apparently handle a few errands from supernatural creatures. And today's just a regular day for us.

Fast forward to two years later…

I break the water surface and take in deep breaths. I have been taking a swim and the cool water really helps with the heat wave that has been happening lately.

"Haaah… Now this is life."

Two years have passed and as April Frost, I have become officially twenty. But because of my situation, I can't even go to college much less study in a regular school.

"I can't believe I'll actually miss being part of society."

Over the past couple of years, I have only been in the orphanage's premises or the mountain forest. I rarely go to the nearby villages and towns since they might suspect my appearance. As much as I love my now carefree life, it's also a bit of a hassle to be honest.


Name: April Frost

Age: 20

Level: 10

Experience Points: 950/1100

HP: 1500/1500

MP: 1800/1800

Authority Level: 3

Authority Points: 15/30

Life Points: 3000


>Strength: 560

>Intelligence: 590

>Agility: 680

>Stamina: 780

>Defense: 795

Allocated Stat Points: 0

Skill List:





<Appraisal LV4>

<Super Growth LV6>

<Perception LV5>

<Spirit EyesLV5>

<Ice Magic LV5>

<Slayer Magic LV5>

<Create Skill LV7>

<Auto-Healing LVMAX>

<Language Arts LVMAX>

<Earth Magic LV4>

<Fire Magic LV3>

<Lightning Magic LV4>

<Flash Step LV5>

I can't help but whistle at my status. It's obviously not easy to level up, but I'm already a Level 10 within the span of two years because of <Super Growth>, which basically means I can grow and develop at a much faster rate.

Or at least that's what Slayer told me.

The only part with a slow leveling is Authority Level.



I look up and I see Jasmine, a dryad, at the bank of the lake I'm swimming in. I immediately close my status window and swim to her direction.

"Jasmine!" I call.

Is there another problem?

Usually, the forest guardians, the dryads, visit me whenever they needed help. Whether its problems regarding humans or the supernatural, they'd approach me or anyone form the orphanage.

Speaking of the orphanage, Hope Orphanage is really not a regular orphanage. It's an institution that takes care of orphaned children who has connections to the supernatural. For example, their parents are witches or werewolves but has no one that can take care of them. Some of the children are also half-breeds in the same situation.

From what I found out, I was brought to Hope Orphanage under the recommendation of my guardian.

I know, I have a guardian but I'm living in the orphanage. I have never seen my guardian and I don't think I'd be seeing him or her anytime soon.

Back to the current situation…

"Jasmine, is there any problem you guys need some help with?" I ask after reaching the bank. I proceed to dry myself with the towel I brought beforehand.

"April, the fight between the demons and the vampires are going out of hand."

"What do you mean? Didn't we settle their conflict last month?"

"No, it's different this time. I'm afraid their fighting will affect everyone. They're on their way here in this mountain and I'm afraid things will go worse."

"Have you told everyone else in the orphanage?"

"My sisters sent someone. I don't know of the progress."

I take a deep breath and sigh. The demons and the vampires have been fighting over territories for as long as I can remember. The thing about their conflict is that, they don't care of the casualties, humans or not. I have been settling their conflicts over the past two years but it looks like those are only small ones. It seems like there will be an all-out war between the two races sooner or later.

I return to the orphanage as fast as I can and inform them of what Jasmine told me. They already knew about it and have been preparing to move out of the area.

"We will leave in three days. Make sure to pack your bags everyone!" announces Grandma Lita, the head caretaker of the orphanage.

I immediately head to my room and pack up. I see Klint also doing the same thing.

I can see that everyone is afraid. They should be. I have been dealing with the supernatural for the past couple of years and every time, it always scares me. I'm not sure of the others' extracurricular activities, but one thing is for sure, we all have our fair share of experience in getting involved with the supernatural.


I find myself thrown backwards and I feel myself collide in a hard surface.

Ouch my back!

What happened and who the hell did that?!

I suddenly crash again and I can feel a body above me. I check the body…

It's Klint! He's bleeding and unconscious!


There's a sudden roar and I look up. Where the wall used to be is nothing but debris. The entire wall has been blown away and I can see two individuals not that far from me. Using my perception, I shiver at the sheer amount of power the two individuals are sporting. It's strong, stronger than me, and suffocating.

From their looks, one is a vampire and the other is a demon.

That's not all…

The one I identified as a demon looks very familiar and I did not like his familiarity to me.


I sound angry, very angry, and I'm not even surprised. That guy killed me in my previous life.

But what is he doing here? And moreover, he's a demon?

[Warning. A massive ball of dark energy will be heading your way. Either erect a barrier or move out of the way.]

Dark energy?

I see a ball of dark violet energy from above the demon. He launches it to the vampire but the vampire is strong and kicked the ball to the side. Bad news, it's heading our way now.

Damn it! Now's not the time to think about the past! I have to survive first!

I stand up and drag Klint's body out of the way. Thankfully I'm strong enough to lug his almost six feet self and manage to get out of the attack's way.


I hit my head on a hard surface and everything goes black.