

When Yug and Rune had come back from the royal court, it didn't take much time for Rafael and Diora to know that things didn't go the way they had planned.

"What happened?" Diora asked, "Where are those people?"

Rune answered, "Those four people framed for devil-worshipping, and now their eyes will be dug out and their hands will be cut off before they will be released."

Diora looked shocked and couldn't digest this news while Rafael had more or less accepted this but his face was firm as well, "Death would have been kinder for them." he spoke.

Rune spoke with guilt, "It was my fault her majesty was giving them death sentence but it was I who asked her to show mercy."

Yug spoke, "It's not your fault general, don't blame yourself."

A few minutes later Simon came running to Yug, "Father!" Yug smiled and picked his son.