
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantasie
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84 Chs

Chapter 38 Part 2

Chapter 38: The Royal Palace

I am currently on my way home from the Duke's house.

I was planning to take a shared carriage, but Roger offered to give me a ride in his carriage, so I gratefully accepted.

I feel refreshed and relieved now that I was able to heal Mr. Alban. It's good to have the ability to help others.

When I healed Mr. Alban and enveloped his body in the restorative light, I somehow had a sense of what was wrong with him. I even knew the exact moment when he was completely healed.

Perhaps that magic is like a highly advanced CT scan. I should try it on my family next time. It would be troublesome if they had an illness without any noticeable symptoms.

But it consumes a considerable amount of magic power, so it's essential to increase my magical capacity from now on.

While pondering about such things, I feel like there's some commotion outside. It seems like someone is speaking loudly.

What's happening...?

"Roger, is everything alright outside?"

"I will check."

When Roger said that, the carriage slowed down and came to a stop. I wonder if something happened.

"Please stay seated, Leon-sama. I will go and check."

Saying that, Roger went outside. It's a bit unsettling to be left alone...

But this is in the middle of the town, so I don't think it's anything serious.

As I anxiously wait, Roger returned after a while, looking somewhat perplexed.

"What happened?"

"There's a message from the Townsend Duke's residence. They would like Leon-sama to come to their estate again. They have a request."

A request!? That must be about the healing magic. Maybe something happened to Mr. Alban!?

If that's the case, I need to return quickly.

"I think it's probably a request for healing magic. Let's go back as soon as possible."

"Understood. I will inform the coachman."

The fact that they specifically called me back means the situation is quite dangerous, right? But Mr. Alban seemed perfectly fine...

It might not be Mr. Alban but someone else. Maybe their condition has worsened?

Filled with unease, I returned to the Duke's house in the carriage, swaying along the way.

Upon arriving at the Duke's house, I saw another luxurious carriage parked in front, and Richard-sama was waiting there.

"Leon-kun, I apologize for calling you back."

"Oh, no, I'm perfectly fine. Is something wrong?"

"Can we discuss it while we're on the move? It's something I don't want others to overhear."


"Please get in this carriage."

Richard-sama and I boarded the luxurious carriage. It seems we are the only ones inside; no servants accompanied us.

Is it such an important matter?

As the carriage started moving, I decided to speak to Richard-sama.

"What happened?"

"Oh, the first princess of this country, named Martine-sama, has been unwell since winter. Yesterday, I thought if Leon-kun could examine her, there might be a chance for her to recover. So, I informed His Majesty about Leon-kun, and it seems Martine-sama's condition is quite severe, requiring urgent attention. Therefore, we hastily decided to have Leon-kun come here."

So the first princess is unwell. And if it's a critical situation, it's understandable that there's such a sense of urgency. By the way, is Richard-sama in a position where he can directly speak with His Majesty? It seems like quite a high-ranking position. Well, he used to be a duke...

As if my doubts were conveyed, Richard-sama provided an answer.

"Have I never mentioned my position to Leon-kun? I am the prime minister of this country. That's why I can speak directly with His Majesty and have acquaintances among the royal family."

Richard-sama is the prime minister!? He's even more remarkable than I expected... Well, it's a reassuring ally for me, so that's a good thing.

But right now, what matters is the princess.

"Leon-kun, I hope you can save Martine-sama."

Saying that, Richard-sama bowed his head.

I want to help her... but I don't know if I can heal her. I can't guarantee that I'll definitely succeed...

But if I do nothing, I'll definitely regret it! It's terrifying to have someone's life in my hands, but I'll do my best to cure her.

"Yes. Although I can't promise anything, I will do my best."

"Is that true!? Thank you so much."

After that, we remained silent for a while as the carriage swayed. Eventually, the carriage came to a stop.

"Leon-kun, I want to hide your presence as much as possible, so please act as my attendant. We'll first go to His Majesty's office, but don't worry since His Majesty knows everything about you."


So His Majesty knows everything about me... Well, since Richard-sama told him, he must be willing to support me, and there's no stronger ally than that.

Right now, it's not about that. I need to focus on the treatment.

I walked slightly behind Richard-sama and followed him. We passed by several people along the way, but when they saw Richard-sama, they quickly moved to the side and lowered their heads, so I doubt anyone noticed me.

After walking for a while, we arrived at a magnificent door. Two knights, presumably guards, were standing in front of it.

"Please open it."

When Richard said so, the knight immediately opened the door. Perhaps Richard must have some kind of access.

Inside the room, there was a handsome person with golden hair and blue eyes, dressed in luxurious clothes. Is this person the king? He still looks young.

The door closed completely, leaving only the three of them in the room. There were no guards or servants, it seems. Are they being kept away...? I'm nervous.

"Your Majesty, I have brought Leon. Leon, this is His Majesty Alexis Laarslacia, the king of this country."

So the king of this country is called Alexis-sama. I should remember that.

"Thank you, Richard. You must be Leon. I have heard about you from Richard. Please, please cure Martine."

Saying that, His Majesty Alexis deeply bowed his head. I can't calm down when the king of this country bows his head to me. I managed to say something in return, albeit hastily.

"U-um, please raise your head. Your Majesty, bowing your head... Besides, I haven't cured her yet."

"That's true. Let's express our gratitude after Martine is cured."

When he says that, I get extremely nervous! If it turns out I can't cure her...

No! I shouldn't think like that. I will definitely cure her.

"Then, Your Majesty, let us go to the North Palace."

"That's right. Please follow me."

With that, we followed His Majesty and walked through the palace. It seems that we can't walk inside the palace without guards, as two knights are accompanying us.

He mentioned the North Palace, but does that mean the palace is divided into several parts? I want to ask, but it doesn't seem like the right atmosphere to ask now. I might have a chance to ask later.

The palace is quite large, and we have been walking for a while, but it seems we haven't arrived yet. After walking for a while longer, we reached a door. There are two knights in front of the door as well.

When the knights approached, they saluted smartly with their right hand aligned with the upper right side of their face. It's that salute that feels familiar to me too. This world has too many similarities with Japan, whether it's bowing or saluting. It feels intentional in some way.

"Please open the door."

When His Majesty Alexis said so, the knights opened the door. They didn't ask me anything. Probably, if it's someone brought by His Majesty, they will let them in.

I thought the door would lead to a room, but it seems to connect to a long corridor. There are two knights on the other side of the door as well. Quite strict security.

Is this the North Palace ahead? Could it be that the North Palace is the residential area for the royal family or something?

Once I crossed the covered corridor, another door appeared, and a knight opened it for me.

After passing through that door and walking for a while, I arrived in front of a rather magnificent door. Is this the destination?

Judging by the presence of two female knights in front of the door, it seems to be the princess's room.

"Your Majesty! How may I assist you?"

"Richard came to visit Martine. Open the door for me."


The two female knights opened the door for me. They looked at me with suspicious eyes, but since I was accompanied by His Majesty, it seemed that they couldn't stop me. That's a relief.

As I entered the room, there were three maids serving the princess and two guard knights. They all looked at His Majesty and bowed respectfully in the corner.

"Everyone, please leave the room for a while. Including all of you."

His Majesty addressed the maids and knights serving the princess, as well as his own knights, instructing them to leave the room.


His Majesty's knights immediately went down the corridor, but the princess's knights seemed a bit hesitant.

"Don't worry, it won't take long. There is no danger in this room, so it's fine."

"Understood... However, is it not possible for Richard's attendant to leave? It makes me uneasy to be away from Martine when there is someone unknown present."

"He will be fine, I'll vouch for him. He is the same age as Martine, so perhaps Martine will feel a little more at ease."

"I see... I understand."

Reluctantly, the knights seemed to give their consent. They all left, and the door closed.

In this room, there were only four people left: King Alexis, First Princess Martine, Prime Minister Richard, and myself.

It's kind of amazing, though it's a bit late to think about it now...

There was a bed at the back of the room, and it seemed like the princess was sleeping. King Alexis went over there and took a seat on the chair that was placed nearby.