
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime und Comics
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62 Chs

Supreme Magic Research Society.

When everyone listened to me, there was an awkward silence for a while, but no one could deny what I was talking about; this world isn't all good things, and that's normal, but people usually feel uncomfortable knowing or remembering these kinds of things.

"Maria, Secily, and Yuri, go to the room and change into this uniform," I told the three of them with a smile. All the girls nodded as they grabbed their things and went to change. After that, I turned to look at everyone again in an uncomfortable silence, and I could see that Shin's expression had also changed, as if he had just realized some truths.

"It's okay, Shin, don't dwell on it too much for now. If you really want to prevent these things from happening, it will all depend on your strength as it's the most important thing when it comes to speaking up."

"I understand, brother," Shin told me.

After a while, seeing that the girls were ready, I decided to take them to their respective homes.

"Grandma, grandpa, I'll be taking the girls to their homes since it's getting late," I said. After that, I created a portal that led to the house where Vivian, Secily, and Maria lived.

"See you tomorrow," they both said as they entered their house.

After that, I took Yuri's hand, who was distracted at that moment.

"Hehehe, may I know what's going on?" she asked me.

"We haven't seen each other in a while. How about we chat for a bit?" I replied calmly.

She, not seeing anything wrong with it, agreed, and we decided to walk together for a while, talking about many things that had happened over the years. She told me that some annoying guy had started approaching her a while back, and she had to hit him to make him go away.

His name was 'Morgan,' and as she talked about him, I mentally took note of all the information for a future visit. After a while, we finally arrived at her place. Upon arrival, she offered me a drink, which I obviously accepted.

We started with a bit of wine, as she had kept it as a gift for me. After that, as we saw that it was running out, I conjured a few more bottles, and things started to veer off from the original topic. Until the next morning, I woke up with a strong headache, which I had to use magic to dispel, and beside me was Yuri, comfortably resting. It seemed that we had a bit too much to drink the previous day, and we ended up reminiscing about old times. I couldn't help but smile with a sense of pride.

"Hey, sleepyhead, we need to get up for school. You wouldn't want to be late on the first day and end up as a troublesome student, would you?" I gently said into her ear as I stroked her hair.

"Hmm... I don't want to," she said while yawning.

Seeing her, I couldn't help but hug her again and engage in another morning duel with her; she's just so alluring.

After a while and checking the time, we quickly had to get dressed to make it to class on time. I noticed that Yuri's face was a bit flushed and she seemed a little angry, probably because it was my fault we were almost late today.

"Don't worry, I can create a dimensional portal..." I told her.

"Hmm..." She didn't reply.

I could only sigh and get dressed quickly. After that, I created a dimensional portal that led to the hallway inside the school. When we crossed it, we could see that many of our classmates were already in the classroom.

Seeing us arrive quickly and a bit disheveled, they looked at us strangely.

"Brother, why didn't you come back yesterday? Grandma was really worried that you didn't return. It was a big problem to calm her down, so when you get back, you won't be in good shape," Shin commented in a panic.

"Shin, don't you understand that it seems it was a busy night for him," August said with a smile on his face.

"Ryu... Yuri... What were you two doing?" Maria blushed, obviously having some knowledge of the subject.

While Secily was too embarrassed to say anything, she could only lower her head. But just as she was about to answer, the teacher opened the classroom door and began to speak.

"Everyone is here, so once again, good morning, everyone."

After that, the teacher gave us an introduction to the school, as well as information about the clubs available here. It was a bit boring since there weren't many changes from the anime.

"What do you think, Shin? Have you found a club you want to join?" August asked.

"A club created by you two brothers would be very interesting," the teacher commented.

"Definitely interesting," Rin added.

Everyone started talking about how they would join if we created a new club at school. I wouldn't have any problems with it, but I wouldn't pay too much attention to it since I already have an organization to be responsible for.

Afterward, we moved on to the first class, which involved knocking down some targets. It was practically the same as the entrance exam, so each of us began using our magic to attack.

Until it was Shin's turn, and he created a fireball, once again destroying almost all the practice dummies. Fortunately, a few remained, so I simply used void magic to eliminate them since I didn't intend to show off something so ostentatious.

"I think I have a name for the society we should create," Rin said.

"Let's hear it then," Yuri responded.

"Society for the Study of Supreme Magic!" Rin exclaimed excitedly.

Upon hearing this, I couldn't help but twitch the corner of my mouth because although it sounded fun in the anime, now that I'm in person, it sounds quite ridiculous. Is there also eighth-grade syndrome here?

"But who will be the group's leader?" Thor asked.

When this question came up, everyone looked at me and Shin at the same time since we were the strongest.

"How about you, big brother? You can be the leader since you're the strongest among us," Shin said, trying to shift all the responsibility onto me.

"I'm not interested in being the leader, but you can be the leader since the name is more related to you. However, I'll still join because if there are things you can't do or if you need my help, I'll be there," I replied kindly.

To which everyone nodded, as they agreed with my comment. Meanwhile, Shin could only agree and sigh, although I could see that he wasn't so bothered by it and was actually happy.

After that, we continued talking with our classmates until the class finally ended. So, I quickly approached Shin to let him know.

"Brother, tell the grandparents that I'll be a little late today, at least by dinnertime, because I have something rather urgent to attend to."

When Shin heard me, he looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"No, absolutely not. You know what will happen to me and Grandpa if you don't go. She's already very angry, saying that Grandpa raised a rebellious boy, and adding that you didn't come home yesterday, she just wants to punish you... and if I tell her you'll be back at dusk, she'll take it out on me..."

Shin replied desperately because Grandma Melinda is very scary when she gets angry.

"Where are you going? You're not meeting up with a girl, are you?" Maria asked angrily.

"You can't do that, Ryu," Secily said, her eyes red.

"Hehehe, aren't you satisfied with us?" Yuri asked in a dangerous tone.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, I decided to clarify it quickly, while I could see August looking at me with a smile, as if he enjoyed seeing me in trouble.

"Don't overthink it. There have been some serious matters in certain places, and I need to take care of them, so I won't be meeting up with girls. Besides, I'm already happy with all of you; I don't need anything else to be happy. Also, in a few days when we visit your homes with the grandparents, we can make things official." I responded seriously as I looked at them.