
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantasie
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84 Chs

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Duke Pleauvoir's Residence

As I walked to the carriage stop, Lucian was already waiting in front of the carriage.

Why didn't you ride the carriage? I quickened my pace and approached the carriage.

"Lucian-sama, I apologize for keeping you waiting."

"It's not like I've been waiting that long. So, how was the exam?"

"Yes. I believe the exam went well."

"That's good then. I wouldn't want to be unable to attend with Leon now. I'm perfect too."

Lucian-sama said that and smiled with a slightly relieved expression. It's good that both of them seem likely to pass. Even though I thought it would be fine, I was a bit nervous.

"Of course, it's natural for Lucian-sama."

"Leon should have had an easy time, right? Haha... Anyway, let's not stand here chatting. Shall we get on the carriage?"

That's right. Thinking so, we tried to get on the carriage, but just before we could, a voice called out from behind.

"Hey, you're from the Townsend Duke's family, aren't you?"

When I turned around, there was a boy with reddish-brown hair and brown eyes, displaying an arrogant attitude. His clothing was as extravagant as Lucian's, so is this boy from a Duke's family too?

I lowered my head and stepped back.

"I am Lucian Townsend. Are you indeed the eldest son of Duke Pleauvoir?"

"Yes. I am Arthur Pleauvoir."

Pleauvoir! Is he from the Duke Pleauvoir's family!?

I had heard that the current head's eldest son was the same age as Lucian, but I didn't expect to meet him so soon.

The Duke Pleauvoir's family is the leading noble family in opposition to the Townsend Duke's family. In other words, the one I should be most cautious about is the Duke Pleauvoir's family.

"Do you have something to say to me?"

Lucian seems slightly tense. Well, that makes sense; he's the one we were warned to be most careful about.

"I was planning to give you some advice once we met. We haven't had a chance to talk before. They say the Townsend Duke's family believes capable commoners should be promoted. It would be wise to withdraw such nonsense immediately. Associating with lowly people will only make you lowly as well."

Who is this guy... First, Lucian and Arthur-sama are from the same noble family, so their statuses should be equal. Yet he's being condescending and displaying an arrogant attitude towards Lucian right from the start.

Normally, you'd be polite until you become friends! Even if it's just a facade.

And what's with the talk about avoiding commoners? What does he want? Even if there's a power struggle between factions in secret, he wouldn't normally say it so openly.

"I don't consider commoners to be lowly. There are many talented commoners, and without them, the country wouldn't thrive in the first place."

"You...! Even though I was trying to give you advice! My father is always lamenting. Those lowly commoners are encroaching upon the sacred realm of nobility."

I had heard they were antagonistic, but I didn't know they despised commoners to this extent.

"It's better for the country if capable commoners wield power. Even in this Royal Academy, talented commoners gather. I don't think they're inferior to us."

"Such a thing is impossible! Commoners are savage and will ruin the country! It's absurd to accept commoners into this Royal Academy in the first place."

"It's a tradition from the past. Besides, this country has developed by combining the strength of nobles and commoners. Have you forgotten that history? Have you forgotten the teachings of the Apostle?"

The existence of the Apostle is doubtful! Most likely, those lowly commoners deceived everyone. Even without collaborating with commoners, we nobles alone can govern the country. Commoners need only obey noble commands!"

"You...! Are you belittling the Apostle!?"

Oh no...! I thought Lucian was composed, but if he gets angry, it'll be uncontrollable!

Listening to their argument, I feel like I'm seeing the root of their conflict.

In essence, it's a division between the nobles who still revere the Apostle and the nobles who want to discard the Apostle's teachings for their own gain.

I remember the Apostle's teachings were about ensuring the basic living and safety of commoners in exchange for the privileges nobles receive, and promoting cooperation between nobles and commoners, rather than ruling over them.

Thinking about these teachings again, it's a challenging concept to integrate into a society with a class system. The fact that it was accepted implies that the Apostle must have been greatly respected and influential.

Well, no matter how respected someone is, their influence fades over time. Considering that, the power of the Townsend Duke's family might be a little weaker.

Still, humans are more inclined to act for immediate gains rather than ideals or the future. In that sense, if both factions are equally strong, it might mean that the Apostle's influence hasn't completely waned.

Additionally, there are surely some nobles who share the view expressed by Lord Richard before: "If the power of the nobles becomes even stronger than it is now and commoners are oppressed, the country will eventually fall."

Hmm, as time goes by, the influence of the Townsend Duke's family seems to be getting weaker. This is because it's easy for opposing forces to draw allies. Just hint at a little practical gain, and many will yield. That's where I come in. If the Apostle doesn't appear, I'll gather capable commoners and show where they can serve the country.

If I were the Apostle, it would have been easy. I could publicly announce that fact, be treated specially, and even without graduating from the Royal School, I could be granted the status of a high-ranking noble. Everyone would believe it if I could use all attributes of magic.

Well, I could still do it now, but lying isn't a good idea. It's scary to think about divine punishment from the gods. So, in a roundabout way, I'll showcase excellence in attributes other than all attributes at the Royal School. After graduation, they can grant me the status of a noble, and then I can reveal the all attributes.

It's too dangerous to reveal all attributes before obtaining noble status since I'd become a target for nobles, other countries, and various others.

It seems like I can't receive the special treatment of being granted noble status without being the Apostle and without graduating from the Royal School.

It's a bit complicated, but the situation in this country and my position have finally come together in my mind. I've had the information, but the sense of reality was lacking.

The people around me were all good people.

So, what should I do in this current situation? The two of them have been glaring at each other, and tensions are escalating. If I intervene, it will definitely get worse. It's already complicated enough if they find out I'm a commoner. However, since we'll be living at the school together, they're bound to find out and tensions will rise. I've resigned myself to that fact, but I want things to remain peaceful until enrollment at least.

As I was pondering this, I noticed someone approaching.

"What are you two making a fuss about?"

"Your Highness... Long time no see."

"Long time no see."

It's Stephan-sama! Someone who might be able to stop the two has arrived! Lucian and Artur-sama lowered their heads deeply, and I followed suit.

"You don't need to be so formal. This is the Royal School, after all. So, what's going on?"

"It's nothing worthy of your attention, Your Highness. We deeply regret causing a disturbance in such a conspicuous place."

"I also deeply regret it. I apologize."

Lucian answered His Highness's question, and Artur-sama followed.

"I see, then it's fine. You can go now. There are many carriages that can't leave if your carriage doesn't move."

That's right. This carriage stop is like a rotary, and since Artur-sama is standing in the way of the carriage path, many carriages can't leave even if they want to.

However, there's no one who can complain to the Duke's family, so everyone is patiently waiting.

Artur-sama seemed to heat up and not realize it, but he hastily moved aside.

Then, in front of His Highness, he couldn't say anything and went to his own carriage. Finally, he's gone.

"I apologize for inconveniencing Your Highness. I'm deeply sorry."

"No need to worry about it. There are favors that I can't repay to Leon too."

His Highness said his last words in a quiet voice, almost as if only we could hear, and he gave me a light smile and left.

He's incredibly sophisticated for his age! Truly a royal!!

I was impressed by His Highness's sophistication, but Lucian had a look of dissatisfaction.

Huh? What's wrong?

"Leon, let's get on the carriage for now."


As we finally got on the carriage, Lucian approached me.

"Leon, do you know His Highness? I haven't heard about it!"

"Huh? Didn't I mention it?"

"I didn't hear anything!"

"Oh? But Martine-sama knows that I've been going to teach magic, right?"

"I heard that from Grandma. However, I haven't heard about Stephan-sama!"

"No, I've only taught Stephan-sama a few times. It's just that Stephan-sama happened to come while I was teaching Martine-sama."

The first time I met Stephan-sama was when I cured Martine, and we've only met a few times since then.

"So, what's this about an unrepayable favor?"

Ah! Could it be that Lucian doesn't know that I cured Martine?

"Lucian, do you know why I started teaching magic to Martine-sama?"

"Isn't it because you're an amazing magician?"

I guess Lucian doesn't know. Did I not tell him? But come to think of it, while it was mentioned that I could heal illnesses with all attributes of magic, I don't think I ever mentioned Martine-sama.

And hardly anyone knows that Martine-sama had a severe illness.

I'm not sure if I can tell Lucian about this.

However, since Stephan-sama mentioned it, is it okay to tell Lucian? I can't decide. I'll ask Richard-sama when I go back.

"Since I'm not sure if it's okay to talk about this, I'll confirm with Richard-sama first."

"Is that so?... I understand."

Did my serious expression get through to Lucian? He nodded.

Later that day, I talked to Richard-sama about it, and he asked Alexis-sama for confirmation.

According to Alexis-sama, it's fine to tell Lucian. Stephan-sama had been told that the people from the Townsend Duke's family knew about Leon's abilities, so Alexis-sama thought Lucian knew all along.

So I told Lucian about curing Martine. He was quite surprised, but it seemed like he understood after considering Stephan-sama's words.

Finally, that's settled. I'm exhausted, even though I only went to take an exam.

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