
I Was Reincarnated as... a Gacha Character?

The mc was living a completely normal life and was about to get a huge raise in his average job, but truck-kun had other ideas. Now he's in another world! or so he thought! Turns out it's just a parallel universe's earth but years later after the solo leveling trope attacked earth! not only that. but he's an Ultra Rare character in a gacha that has every anime character?? How will the MC grow and learn to utilize his new unique power in his own way? Read now to find out! Ad-style synopsis aside, here's specific info about the book. Although the harem tag is there, It's not gonna be an oversized harem. The MC will settle down with no more than 3-5 of them at the end. It's just hard to pick just one girl for the MC to be with when you have access to literally every anime character in existence... I'll also look to you readers for a lot of the decisions, so you won't have to drop the story because a character was killed off or something. This is also my first book, so please don't expect too much. What you can expect, is your classic intelligent MC that pours all his attention to getting stronger. Now keep in mind, he's not a fucking robot that eats the perfect meals and trains 24/7 to get as strong as possible. He's still human, at least for now. Humans don't live like that, we like to do stupid shit. The MC will train more than others, but not an absurd amount.

PetalPhoenix · Anime und Comics
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The Girl With The Dangerous Eyes

As Mason emerged from the portal, he had expected to find himself in a random forest, likely around a mile or two from a city or town. To his surprise, however, he found himself inside what seemed to be someone's bedroom. Confused, He began to observe his surroundings. Although he had entered Aurora's portal, a nagging sensation told him that he might not have arrived at his expected destination. As his gaze wandered across the room, his attention was drawn to a girl engrossed in a game on a device that seemed to be akin to a Nintendo Switch, laying on her bed.

The girl's fingers that were previously moving rapidly from button to button suddenly stopped, seemingly noticing his arrival. The girl pressed a button that seemed to pause her game and set down down the device. Before Mason could be impressed at the self control required to be able to pause her game so suddenly, she swung her legs off the bed and turned to look at him directly in his eyes, with a wide smile on her face. He wasn't able avoid her gaze and found himself looking into her eyes as well.

As soon as his eyes met hers, Mason felt a shiver go down his spine. her eyes were deeper than the sea, more profound than a starry night sky. They shone with confidence, curiosity, and excitement. On the surface, they assumed a shine akin to that of an innocent child, but as Mason sank deeper into the abyss of her eyes, he saw something more. Wisdom, power, and perfection. Her eyes were as deep as- no- even deeper than the sea. As her deep violet gaze continued to wrap him in its warmth, his eyes began to drift away from hers, basking in the bliss. For a brief moment, he questioned why he was so taken with her eyes. But merely a second later, as he found his attention turning back to them, he chided himself for having such a silly thought. Of course he would love them, they're-

"Nice to meet you! My name's Lord! I brought you here 'cause you seemed kinda interesting~," The girl suddenly said with a wide smile. Her voice seemed to be honeycombed with nectar. The pitch, the tone, the inflection of every syllable in each word she spoke, it was all the epitome of perfection. However, it was this very beautiful voice brought Mason back to his senses. Instead of feeling that warm feeling akin to sinking into a warm bath he had felt before, he felt a harrowing fear. Every instinct in his body was telling him to look away, run away, do anything to escape from her gaze. Mason clamped his teeth hard enough to hear a crack. He clenched his fists hard enough to draw blood, which was something that usually only happened in anime, but Mason wasn't in the headspace to think about that. The pain he felt was akin to taking a cold shower. It allowed him to temporarily distract himself from her enchanting eyes and avert his own. Mason couldn't see the surprise on her face as she observed his reaction.

"Hoh~ I didn't think you'd be able to withstand my gaze. You really are  quite interesting!" It was only after hearing these words that Mason fully "woke up." He remembered Aurora mentioning a person named Lord. The way she spoke of them led him to believe they were incredibly powerful being.

Although mason had regained his senses, he was by no means calm. His heart was beating faster than it ever had, and the previously refreshing pain now seemed to ravage its way throughout his nerves. When Mason held up his hand to see how bad it was, he, instead of finding an injury, only saw wet blood and a perfectly smooth hand. This was when Mason noticed his previously tanned skin and skinny arms was now replaced with pale skin and a well built arm that Mason only ever saw in body builders and models. As Mason began to wonder what the new body Mirabella gave him looked like, he noticed Lord staring at him, albeit in a less enchanting way than before. Mason pushed his thoughts aside and addressed the impossibly beautiful girl.

"Y-you said you brought me here right?" Mason asked, trying his hardest to keep his voice from shaking. "Did I do something wrong?"

Mason lived his life as an NPC-type office worker, so most of his life was sucking up to the higher ups as to get raised or at the very least, not get fired. Due to this, his first instinct was to blame himself even when he did nothing wrong.

"Of course not~!" Lord said, giggling. "You're waaay too nice you know! I literally just said that I only brought you here 'cause you look like a fun toy. It turns out I was exactly right~!" Although Mason didn't take kindly to being called a toy, he ignored it as the girl in front of him was most likely the God of Gods. Despite her reassurance, Mason was still hesitant to talk to her, leading them to sit there in awkward silence for a couple seconds before Lord broke it with another giggle.

"You don't need to be so tense around me you know~, I won't bite!"

Press X to doubt

"Hey! Don't look at me like that! I may have tried to use Dominus on you once, but I won't do it again, okay?"

Press X to doubt

"Stop giving me that look! If anything, I should be the one being cautious of you! It's impossible for a human to resist Dominus! It's unthinkable! You're the weird one here!"

Seeing the supposed supreme goddess have a fit in front of him, Mason's expression began to relax. Mason felt a strange sense of genuiness in her words. Just as the corners of her eyes began to tear up, and she looked like she was about to have another fit, Mason placed his hand on her head and subsequently pat it.



Only after performing the action did Mason realize what he just did. Mason's eyes widened and Lord's face became red, bewildered. Mason quickly retracted his hand in a panic and started stuttering out apologies. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't- I mean- What- Why did I even- Why am I- uh- I'm sorry- I'm- um-" As Mason stuttered endlessly, Lord was questioning her own actions. What was that? Why is my face so hot? Why is my heart beating so fast? I'm a Goddess- The Goddess- I shouldn't be feeling human emotions. What the hell is going on??

Now, as our two characters' brains are short circuiting, it's time to explain why the hell the main character I explicitly mentioned to not be a pussy is acting like a Japanese MC, and why the God of Gods didn't subsequently erase him from existence for his impudence. This has to do with the Dominus spell Lord mentioned. Keep in mind, I'll be doing these explanations throughout the series to explain my odd ideas that make no sense without context.

For easier understanding, we'll compare the dominus spell to a thread and needle. Imagine you have two people, Person A and Person B. Person A wants to cast Dominus on Person B. To do this, they first run the thread and needle through Person B's heart. Then after that, Person A must bring the thread back and run it through their hand. At this point, the thread will be tied through Person B's heart and Person A's hand. Now you essentially have their heart in the palm of your hand. However, Lord wasn't expecting him to break free from her Dominus, so when he did, the figurative needle fell out of her hand in surprise and tied itself around her heart instead of her hand. Thus, instead of having his heart in the palm of her hand, she essentially made them fall in love with each other by attaching their hearts with the figurative string. It's not exactly love, but they definitely feel an attraction to each other. As for why the MC is acting like every harem protagonist, It's due to the influence of the anime-like effect that I'll get into later when Mason calms down enough to analyze his situation.

After they both finally calmed down, Lord decided to finally explain why she had brought him here, besides seeing him as an exciting new toy.

"A-Anyway, there's another reason I brought you here." She said, taking a deep breath before putting on her cheeky smile she had worn before the headpat incident. "I'm going to make a tiny change in the way you enter the new world. Have fun!" Waving her hand, another portal opened up behind Mason.

"Wai-" Mason tried to say, but before he could finish, she gave him a light push, and he subsequently fell into the portal.

"Have fun~!"




When he awoke, the first thing he saw was the face of a girl looking down on him. He then noticed his head was resting on something soft. Connecting the dots, he realized that he was likely using the girl's lap as a pillow. Before he could panic and roll away like a certain white-haired-red-eyed mc that simps over an airheaded kuudere, he simply took a deep breath before slowly sitting up, recognizing that it was another one of the antics of the anime-like veil he had been experiencing until now. However, he pushed the thought aside, as he could organize his thoughts later. First, he needed information.

"So you're finally awake," said the girl with a monotonous tone.

The girl had short white hair complimented by a pair of emerald green eyes. She wore a victorian maid dress, which, unlike the various maid outfits shown in anime and hentai, covered her entire body besides her arms and face.

"Yeah... but where am I?" asked the man, looking around. He seemed to be in a large room that resembled an empty cathedral.

"Did she not explain it to you? Actually, nevermind, that was a stupid question. Of course she didn't." She said with a slightly exasperated tone Welcome to the Ultimate Gacha. Lord, the Goddess of Divinity and the Ruler of Gods has chosen you as a character. Please state your name so we can register you in the Gacha."

The man was bewildered. "What? Are saying I'm a character in a gacha?" He asked, confusion apparent on his face. The girl simply nodded.

"I see," said the man, surprisingly calm. He had already expected something crazy, this was just slightly more out of line with what he was expecting. "My name is..." about to state his name, the man began to speak, but surprise suddenly marked his face.

"Huh? I can't remember?" Confused, the man searched his memories. He could remember everything, his previous life as an office worker, getting hit by a truck, the Goddess of Luck bowing in apology, the Goddess of Life that resembled a tired mother, and accidentally giving the Goddess of Divinity headpats. Despite, this, no matter how hard the man searched his memories, he could not remember his name.

"I see... so you sparked her interest enough for her to name you... I pity you." the kuudere girl remarked, swiping her hand and opening numerous holographic tabs. "Uh... Let's see... She should have at least registered you... ah." Seemingly finding what she wanted, she brought one hologram in front of her and closed the rest.

"Found it. here's your profile." The girl said, waving her hand. Like with Aurora's world screen, this one temporarily disappeared from in front of the girl and reappeared in front of the man. The man observed what was supposedly his new identity.

"I see... so my name is... Haruki?... It's Japanese, huh..? Haruki..." Mason, now Haruki, repeated his new name to himself. (A/N: Please let me know if you don't like the name, and I'll have him be renamed again later.)

"My name is Eir, and I will be your guide until you become accustomed to your new environment." The kuudere girl informed him. Haruki nodded.

"I look forward to working with you." Haruki said. Although he didn't realize it, he was already picking up on Japanese habits. (They are speaking English, by the way.)

Eir led Haruki out of the cathedral, and what he saw outside was a utopia-like city.


There were plants and foliage growing everywhere, there were lines of what Haruki assumed to be subway tracks going from building to building, people flying throughout the air. He saw flashes of light clashing in the sky, faint noises sometimes following.

"Welcome to The Lobby. This is a planet roughly twice as large as earth, and it inhabits every character that falls under the "Anime" category. This includes characters in Manga, Light Novels, Anime Games, etc. It does not, however, include background characters from any of these categories." Eir said, reciting words off of a hologram. "It goes it to more specifics, but you can read it later if you want to." As she said this, she handed him a futuristic looking phone. "We will now be boarding a subway, taking you to the 'Main Character Hotel.'" Eir grabbed his wrist and began walking towards a nearby subway station. "Despite its name, it does not solely include main characters. It includes only the most popular or most significant characters from across many stories."

Haruki found what Eir was saying extremely interesting, but it also made him extremely excited. There were many characters he wanted to meet. "What quantifies for a character to be 'important' or 'popular'?" Haruki asked.

Eir looked at him with a bored expression. "Lord's preferences,"


As they stepped onto the futuristic-looking hyper speed subway, Eir began her next topic.

"Characters are sorted into rarities. The rarities include- Actually, it would be easier to show you. Here." Eir "gave" another hologram to Haruki. Curious, Haruki began to skim the information.


The following rarities  refer to a  combination of both  potential  and  power. After each rarity, the gap between the next becomes marginally larger.

Common (C): Low power, low potential. The average C can barely break a boulder in many strikes.

Rare (R): Semi-medium power, Semi-medium potential. The average R can crush a boulder with one attack.

Super Rare (SR): Medium power, Medium potential. The average SR can destroy a building with several strikes

Super Super Rare (SSR): Semi-high power, Semi-high potential. The average SSR can destroy a mountain with one attack

Super Super Super Rare (SSSR): High power, High Potential. The average SSSR can destroy planets.

Ultra Rare (UR): Very High Power, Very High Potential. The average UR can bend reality on a large scale.

Ultra Super Rare (USR): Unfathomable Power, Unfathomable Potential. The average USR can bend multiple realities on a very large scale.


Reading the different rarities, Haruki couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. He's just a normal dude, how could he ever hope to even break a boulder, no matter how many strikes he gets? Nervous, Haruki asked Eir, "If I'm a character in this gacha, what rarity am I?"

Eir looked back at him with her characteristic bored expression. "It's on your profile. Your profile should be on your phone." Haruki nodded and opened his phone. On the homescreen was an app titled "profile." Nervous, Haruki opened it and looked across his profile. (Sorry for two of these in a row, but I figured I could use this as an opportunity to info dump. Also, sorry audio listeners.)



Strength: C

Speed: C

Vitality: R

Magic: R

Intelligence: SSR

Luck: SR

Potential: USR

Overall: USR



The only thing Haruki felt was bewilderment. He turned to Eir in confusion. "How is this possible!? Why am I so high rated!? Even if my potential is this high, didn't it say  talent  and power were what gives you your rank!? My potential is high but my other stats are so low! Why is my overall score so high!? And why are intelligence and luck so high!? If I was so lucky and so smart, I wouldn't have died in the first place!" He hurled a flurry of questions at Eir, and she waited for him to finish before answering.

She took a deep breath, and explained his stats to him, "Your overall score is likely so high because your potential is so overwhelming, that it completely ignores the rest of the stats. As for your other stats, I don't really know. The only explanation I can think of is if you spent some time in front of a higher being. The longer you are in their presence, the more their divinity begins to affect you. Your magic was likely due to interacting with Lord, and your vitality and luck likely has to do with the Goddess of Life and Luck respectively. As for your intelligence... I would assume your intelligence has to with the Goddess of Wisdom, but she hasn't shown herself for multiple millenia. Besides, even if she had, the only way to get intelligence that high from being in a god's presence would be to have intercourse with them. The only explanation for why your intelligence is so high is because it is your own intellect." Eir concluded, heaving a sigh. "Was my explanation satisfactory?"

Pushing the thoughts of having sex with a goddess out of his head, he nodded. "Thank you, and sorry for freaking out like that. I was just really surprised." Haruki had also confirmed that his speculation as to why he couldn't get aroused before being his lack of body turned out to be true. His little brother was excited to be back, a size or two larger than before. Haruki wasn't able to notice Eir stealing glances at it even after it calmed down.

"We have arrived," Eir said, leading them in front of a very large building, easily larger than most towns he had seen on earth. "Welcome to the Main Character Hotel,"



I'm sorry for how long this took to come out... this whole writing thing is new to me, so it was hard to both work up the motivation and fit writing sessions into my schedule. It didn't help that the page kept glitching and refreshing randomly, killing my progress before I could save... I've began to develop a habit of saving every paragraph. I'm also trying out new things with my schedule, so I should build a more steady pace starting now.

Anyway, tell me how you like the book so far! Is there anything I'm doing wrong, anything I could do better, or things you'd like to see? Please let me know! I want to know how many lemons you guys wanna see, and your waifu votes for the main character. As you can tell, we have access to every waifu in existence so go wild! (Votes are at the end)

As you can see from the tags, there will be a harem, but by the end of the series the MC will settle down with no more than 5 of them, if even that. This is my first time writing a full book, so keeping track of all the characters would probably be hard for me.

One more thing I need to know; Do you guys want longer chapters like this, 2500 to 3500 words but only one or two chapters a week, or more frequent updates but only 1000-2000 words? I'll ask this question again after a good 10-20 chapters after the book becomes more popular in case you change your mind.

Votes here:

Lemon Frequency

Waifu Votes

1K-2K words, more chapters

2.5K - 3.5K words, less chapters

You have no idea how many times I accidentally typed Mason after I changed his name and had to delete it...

PetalPhoenixcreators' thoughts