
chapter 17 the dungeons change part 3

Ghost ship

A ghost pirate ship that has a horde of ghost pirates and so long as the ship exists the ghosts can respawn endlessly as well as again buffs when fighting on a ghost pirate ship those who die on a ghost ship become members of its crew until the ship is destroyed

Lesser Leviathan

A giant lobster mainly having a shell formed from coral and stones but according to some it can be considered as a Demi elemental as the monster has no meat only a core such as a golem and has a great deal of defensive power inside the water

Sea serpent

A sea snake that has grown to at least be 500 feet in length as well as has awakened a trace of dragon blood and in some cases has a chance to evolve into a flood dragon

Baby Kraken

a form of giant octopus that at full size can be a island and has both vast regeneration abilities and can heal a limb in under a second as well as has vast water magic along with its size it wields great might its (after being fully grown) a SS ranked and a monster and is a terror of the sea they live in groups as well a kraken grows more powerful the older it lives

Ninth floor

Cave floor

F ranked monsters

Giant bat

Moss monsters



E ranked monsters

Hob goblin


Tap masters

D ranked monsters

Echo Cricket

Poison centipede

Giant Cockroach

Giant leech

C ranked monsters

Giant skeleton

Man eating leech

Cockroach lord




B ranked monsters

Lesser earth dragon

Moss monster

A monster that is a mass of moss it has both water and nature elements and is a rare duel element monster


A monster in the form of a chest it it can transform into a variety of forms based on its environment it has a space storage ability as a part of it and all mimics in a dungeon have a shared storage space

Echo crickets

A monster in the form of a cricket as well as has a rare sound element and can jump long distances and has a grip that can stick to walls and move quickly they can hover in a short distance of as much as 10 meters

Poison centipede

A monster centipede that has a great deal of poison it can shoot poison from its mouth and can move at great speed of as much as 5 feet a sec as well as has the great bite force a hard exoskeleton and great camouflage ability

Giant cockroach

A super sized cockroach that has all the survival skills of a normal cockroach but the size of a fully grown normal pig and has great regeneration ability it also has a much harder exoskeleton then a normal bug its size

Giant leech

this leech is the size of a dog and can swallow a human head hole as well as is a user of the rare blood magic with the blood stored in its body

Giant skeleton

A skeleton the size of almost 25 feet and has bones the thickness of of a human head and can lift a fully grown human with ease

Man eating leech

A leech that is big enough to swallow a human hole and can be a powerful it can cast blood magic of tier 3 as well as has powerful water magic as well

Cockroach lord

A humanoid cockroach that has has powerful recovery abilities and has an additional regeneration as much as limb regeneration and the power and skill with weapons

Lesser earth dragon

A beast with dragon blood but not not quite a lesser dragon not quite a drake something in between it has great defense power and has a weakened lesser dragon breath as well as dragon scales and dragon fear

Tenth floor

volcano floor

E ranked monster

Rad slime

Lesser imp

Carnivorous blood Phoenix flower

D ranked monsters

Lava shark


Fire pythons


C ranked monsters

Lesser demon

Flame drake

Flaming rock golem

Hell hound

B ranked monsters

Lesser flame drakeniod (half human half lesser flame dragon)

A ranked monsters

Lesser flame dragon

Lesser imp

One of the weakest of the demons that are a mindless monster the imp blood in there veins is almost nonexistent and they are almost just black skinned goblins with horns and wing stubs that have high darkness affinity

Carnivorous blood Phoenix flower

A flower that eats monster corpses and drinks blood to grow more powerful as well as the power to use both fire and wind magic

Lava shark

A monstrous shark that swims in lava and has high fire resistance and physical resistance as well as has fire infused physical attacks


A lesser form of drake that has no wings as well as has the breath of a drake and the scales of a drake and the elemental affinity of a drake

Fire pythons

A form of semi elemental life form specialized for fire type environments as well as the has high fire attack and defense of both magic and physical types


A demon type monster that is quite powerful and as a pure demon type monster it can use demon magic

Lesser demon

A form of Demi demon that has the power of a low ranked demon that can cast demon magic

Flame drake

a form of fire drake with the power of a mutant fire dragon it has abnormal amounts of fire affinity

Flaming rock golem

A form of golem that has a duel fire and earth elements but is not a hybrid element of such such as magma it is a golem that radiates great heat from each of its joints

Hell hound

a monster dog that is invisible to the naked eye and has the speed and relentlessness of a hound near endlessly

Lesser flame drakeniod (half human half lesser flame dragon)

A humanoid dragon monster with a absurd amount of fire elemental affinity and can turn between a humanoid form and a drake form at will

Lesser flame dragon

A monster that is between a drake and a lesser dragon that has a undergone a mutation and increased its elemental affinity it is also considered at the peak of the A rank as a powerful mutant

Eleventh floor home base (for now)

After that our hero said (thought out loud) then there is the souls I'll just let the dungeon aid do the amounts of monsters and focus on the exp and dungeon points earned to help the combat of my allies

I'll allow the dungeon aids to run each floor as a independent force and to help them each one will gain a assist who will be the next one to become a floor master based on there ranking on there score which will be based on the group I'll call the masters at arms who will be responsible for the next floor masters of each floor

System to player

All spells have been given to the dungeon aids who are most suitable for them