
I was Reincarnated And Became The Viscount's Healer

The Maid's Extraordinary Tales:Book 5 -I was Reincarnated And Became The Viscount's Healer The story unfolds the life of Reincarnated person who was reborn to new body after been stabbed by a person. Gifted with abilities of alchemy and Medicine which she learnt from her previous life. she is now assigned to work in the capital where she meets the Viscount who works hard and stress himself and doesn't have time to think of himself, Thinking of her previous life and not wanting to someone suffer like her, she tends the Viscount with her skills to treat the Viscount and acts as his healer though she doesn't have the power to heal magic but use her medical skills to treat him.

ItsukiYamamoto · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter 13

The next morning, Albert was already waiting at the meeting place when Corinna hurried on over.

"I apologize."

"It's fine, you came just on time."

Albert smiled whilst looking at his pocket watch. Corinna was charmed by his appearance for a moment. Albert's civilian clothes were neat as he said they should depart to inform their families of their marriage. Albert felt refined with his fine clothes, without the manner of a civil officer he dons at work and indeed like a noble, and seeing that appearance of his made her cheeks turn red. And at the same time as this, Corinna turned worried, thinking, Is it really okay for me to marry this person? after all this time. With their extreme difference in status, Corinna just couldn't think it appropriate for her to stand beside Albert. She was worried that he would be scorned behind his back for marrying such a plain woman.

Although Corinna was going home, she didn't dress herself up too much. When she goes home, she plans on quickly looking for clothes for when she visits the Heres house. Corinna recalled that she'll be sleeping over, and worried what kind of clothes would be appropriate.

Albert quickly got on the carriage, unconcerned with Corinna's worries. Seeing his appearance, the words that Henry said yesterday– Albert has little emotion to him— flitted through her mind but Corinna was grateful of this part of him instead. Allowing her to think that worrying is useless.

It might take about an hour to get to Corinna's home. Inside the comfortable carriage that Albert had prepared, the two of them chatted for an entire hour for the first time. Up until now, they had only spoken about casual topics for just a little bit during her short break, just before Albert slept.

While appropriately answering his questions, it took just about an hour for Corinna to inform Albert all of her life until now as well as her who comprises of her family. It was quite obvious how fast Albert's brain worked even though they were just conversing. Even whilst she thought, Wow, he's a really amazing person, she was also worried whether her family would be good enough. Of course, Corinna loved her family so she's proud of them. But calmly considering it from Albert's point of view, they were a family, completely gentle with no ounce of brilliance.

When they arrived, both her parents, grandmother, younger brother, and the attendants all came out to greet them. Both her parents and grandmother murmured in surprise, "For Corinna to marry the eldest son of the Heres house…" and casually smiled.

Although Corinna never heard of it before, but Albert said that when his father Duran, the current head of the Heres house, was a new military officer, Corinna's father who was still a boy at that time gave him bread that was half-eaten and as expected, even her optimistic father turned pale.

"I've heard that story from father, which is why I remembered the Land name–"

"I'm truly sorry for the half-eaten bread!"

When Corinna saw her father apologize so gravely for the first time like so, she viewed this scene with a distant look. And thought this was something indeed her father would do.

Nikolaos had grown every time Corinna met him, and in her eyes, had turned incredibly fine. Her lovable, weak brother was a special existence to her, even till now. The 13-year-old Nikolaos looked at Albert with a glitter in his eyes, and threw him a barrage of question on how he could become a knight. Corinna's heart throbbed, waiting for Albert's reaction, but he dealt with her gentle family more than expected.

It seems that her family had put all their trust into this Albert. The Heres house' status was higher than the Balleli' making it impossible to casually converse with them so the people of the Balleli couldn't possibly imagine their daughter marrying the eldest son from such a house.

Moreover, Albert was an excellent man and a young vice minister who's said to even be the youngest in history. As expected, even her father, who lived feigning ignorance of the noble life, had heard of his name.

Seeing such a person for the first time, Corinna still didn't feel anything even if he was in front of her. But Albert is an excellent man, as rumors were told and moreover, seemed sincere towards Corinna so the atmosphere turned calm.

Either way, the Balleli doesn't have the will to reject a proposal from the Heres house. Though if it was an extremely horrible man, her parents would rouse themselves and oppose it to protect their adorable daughter, but the moment they came into contact with Albert, their attitude turned similar we shall do whatever you say, making Corinna smile wryly deep down. She earnestly thought, As I thought, I have the same blood as these parents of mine.

In the middle of that, her family seemed the happiest hearing how their romance had started. They frankly told them the turn of events– That Corinna heals Albert with her hands, and she had become important to Albert… Some of the more dramatized parts entranced her mother. Corinna's mother's words, I'm glad your hands helped someone aside from Nikolaos represented what she felt.

From now on till they get married, she wanted to keep the fact that there was no strong feelings of love between them from her important family members if possible. Corinna herself doesn't mind that, but it would be better for her family to think they're in love, and will happily marry.

Her family has yet to ask questions about them but Corinna deceived them by saying, "We don't have time right now so we'll tell you next time." Most of all, Corinna's problem is what comes after. Going to the Heres house, that is.

She told her mother that and hurriedly helped with preparations. When she begged Albert, asking, "Won't you tell me what kind of appearance a woman should have to not offend your family?" Albert put his hand on his jaw and pondered on it.

"That's right… It's okay as long as it's not too showy."

"Okay, so she'll be fine then. She has no showy clothes anyways."

Mother and daughter turned increasingly cold in one go at her father's thoughtless words, which shut him up.


Because not much happened with informing them of the marriage aside from this, the two of them returned to the carriage. Her mother told her, "Let's talk about the details of the wedding next time," but the wedding hasn't completely sunk in for Corinna. Her only thought was, Isn't it fine to not do it? It's quite out of the question for the Heres house' eldest son to not have a wedding but because of practicality, many people who work at the Royal Palace don't have weddings. In particular coworkers who marry would say, "It's cause I'm busy" and would continue on to say, "If it's going to be a modest one, then sure" but there doesn't seem to be any indication that's how things will be. Many of his subordinates might think it would be hard even for Albert to be sentimental about a wedding.

At the very least, that's what it seemed like to Corinna. Even amongst her coworkers and superiors, a lot had gotten married this year without a ceremony. Ignoring those people and proceeding with her own wedding felt awkward. Another reason is her feelings of wanting a wedding weren't that strong to begin with.

It's not like the dress that the ordinary Corinna wore didn't suit her, but because above all, standing beside Albert felt awkward. Moreover, every member of the Heres house would be gathered for the wedding. When she thought of how they would receive her, just imagining it gave her cold feet.

When Corinna heaved a sigh in her mind, Albert said in a gentle voice,

"Your family's nice."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I can say that I get along with them pretty well. I know it's true because you were raised within that environment."

"Thank you very much."

She was really happy for him to praise her family. Even more because she had been worried what Albert would think of them.

"Your brother's also a good kid. I have no male siblings so it was refreshing."

"But you have a younger sister, do you not, Lord Heres?"

"Yeah, two of them actually. Though both of them are already married. Although things have progressed this much, it still hasn't really registered in my mind that we'll be getting married but when I thought of how Nikolaos will become my brother upon seeing him, it felt strange."

"I apologize. For his barrage of questions about wanting to become a knight."

"That's to be expected of his age. He might trouble my father even more when they meet. Since he's someone who thinks it's his mission to turn men into military officers when he sees them."

Corinna raised a brow because Albert smiled wryly. Wouldn't it be extremely difficult for Albert to become a civil officer within that kind of house?

"If a boy is born, I'm sure he'll cause a huge uproar."

Corinna kept her calm upon hearing Albert casually say such words but in the end, her cheeks still turned red. Even Albert, who had said that in such a carefree manner, noticed what he himself said and blushed up to his ears. An awkward air similar to shyness fell within the carriage.


It was to be expected for that topic to pop up since they're going to get married, but it still felt too early for them.



Having her name called, Corinna unconsciously replied too energetically. To be quite honest, it was still unusual for Albert to call her name, and shook her. Whenever Albert addressed Corinna, he would always use "you" and sometimes, he would call her by her family name, "Land."

Though it's a wonder if Corinna understood the reason for getting shaken. Albert also smiled, slightly troubled.

"You too, try calling me Albert. Especially since we'll be going to my house after this."

"That's true. I understand."

Corinna slightly murmured a "Lord Albert." When she murmured it multiple times, trying to get used to the feel of it, Albert blinked his eyes drowsily. Seeing his appearance, Corinna finally realized that in order to make time for today, he worked late into the night and hasn't gotten much sleep.

It would take probably an hour to get to Albert's house.

"Uhm, Lord Albert… Since we're not there yet, what do you think about sleeping for now? You've been working since evening, haven't you?"

When she called out to him, Albert slowly looked towards Corinna. To keep up appearances, they didn't spend their recess together. Corinna immediately saw that the current Albert wanted to sleep.

"If my lap is suitable enough…"

When Corinna moved to the corner of the seat as she said that, Albert meekly got up from the seat he was on opposite of her and put his head on Corinna's lap, lying down. Probably because it was the same as the small room, Albert also let out a sigh of satisfaction despite the narrow carriage.

An indulgent feeling arose in Corinna's chest, I want to see this person peacefully sleep on a normal, wide bed. At that moment, Albert lightly wrapped his arms around Corinna's waist. And further pressed into Corinna's chest.

Even though he's never touched her like this before. This is definitely because they'll be getting married. Because Corinna has become Albert's possession.

And also because Corinna was going to become Albert's wife. Not because she's only allowing him to rest.

Corinna softly placed a hand on Albert's head and with her fingers going through his hair, gently brushed it. Their positions weren't that of a superior and his subordinate. Only because she always puts her hand on it.

Probably because Albert realized the change in Corinna, he buried his face in her stomach and slightly smiled.

Ah, so this man will become my husband?

Corinna felt like crying a bit. With such a happy feeling, she prayed that her future husband would be able to rest peacefully as much as possible while she continued to gently brush that light brown hair.

Albert immediately fell asleep on Corinna's lap.


When the carriage stopped, Corinna hurriedly woke up Albert. Albert, who had slept more than usual, was in a daze despite waking up so Corinna unconsciously reached out and put into order his hair that slightly stood up, and the wrinkles on his clothes.

Albert, who was looking at this happen whilst at her mercy, narrowed his eyes and laughed when Corinna finished fixing his appearance.

"Sorry, and thanks. I managed to get some good sleep cause of you."

Albert caressed Corinna's face once and escorted her off the carriage. Corinna had turned red from her first experience of Albert caressing her face and because of this, her nervous from visiting the Heres house disappeared for a moment.