
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantasie
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84 Chs

Chapter 24 Part 3

Chapter 24: Okonomiyaki

Today, Marie, Nicola, Luke, and I had planned to go foraging in the forest. However, when we woke up in the morning, it was pouring rain outside.

"Marie, it looks like going to the forest is impossible today."

"Yeah, I really wanted to go..."

Marie seemed quite down and sad. Feeling a sense of mission to cheer her up somehow, I nervously said, "M-Marie, um... How about cooking together today?"

As I said that, Marie's face brightened up instantly, and she vigorously nodded up and down.

"Big brother! I want to cook with everyone!"

"Then, since it might disturb our business, let's go to Nicola and Luke's houses."


"Marie, keep in mind that it's not guaranteed that we'll be able to do it. We also have to ask if we can use their kitchens. We need to talk to Nicola and Luke first, alright?"

"I know~! I'm not a kid anymore!"

Marie pouted and turned her face away. It's cute how she can be a little stubborn... My little sister is definitely the best in the world...

"Alright, after the lunchtime service, let's go to their houses."


After the lunchtime service, Marie and I headed to the neighboring tool shop.

"Excuse me, ma'am! Is Nicola or Luke here?"

"Oh, Marie-chan, hello. Wasn't the forest trip canceled today because of the rain?"

"Instead of going to the forest, we decided to cook together."

"That sounds wonderful! I'll call Nicola and Luke. You're free to use the kitchen."

"Thank you so much!"

I'm glad they let us use the kitchen. Now, what should we make? Hmm... Okonomiyaki seems like something everyone can easily make together... but we don't have any sauce. I wonder if it'll taste good with just salt?

It should still be delicious with salt! Probably...

While I was thinking, I started craving okonomiyaki like crazy. I want some sauce...

"What's up, Leon and Marie?"

"We can't go to the forest today."

"Nicola, Luke. Since we can't go to the forest, we thought of cooking together instead."

"That's fine, but... Neither Luke nor I have ever cooked before."

"That's alright. I came up with a simple recipe that anyone can make."

"You did, Leon? You're capable of coming up with a recipe?"

Nikola and Luke were looking at me with a doubtful expression. Even I can cook, you know!

"I can cook a little too, you know!"

"Big brother's cooking is really delicious!"

Marie... you're such a good sister... Big brother is going to cry.

"Well, if that's the case, do we have the ingredients?"

"Do we have to go buy them?"

"It's troublesome to go shopping in this rain. Mom! Can I use the ingredients we have at home?"

"If you're going to make dinner for the family, it's fine."

"Auntie, really!? Thank you!"

Alright! I can make it with this. The only thing left is whether we have the ingredients... If we don't, I can go get them from home.

So I went to the kitchen and checked the ingredients, and all the ingredients for okonomiyaki were there.

"With these, we can make it. Let's start right away."

"What should we do?"

Hmm, for okonomiyaki... I remember... shred the cabbage, mix it with eggs, flour, and water, fry it in a frying pan, put thinly sliced meat on top, and flip it. That's all, right?

I'm probably right... I have no idea about the measurements, but I guess it's just a rough estimate.

"Then, Nikola, could you help me shred the cabbage? Marie, please prepare the flour and eggs. Luke, could you fetch some water?"

"I've never used a knife before. Is it okay?"

"It's not much different from a knife, so you'll be fine."

"Big brother, I'll help Marie get ready!"

"I'll go get the water too!"

Marie and Luke started preparing, so Nikola and I began cutting the cabbage.

"How do I cut it?"

"I'll do it, just watch. I want you to cut it into long, thin strips like this."

"Got it."

Nikola initially struggled, but she quickly improved, to the point where it was hard to believe she had never cooked before. Nikola is amazing... Maybe she's good at handling knives?

By the time Nikola and I finished shredding the cabbage, Marie and Luke had finished their preparations.

"Okay, next, we put the eggs, flour, and water into this bowl with the shredded cabbage. Two eggs, about half the smallest bowl for the flour, and fill the cup halfway with water."

I think that amount should be fine... We shouldn't make any mistakes.

"We just put the flour in as is!?"

"I've never heard of a dish like that."

"It's fine. It'll be delicious, trust me."

"Are you sure? Big brother's cooking is delicious!"

"Well, if Marie says so..."

Huh!? Does Marie have more credibility than me?

I'll do my best too... For now, if I can make delicious okonomiyaki, they'll believe in me.

"Alright! Everyone, put it in!"

Everyone hesitantly followed my instructions.

"Next, we need to mix this evenly. It requires quite some strength, so can you do it, Nicola?"

"Yeah, leave it to me."

Nicola had a large build and well-developed muscles, making him good at physical work. As Nicola mixed it, everything blended together. Gradually, it started to resemble the okonomiyaki batter I was familiar with.

"Nicola, that's enough. Now we need to cook it, but we have to light the stove first."

I should have done it earlier... I can't help but think that fire ignites instantly, just like in Japan.

"By the way, are there any fire attribute people in this house?"

"Yeah, I'm a fire attribute."

"Nicola is a fire attribute! Then it should be easy to light the stove."

"Since I found out about my fire attribute, my mom makes me do it every day. I'm perfect at handling the 'fire starter.'"

"Great, thanks."

As I had requested, Nicola promptly lit the fire.

I poured a little oil into the frying pan and started cooking the okonomiyaki once the pan was hot.

"Nicola, could you thinly slice the pork for me?"

"Yeah, how much do you need?"

Since it seems like we can make about four okonomiyaki, how about twelve thin slices for one?

"About twelve slices will do."

"Got it."

I placed the thinly sliced pork that Nicola had prepared on top of the okonomiyaki and flipped it over. Slicing the pork thinly seemed difficult as they ended up quite thick, so I need to make sure they cook through.

I'm glad they didn't fall apart when I flipped them.

"Wow, I want to try it too!"

"Me too!"

Luke and Marie seemed impressed by the flipping process.

"One at a time, okay?"


After that, we cooked the okonomiyaki in the order of Luke, Marie, and Nicola. Luke and Marie's okonomiyaki slightly fell apart when flipping, but they seemed happy to have cooked it themselves, so let's consider it a success.

"With this, once we sprinkle some salt, it will be complete. Let's keep three for dinner and eat one now."

"Yeah! I want to eat it quickly!"

"It smells amazing."

"Yeah, it definitely makes me hungry."

It seems like everyone is hungry. Indeed, when you're cooking, you start feeling hungry.

I smiled wryly and said to everyone,

"Alright then, I'll divide it into four portions, so could you bring me plates and forks?"


Carefully dividing it into equal portions to avoid any disputes, I placed them on everyone's plates.

"Now, shall we eat? Itadakimasu!"

"Itadakimasu!" (repeated in unison)

Munch... Delicious! Even okonomiyaki tastes good with just salt.

But I feel like having okonomiyaki with sauce... I want some sauce, but I don't really know what goes into making it... I wish someone would develop it.

"It's delicious."

"This is incredibly tasty!"

"Onii-chan! This one's delicious too!"

It seems like everyone thinks it's delicious. That's good.

"I'm glad you all said it's delicious."

With a relieved smile, I saw everyone with beaming faces as they finished their okonomiyaki.

After cleaning up together, Marie and I were about to leave, but at that moment, Nicola approached me looking somewhat serious.

"Leon, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"A talk...? Well, sure."

"What's wrong, Onii-chan?"

"Marie, I just remembered something I need to take care of, so could you go home first?"

"Is that so? Alright!"

Marie said that and went home. I wonder what Nicola wants to talk to me about...

"Luke went upstairs, so is it okay to talk in the living room? No one's there now."

"That's fine, but..."

Is it a topic he don't want anyone else to hear? While feeling anxious about the content of our conversation, I followed Nicola.