
I was Reincarnated And Became The Viscount's Healer

The Maid's Extraordinary Tales:Book 5 -I was Reincarnated And Became The Viscount's Healer The story unfolds the life of Reincarnated person who was reborn to new body after been stabbed by a person. Gifted with abilities of alchemy and Medicine which she learnt from her previous life. she is now assigned to work in the capital where she meets the Viscount who works hard and stress himself and doesn't have time to think of himself, Thinking of her previous life and not wanting to someone suffer like her, she tends the Viscount with her skills to treat the Viscount and acts as his healer though she doesn't have the power to heal magic but use her medical skills to treat him.

ItsukiYamamoto · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter 24

"Albert, you haven't held your wedding ceremony yet, right?"


When the Queen called for him, Albert nodded obediently, wondering what were her intentions. The royal palace of the Capital of Larissa was a busy workplace, but His Royal Majesty and the Queen were very laid-back people. He smirked bitterly, wondering from whom could Henry have gotten his hustling personality.

There was a meeting to explain the current national policies to the King and Queen, the Prime Minister and other officials were also present. The presenter was Albert. Once work was finished, the Queen summoned Albert for a talk.

"I'm sorry. You were so busy that you didn't have time to prepare for a wedding ceremony. I've also heard that there are many others who couldn't do it, not just you."


Since that was a fact, when Albert admitted it, the Queen sighed. At the side, the King had a worried face.

"I'm sorry. I guess Henry has piled up the workload lately. I have the feeling that we are giving him a little too much freedom."

"That's right. But since he's our dear child who was born after a long wait, we can't help but spoil him..."

Albert smiled wryly at the King's resignation that was more as a father than a monarch. Indeed, Henry was the long-awaited heir to the throne, anticipated by the whole country and they tended to spoil him from a young age. Despite his persuasive way of management and excessive demands when it came to working, Albert was quite impressed that Henry grew up fairly well in spite of being spoiled in this manner.

It would have been the perfect environment to create a completely spoiled rotten Crown Prince. Actually, In terms of ability, he was much more talented than the current King, and Albert had no doubt about Henry successfully succeeding the throne. However, things would probably get busier after that, but that wouldn't turn into a big problem now that Corinna was by his side.

Despite pointing that the royal palace was so busy because of his own son, in reality, there were various issues that were the responsibility of the King, and Henry often would figure it out for him. Albert actually though His Majesty didn't need to say anything. After all, Albert was a part of Henry's faction.

"I'm really worried that youngsters can't hold their important wedding celebrations because of their work."

"Thank you for your consideration, Your Majesty."

Speaking of it, Albert was reminded that he had postponed his wedding ceremony arrangements and while he pondered about it, the Queen looked at him and smiled.

"So, I consulted His Majesty, and thought why don't we invite all the people who haven't had their ceremony yet and have a joint wedding celebration?"

"What does Your Majesty mean...?"

"Everyone is working really hard. Of course, we will provide all the expenses. I think it would be a wonderful idea because we've been lacking joyous occasions lately. I also hope Albert can celebrate together there too."

The Queen's eyes were shining brightly. She was about the same age as Frigga but compared to his mother, she was more playful and somehow childish. She seemed extremely excited about her own suggestion. Albert was a little confused about how to answer. But he was sure it wasn't a bad idea. Albert himself wasn't a sentimental person who would mind about a wedding ceremony, but when he thought of his subordinates and Corinna, he couldn't be dismissive and just honestly say "I don't care about this stuff".

However, he had a bad feeling about it.

"Albert, I dare to ask but I wonder if you could be the one in charge of the whole event."

"Aaah! I knew it!" Albert exclaimed inside his own mind and exhaled a deep sigh. While putting up a front of worrying about the workload of their subjects, she simply pushed this important role and burden on him. As expected of Henry's mother. The King next to her looked apologetic, but he was weak against his wife.

The Prime Minister and secretaries in the scene pretended to not hear a thing. That was also expected. No one would volunteer to do such a troublesome job.

For a while, he stared at the void and thought about it, but in a few seconds, he came to a decision.

"I understand, Your Majesty. I'll take responsibility for this task."

"Thank you, Albert! I thought you would say that. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Sorry, Heres. We'll be counting on you."

"Certainly, Your Majesty."

At the behest of the King and Queen, Albert bowed his head.

It was indeed troublesome. It was ridiculously troublesome, but for someone as rational as Albert, he impartially calculated that if he had to prepare for his own wedding ceremony anyway, it would save time for the whole royal palace to just gather everyone together in one big celebration.

And certainly, he was worried about his subordinates. He thought it would be okay as long as all those concerns were cleared up.

Above all, if it was a joint wedding ceremony, Frigga would not be able to interfere too strongly. It wasn't bad when he thought he could decide everything at his own discretion.

The only thing he worried about was what would Corinna think of this arrangement.


"That's a wonderful idea."

At night, Corinna smiled as she heard the story while in bed. If the kingdom took the initiative in organizing it and let him manage it, it looked like a good deal. It was certain that a fair number of couples would like to have a wedding ceremony. Moreover, she also felt like a burden has been lightened if they could participate just as another couple since she didn't want a grand and luxurious wedding. It would be nice to blend in with everyone and to have the opportunity to celebrate her wedding together with other former co-workers from the royal palace would be a happy occasion.

"Hmm, some of my subordinates also seem interested in it. I thought it might be difficult to prepare it, but it was a good opportunity. It would be more efficient to do it altogether since we also have to prepare for our ceremony.''

Albert looked at Corinna and smiled wryly.

"I'm sorry. I've been treating this whole thing as a burden. Usually, women consider it very important... I'm often told that I have no tact in these situations."

"Don't worry, I actually thought holding a ceremony just for ourselves would be too taxing... so I prefer it his way."

"Is that so?"

Albert, who looked a little worried if he would upset her with the news, seemed relieved to hear her words. He was far from being a henpecked husband, on the contrary, he actually considered himself to be quite selfish. In any case, he would be utterly devastated if his wife came to hate him for any reason.

"There's still a lot that needs to be done, it might take around a year."

"Don't forget to look after yourself."

"I have you here with me, so there's nothing to worry about."

He pressed his cheek against her chest and kissed her soft skin through her nightgown. Corinna embraced her husband's head and it seemed like they were about to start their usual heated and passionated nightly activities. But Albert's movements stopped suddenly.


While she wondered what was going on, Albert lifted his upper body, raised his eyebrows, and looked at her.

"When did you have your last period?"


Looking back blankly at Albert, Corinna, after thinking a little about her husband's question, blinked her eyes. In fact, more than a month had passed since the last time. When she first started working at the royal palace, her period was a bit irregular due to the busy workload and changes in the environment. Because she didn't put a lot of thought on it at that time, she ended up completely forgetting about it.

However, when she thought how her excellent husband was so quick-witted that he could even calculate that cycle so readily on his mind, Corinna felt ashamed. How could she have left her husband point it out first?

"Let's have the doctor come in tomorrow."

"But...but this kind of delay should still be fine..."

"But it seems you're not in excellent shape lately."

"...Now that you mentioned..."

While Corinna was mumbling about, Albert decided to take a break tonight, put his loose robe back on and hugged her.

"But you know, it might not necessarily be that."

"It's important to take care of your body in any case."

"Yes...hmm, but, if by any chance I'm with a child...Are you okay with that, Albert?"

Corinna's expression had a tinge of worry. Albert had a wry smile. There must be a reason why Corinna thought Albert didn't want children. It was probably his fault that she felt that way.

"To be honest, I didn't really feel like it would be a good thing. What I was most worried about was whether my parents' expectations would be too burdensome for you. In that sense, having a child might make them appreciate you even more. But--"

Albert gently touched Corinna's stomach. Maybe it was already alive there, his own seedling.

"While I was holding you, I always thought about wanting you to have my child. Of course, even if it's not meant to be right now, it doesn't matter. The only thing I would regret is that the time you will have left to spoil me is going to reduce."

When Albert laughed, Corinna lowered her eyebrows a little and smiled a bit worried. Then she whispered, "Okay." and leaned her body on him.


Albert, who was worried about Corinna during work, finished his job earlier than usual. He would probably have to work around it tomorrow, but he preferred that than doing it when he couldn't focus, so he decided to let everything for the next day and went home.

Then, just by looking at Hans's face as he was welcomed at the entrance of the mansion, Albert already knew the doctor's diagnosis.

It was a big smile.

"Where is Corinna?"

"Milady is in the master bedroom."

"What about father and mother?"

"They promptly went shopping for their grandchildren."

Albert headed to their bedroom, thinking it was too early for his parents to go out and about. He had thought he was calmer than expected but immediately upon seeing Corinna sitting on the bed, he felt a strange enthusiasm strike his heart.

"Albert, welcome home."

"I'm back."

Corinna was looking up at Albert with a strange expression that mixed her worry with a smile. Albert heaved a deep sigh once, bent over and hugged her as gentle as he could.

"What did the doctor say?"

"I'm in the second month. It seems I'm very stable and healthy."

"Is that so..."

Albert squinted and looked at her. He gently kissed her, and Corinna closed her eyes.

"Somehow it feels a little more real."

"I still can't believe it..."

Despite saying that, Corinna touched her stomach with a gentle face. Albert hoped that her healing hands would reach their child in her stomach even if it didn't work for her own body. He wished they could be born well. And that Corinna would be safe. That was the best he could hope for.

"I think Duran would be glad if it's a boy."

"We'll see, even though he can be really noisy about that, he showered my sisters with a lot more affection than he ever showed towards me. If he was honest about it, probably a girl would make him rejoice more."

Sitting next to Corinna, Albert laughed.

"Anyway, it really doesn't matter which gender. Just be sure to take care of your body."


"If we're now in the second month, the wedding ceremony will be after it's born. Let's just wait until things are settled and everything has calmed down."

"But… to have such an important day for the kingdom at my own convenience..."

"Ain't I the one making the preparations for that? This little bit of privilege is appropriate."

When Albert cut in and replied like that, Corinna laughed, "I'm looking forward to it." While he kissed her hair and temple, she called out his name "Albert."

He turned towards her face and she smiled but proceeded to stare at him and declared with a firm voice.

"Even if I have a child, my number one person will always be you. It's my greatest happiness that you can sleep gently in my hands. I belong to Albert. Please never forget these words."

The brown eyes, including glow, stare at Albert. Soft hair is spilling on my chest. Albert briefly looked back at such a wife, closed her eyes once, and then broke her mouth.


Albert's hands wrapped around her cheeks.

"I understand. Thank you."

Albert thought deeply.

In the end, the best thing in his life was to be able to meet her. Without a doubt. It was something to thank the gods for. No, actually, he should be thanking the one right there in front of him.

"Thank you, Corinna."

Albert narrowed his eyes as he slowly embraced her again. He held his most precious blessing in his arms.