
Chapter 1

"Twinkle Twinkle little star!!

How I wonder what you are

Up Above the world so high

Like a Diamond in the sky!!!", Sang the children as their teacher motioned theatrically.

" Very Good my dears!!! Hope you Keep Twinkle like the star until next week, Bye!!"

With the word "Cut" cutting through her ears she quickly packed up and rushed home as today is the day!

Eveline was an actress whose name was known by hardly a handful but her stubbornness and delusion that she will one day become a renowned star has kept her in the industry for 20 long years. In other words a failed actress.

Thus, at the age of 39 she is staring at a kid's show as a "teacher" singing nursery songs to children inana over simplified, theatrical way of acting.

Thinking of her poor decisions in life she entered a bookshop. Her bookshop. Well not literally hers, but the only place other than her dreams, that give her a sense of comfort. Though, it may also be because she has taken a liking to the shop owner who sits at the reception.

Purchasing her book she just couldn't keep her excitement in her. "Among all the things that has happened to me, you are the only thing that gives me happiness." kissing the book in her hand she was trying to have a tender moment with the book, as she was a desperate single, when a bright light hit her face, and before she realized, she has been hit by truck kun. (The one and only)

"Well that escalated quickly, I hope I don't have a life as miserable as this one next time." She said to herself before closing her eyes forever ...


...or so she thought.

Bright light... Oh, so bright light!!!

Frowning with furrowed brows she opened her eyes with the ceiling decorated with art and design of intricate gold details being the first thing she saw.

" Is this the heaven hotel?" she mumbled.

"My lady are you awake?"

"The lady is awake, someone call the doctor !!! "

She tried to get up trying to process what was going on, when she felt a stab in her heart,

"AGHHHH" she let out an agonizing scream. It felt as if her heart was being ripped out from herself. The pain was unbearable, and she fell on the bed. Unconscious.


"Evelyn..." A mystical voice called out to me.

"Huh? What's happening? Where am I?" Eve said opening her eyes. She finds herself in and infinity room of Blackness and red, is this Hell? But it was bright before. What is happening?

Even before finishing her words a rush of something started to pile up in her mind. Memories. " These are not my memories" Evelyn said as she started to feel things.

Happiness, Sadness, Disgusting and Anger. All emotions at the same time. It's as if the world has come and stopped in her heart. What is all this?

"Memories, My Memories." "Live Well Evelyn"

Said the same distant voice with sorrow and grief before fading away in the darkness.

Grasping for sair she wakes up in the room she was before falling unconscious.

Tearing out of the bed, she runs towards the first mirror she sees,

"OMG... I have Isekai-ed!!!???"
