
I was Suddenly Dropped into a Dungeon.

Our Main Character was having an ordinary day walking to the store for groceries for his family when he suddenly fell into a portal that appeared under him and when he com to, he finds himself in a cave like places with a video games like window in front of him saying [ Hello Human you have encountered a dungeon complete this dungeon to leave] and then it closed without any more information about the dungeon. He confused and yell to get out at first until his cries attracted monsters. Hope you like this story! :3

Soapety · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Taking this Seriously Now!

Waking up Charlie sees a cave-like room with stairs to the left going down this time and waits and thinks about what happened on the last floor he starts to cry lying on the floor and looking at his cloak drenched in blood and his missing shoe and part of his pants and his missing sleeve. "I could have died what was I think this not a game I need to realize any mistakes can lead to death and I need to make it home what would anybody do in my position I am not ready, but I want to go home GOD why am I here." he sat up taking off the mask and cried for a while just rethink everything in life then window appeared.

[User has made it to floor 2 safe room and survived the beast named Clover the user can pick two rewards and a free full heal.

1. New Random Skill

2. Random Armor Set

3. 20 Free Attribution Points

4. Random Object

5. A Bag with Endless Food]

"I need better armor and food to last so number 2 and 5 please," he said standing up a small bag fell on the ground then a black and red armor fell next to the bag. "System could I get a description of the bag and armor," he said picking up the bag.

[ A Bag with Endless Food

Description: a bag with endless food just think of what you want to eat then reach in and pull it out as simple as that and liquid counts as food too.

[Armor of The Crimson Knight

Attributes added when worn:

+17 in Strength

+26 in Vitality

+15 in Agility

Additional attributes: less mana when using fire magic, when bleeding the armor absorbs it and gets stronger from it, Perfect fit enchantment.

Description: This armor was worn by the crimson knight of Clorpetsu one of the weakest nations to fight in the holy war the crimson knight was raised in this nation and trained like hell to become a knight when one day a traveling "doctor" took notice of the crimson knight and tested remedies on him would make him "Stronger" but after some, the "doctor" took him and did horrible experiments later the church fond the base and raided it but the doctor was nowhere to be found so they found the crimson knight and found his body changed in a tub filled with some kind of liquid and releasing him he vowed to find and kill the "doctor" he fought in the war and after 10 long years they found the "doctor" and the crimson knight just beheaded him and after the war he settled down in his home nation for the rest of his days.]

"WOW that is a story I hope I can settle down in my home nation, but I need to clear this dungeon," he said putting on the armor and like the description said it shrunk to fit him. he walked to the stairs and vowed to clear this dungeon and go home. what he did not notice was a message from the system or how the armor reacted it started to glow and pulse with life.

[User has unlocked the requirements to use ^The Armor of the Crimson Knight^ EGO feature]

Walking down the stairs he sees some sand on the stairs walking to the end he sees a desert he continues into the desert and sees nothing no monsters no life walking deeper he starts feeling the heat on his back taking the bloody cloak out he puts it on, and the temperature starts to balance out and he feels refreshed. but then he feels the ground move "Huh what the hell." he runs from that spot and from where he was standing a giant worn comes shooting out of the ground.

Then like it came out it went back in like a fish jumping out of water "What the fuck what is this tremors, god." he starts to run for his life while many of these worn-like monsters jumped out of the sand then worn-jumps out in front of him and behind |Wings| he launches into the sky and flies for a while and sees a temple of sorts landing on it he pulls out his system and a water bottle.

[Name Charlie Carroll

Age: 17

Job: N/A

Str:29 (+17)

Vit:32 (+26)



Agi:29 (+15)


Skill A/P: Night Vision (P), Claw (A), Reform (A), Shock (A), Predator (P), Fire Spear (A), Tough Skin (P)


"Cool, most of my attributes went up and that armor is pretty cool too haaa~ maybe killing those worms might help me here I go." He stands up and walks to the edge of the temple and pulls out The Bag with Endless Food^ and pulls out a turkey leg and throws it out to the After a minute the ground starts to move and from all sides, the worms come out |Fire Spear| he shoots all four of them killing them instantly using |Reform| he grabs the turkey leg patting all the sand off he eats it and walks into the temple he sees many statues of people with an animal mask holding different weapons like swords, spears, scythes, even some knives so he does the sensible thing and brakes all the statues and declares "I have watched too many cliches to fall for this one." and walks to the end of the temple and sees a giant statue sitting on a giant throne.

Walking up to the statue he stabs it in the leg, and nothing happens "Maybe nothing is going to happen." he said turning around to see if he missed something then he gets kicked back to the entrance of the temple "Aah what the shit." he turns around and sees the statue standing and looks around the room at all the statues Charlie destroyed it then turns to Charlie and just stares at him "Hey they were like this when I got here I promise." Said Charlie trying to stand up from all the pain in his back.


I hope you liked today's chapter and I hope to see you tomorrow. :3