
The journey begins

The next day, in the morning, Shin got up from his bed and got ready to have breakfast, he took a bath and changed his clothes, when he finished he walked to the dining room, at the moment he was about to sit down to start eating, grandfather spoke to him:

"Little Shin, go get your brother to come in for breakfast, since he is not awake yet."

When Shin arrived outside the room, he knocked on the door twice, when he waited a while and felt no answer, he knocked again:

"Big brother, you must get up, breakfast is ready."

Seeing that still no one answered, Shin couldn't help but frown and decided to enter the room.

The moment he entered, he was surprised because he saw no one inside, the room was completely tidy and there was only a small letter on the cabinet. Realizing this, he quickly took the letter and went to his grandfather.

"Grandpa!!!, brother Ryu is not in his room, besides, I found this letter in the cabinet next to his bed" Shin said quickly.

When Grandpa Merlin heard Shin, he couldn't help but choke on the food in his mouth, he quickly took the letter and opened it:

{Brother and Grandfather.

When you read this letter I will most likely no longer be in my room. A few days ago I began to feel that there was no progress in my practice of fighting with weapons as in magic (including magic enchantments), so I should have reached a bottleneck, for this very reason I decided to go out to meet the world looking for an opportunity to become stronger.

I didn't warn you about this, since I knew it would be very difficult to convince you to let me travel, so I thought this was the best way. But don't worry about me, you both know me and know that I can at least defend myself if something unforeseen happens.

I will be sending letters every so often, telling you how my trip is going.

I don't know how long it took me to break this bottleneck, but I assure you that I will be back for our 15th birthday, so wait for me.

PS: Little brother, I hope that in this time that I am not here, you will become stronger, since you are still very weak and you can't beat me, keep practicing with grandpa and uncle Michel.

PS 2: Grandpa, please try to calm Grandma Melinda down when she hears about this, as I know she will want to hit me a lot for this, I really don't want her to hit me when I come back. }

When they both read the letter, they could only sigh, they couldn't do much since I was already gone. Shin decided that he would train with everything for the next 5 years so that when he came back he could beat me in a practice battle.

The moment Grandma Melinda found out that I left without telling anyone she was very angry, she could see an aura that was too scary and she had no choice but to take it out on poor Grandpa Merlin.

But the misfortune did not only fall on him, since when Shin realized that they had increased the difficulty of the training, at first, he felt happy, since he really wanted to surpass his brother, but when he really felt how difficult this new training was, he could not help but cry silently.

It was too complicated the new training, by the time he finished, he couldn't help but fall on the floor from exhaustion.


When I crossed the portal, I was in the middle of the forest, seeing that there was no one around, I started to think about which direction to go, not being able to decide, I did what every normal and mature man would do, I threw him to luck!

I took a branch from a nearby tree and threw it in the air making it spin, I will go towards the direction the branch pointed when it fell to the ground.

When I saw that the branch was pointing to a direction, I decided to follow it, I don't know if it is north, south, east, west, since there is no sun that would serve me as a reference point, and even if there was it wouldn't help me, because I honestly never learned it, besides, I don't think it would help me much, one must be free and not worry about little things.

Quickly, I used the teleportation that I had just obtained when I killed the bear demon, so I took the opportunity to learn how to use it and I moved as far away as possible from the place, since I don't want to get caught at dawn.

The moment it was dawn, I decided to stop a little to eat something, I no longer worry, because it is very difficult to find me if I have traveled about 100 miles for about 6 full hours.

I sat down near a river and used my incarnation power to create some cooking utensils, to which I proceeded to make myself breakfast, I must admit this power is very convenient most of the time.

After breakfast, I began to practice a bit. From one moment to the next, a beautiful katana appeared in my hand, it was completely black and on the hilt it had some designs in red and gold, it looked really cool.

This is my zanpakuto, which is still in its sealed form, in these years of practice, I must make sure I learn how to use it, I also don't plan on being able to reach its bankai or a higher level, since it is very difficult, but at least I want to be able to use the Shikai and know its name.

"System, do you know how to be able to use the Shikai of my Zanpakuto?"

[Host, in order to become able to use the Shikai of your Zanpakuto you must communicate with her. This is accomplished by meditating and concentrating on the zanpakuto. Once a connection is established, the zanpakuto can talk to you and reveal its name].

"Is it really that simple?"

[Don't rely on host, as sometimes it takes a lot to be able to find the zanpakuto's connection].

Keeping this in mind, I decided that from today onwards, every day I would be meditating for a while in order to be able to find the connection with my zampakuto.

After finishing my training plan, I decided to continue on my way because I wanted to get as far away as possible from grandfather's house, even though I am already more than 100 miles away from him, I still want to make sure just in case.

So the next few days passed, I did not focus on anything other than the study of science (physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry and quantum physics), I also took the opportunity to meditate with my zanpakuto nearby.

I must admit that since I started to study Quantum physics, the power level of my incarnation arc has opened a step towards the medium level, although it has just opened a step and it is still necessary to stabilize all the knowledge, it is already an advance, for which I am very happy.


It's been almost a month since I started my journey and finally in the distance you can see a big city, when I noticed it, I couldn't help but feel a great happiness, since I was really bored of always seeing trees and rocks everywhere.

So I quickly went to a small pond nearby and took a bath, I didn't want to get dirty to that new city, after that I put on an outfit that made me look mysterious and that I looked amazing, so I chose an outfit of one of the characters of the game "Assassin's creed".

Although I made some adjustments, I don't think it's totally similar, but it looked great, or at least for my taste it's spectacular. Seeing that everything was ready, I decided to set off towards the entrance of the nearby city.