
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime und Comics
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62 Chs

Demonic bear

"System, show me my status." I said.

[Yes host:

Name: Ryu Walford

Age: 10 years old

Sex: Male

Affinity: complete.

Skills: Bow of Incarnation(initial), Zampakuto(sealed), Magic Control(Level 9), Basic Magic(Level 10), Medium Magic(Level 7), Advanced Magic(Level 4), Enchantment Magic(Level 7), Swordplay(Level 6), Spearplay(Level 5), Archery(Level 5), Genjutsu(Level 7), Cooking(Level 6).

Knowledge: Physics (80%), Chemistry (71%), Biology (63%), Mathematics (75%), Piano(100%), Violin(100%), flute(100%), business(75%).

Missions: 0]

It's been 5 years since I started training with my grandparents and Uncle Michel, so far, I have focused on getting the best possible base, either in all weapon handling, as well as in magic.

In addition, I have increased as much as possible my scientific knowledge, besides that, also my artistic and business knowledge I have taken to the highest possible level. It is worth saying that this knowledge I got from a reward of some missions I have obtained over the years, although I have realized that it is difficult to get very OP things again, I think this is because the skills I already have are strong enough.

And if I keep adding skills to it, it won't do me any good and I would end up not being able to advance in the future, besides, I wouldn't like to be that strong either, since it's very boring, so as long as I have enough strength to protect my close ones, I won't need anything else.

Among them the most important is the ability to use genjutsu, since this allows me to make illusions more easily, after 4 years of continuous practice, I can now place a person in an illusion at any time, but this person must have a weaker mental power than mine.

Regarding Shin, he just like in the novel is very strong for his age, although his talent for using weapons is not as good as his magic, he is still far superior to a normal person.

Likewise, he marveled at the magic of enchantment, since he has learned it, he always goes around enchanting everything he sees, even the grandmother scolded him many times for some little accidents that happened. Regarding his overall strength, he is very well balanced, although he has never beaten me in the practice battles we have had, his level is still high.

Our relationship is still very good, since we are practically siblings and have grown up together, the only funny thing is that sometimes when he sleeps, I keep using magic with affinity to water to get him wet so that in the morning when he wakes up he thinks he peed, even the grandparents have checked him many times believing that maybe he has a problem, but they never find anything.


In these last few days, I have realized that I have reached a bottleneck, the worst thing is that in all my practices it is the same, so I think maybe I should come down from this big mountain to be able to find a possibility to be able to continue to get stronger.

"I've already learned everything that Grandpa and Uncle Michel could teach me, so there should be no problem with being able to defend myself outside, besides, if I remember correctly, normally people are not so powerful in the nearby kingdoms, so if I go carefully I should have no problem surviving."

"But the problem is what to do to get the grandparents to let me out, knowing Grandma Melinda, she will flatly refuse, since I am still very small and some accident may happen to me."

As I whispered, I heard Shin's voice as he approached:

"Brother, Grandpa is calling us, since he wants to take us hunting."

When I heard it, I remembered that in the novel, Grandpa had accompanied him to hunt, but this time it was not just any animal, but a demonic animal.

"All right, let's go quickly, since I don't want to keep him waiting too long," I replied.

When we both arrived at the place where Grandpa was, we greeted them at the same time and he responded warmly, but from one moment to another, he became serious and said to us:

"Little Ryu, Little Shin, today will not be just any hunt, today I will teach you how to hunt demons."

Shin looked at Grandpa doubtfully, before asking:

"Grandfather,what are demons?"

"First you must know that the things you have been hunting so far are "animals", likewise, Humans also fall is the same category as animals, but in this mana-based world, they too can receive the blessing of mana."

"However... when animals absorb mana in excess and lose control of that mana, they become demons. When an animal becomes a demon, it begins to use magic from the excess mana it had absorbed."

"In fact, those rabbits or boars that you know and have been hunting could also receive excess mana and turn into demons, moreover, this concept also applies to humans."

"Fortunately, humans rarely turn into demons, as they have the ability to control magic using their own will. However, such a case had happened in the past. This was the case of a person who lost his self-control, began to run amok using magic, caused some cities and towns to disappear, and even caused a nation to perish."

As the grandfather explained to us, he became more and more serious, I was not very surprised, since I knew that story well, likewise, the strength of the demons is not that strong in my opinion, but this only includes Shin and me, for the normal people of this world, those demons are very strong.

When grandfather finished talking, we decided to go deep into the back of the forest, where we are used to go to hunt animals.

When we arrived at the place, Shin started to ask him how we could find these animals, to which grandfather took the opportunity to teach us the search magic, in my case I had already learned it a long time ago, but I decided not to interfere in this matter.

After we both started using the search magic, we were quickly able to find a mana that gave a lot of chill, so we decided to quickly go to that place. As usual, Shin used his jet boots to move faster, in my case, I don't need those things, my speed is already very fast, thanks to my physical strength and agility.

I must admit that the way Cid exercised, gives very good results, although I still need to finish completely the exercises he does to practice, I must say that I am very satisfied with the progress he has given me, now I understand why he was so strong.

At the moment we arrived at the place, we saw a huge bear with a height of more than three meters, and it was devouring a wild boar of the same size. I won't deny that it gave me a great disgust to see the scene in front of me, but I didn't feel anything else.

But I could notice Shin standing next to me was trying to contain his nausea, as he watched the demonic bear that was absorbed in devouring the boar. When suddenly the bear became aware of our existence, by the fact that we were not hiding our presence and slowly turned its face towards us.

What I first noticed were its deep red eyes, the redness not only covering the whites of its eyes, but also its pupils, making one feel an intense sense of discomfort, in addition to its suffocating mana.

[Ding, new mission: Defeat the Demon Bear, to prevent it from continuing to cause damage to the surroundings.]

I didn't want to take too long, so I tapped Shin's shoulder to calm him down a bit, and seeing that he had already calmed down, I didn't want to wait any longer, so I quickly headed towards the Bear to attack it.