
I was Reborn Lucky?

Dear Reader, You hold in your hands a most peculiar tale, a story that will transport you to the vibrant, bustling streets of Bangkok, where the line between the living and the dead is as thin as a whisper. This is a world where ancient curses and modern-day mayhem collide, where ghosts and humans alike find themselves entangled in a web of laughter, love, and supernatural intrigue. At the heart of this story is Jamela, a young woman with an uncanny ability to attract ghostly trouble, and her partner in crime (and afterlife), Hank, a dashing spectral detective with a heart of gold. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the mystery of Jamela's familial curse, a journey that will lead them from the crowded markets of Chinatown to the haunted halls of a hostel with a dark secret. But Jamela and Hank are not alone in their adventures. They are joined by an unforgettable cast of characters, each with their own unique quirks and charms. There's Siwanna, their eccentric mentor with a penchant for mischief; Deejai, a mischievous Guman Thong spirit with a heart of gold; Junjao, the lovable yet jealous ghost receptionist; and Kenji, the tragically comedic sushi chef with a tale of love and loss. As you turn these pages, you'll find yourself swept up in a world where the boundaries between the living and the dead are blurred, where the most unexpected twists and turns await you at every corner. This is a story that will make you laugh, cry, and gasp in equal measure, a tale that celebrates the power of friendship, love, and the unbreakable bonds that tie us all together, in this life and the next. So, dear reader, I invite you to step into this marvelous, magical world, to let yourself be carried away by the wit, warmth, and wonder of this most unusual tale. You'll find that within these pages, there is a little bit of something for everyone - humor, heart, and a touch of spooky fun that will keep you turning pages late into the night. And who knows? Perhaps, by the time you reach the end of this story, you'll find that the world of ghosts and humans is not so different after all. That the things that connect us - love, laughter, and the unending search for meaning in this crazy, mixed-up world - are the same, whether we walk among the living or dance among the dead. So come, join Jamela and Hank on their unforgettable adventures, and discover for yourself the magic and wonder of this most extraordinary tale. With warmest regards, Pollymind

Pollymind · Fantasy
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24 Chs


The air shimmered like a mirage over the bustling Bangkok street. A tuk-tuk driver blasted gangsta rap, oblivious to the spectral figure looking pitifully at the mango sticky rice stall. This was just another Tuesday for Hank, Afterlife Consultant extraordinaire.

Hank, impeccably dressed in a white tuxedo that earned him comparisons to a flightless penguin more than once, sighed and adjusted his perfectly coiffed snow-white hair. He'd been chasing this particular lost soul for hours, and the constant heat and noise of Bangkok were starting to grate on his nerves.

"Come on, buddy," he muttered to the ghost, who was now eyeing a plate of pad thai with spectral longing. "Your time here is done. Let's get you to where you need to go."

Just as Hank was about to make contact with the spirit, a booming voice cut through the cacophony of the street.

"Hank, my boy! There you are!"

Hank turned to see a sight that would have made any mortal do a double-take. Striding towards him was a big big man.

Siwanna, the manager of the Bangkok branch of the Afterlife Bureau for centuries, was a sight to behold. His massive frame was draped in a Hawaiian shirt so loud it could probably be heard in the spirit realm. Khaki shorts that barely reached his knees revealed legs that looked like they could kick-start a jumbo jet. A shock of white hair that defied gravity crowned his head, matched by a flowing beard.

But it was Siwanna's eyes that truly stood out - twinkling with mischief and wisdom accumulated over centuries of guiding souls to the afterlife.

"Siwanna," Hank greeted, trying to keep the exasperation out of his voice. "I'm kind of in the middle of something here."

Siwanna waved a dismissive hand, his collection of jangling bracelets creating a small symphony. "Ah, let the poor soul enjoy his last glimpse of street food. We've got bigger fish to fry!"

Hank raised an eyebrow. In his experience, when Siwanna said they had "bigger fish to fry," it usually meant he was about to be thrown into some cosmic crisis or another.

"What's going on, Si?" Hank asked, already dreading the answer.

Siwanna's grin widened, threatening to split his face in two. "We've got a situation at the office. A real humdinger of a case just came in, and I need my best man on it."

Hank groaned inwardly. "Si, you know I'm not really the 'best man' for anything. I'm just-"

"Nonsense!" Siwanna boomed, clapping Hank on the back with enough force to make him stagger. "You're the finest Afterlife Consultant this side of the spirit realm. Now come on, we've got work to do!"

As Siwanna began to drag Hank away, the younger consultant cast a apologetic glance back at the lost soul, who was now attempting to possess a street vendor's body for one last taste of mango sticky rice.

"Don't worry," Siwanna said, following Hank's gaze. "I've got Nalin on standby. She'll take care of our foodie friend there."

Hank allowed himself to be led away, knowing that resistance was futile when Siwanna got like this. As they made their way through the crowded streets, weaving between vendors and tourists with an ease that spoke of long practice, Hank couldn't help but wonder what kind of cosmic chaos he was about to be thrust into this time.

Little did he know, the case waiting for him back at the Afterlife Bureau would be unlike anything he'd ever encountered before. It would challenge everything he thought he knew about life, death, and the murky realms in between. But more than that, it would lead him to a fateful encounter that would change the course of his afterlife forever.

As they approached the nondescript office building that housed the Bangkok branch of the Afterlife Bureau, Siwanna turned to Hank, his expression uncharacteristically serious.

"Brace yourself, my boy," he said, his voice low. "What awaits us inside... well, let's just say it's going to make that haunted toaster incident look like a day at the beach."

Hank gulped, straightened his bow tie, and followed Siwanna into the building. As they entered the office, Siwanna's eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Hank, my boy," Siwanna began, barely containing his glee, "I've got a special assignment for you."

Hank raised an eyebrow, instantly suspicious of Siwanna's tone. "What kind of special assignment?"

Siwanna's grin widened as he pulled out a file from his desk drawer. "We've got a new arrival in Bangkok. A young woman named Jamela, just moved here from Nakhon Sawan. And let me tell you, this one's got a knack for finding trouble."

Hank took the file, flipping through it with growing confusion. "Six near-death experiences in the past week alone? How is that even possible?"

Siwanna shrugged, his Hawaiian shirt rustling like palm fronds in a breeze. "That's what you're going to find out, my boy. I need you to keep an eye on her. Be ready to guide her soul at a moment's notice!"

Hank nodded, still perplexed but ready to take on the challenge. "Alright, Si. Where can I find her?"

"She's currently at the Chatuchak Weekend Market," Siwanna said, handing Hank a small tracking device. "This will help you locate her. And remember, Hank - expect the unexpected with this one."

With that cryptic advice, Hank set off for the market, unaware that he was walking into an elaborate prank orchestrated by his mischievous boss.

As Hank materialized near the bustling market, he immediately spotted his target. Jamela stood out in the crowd, her long, straight black hair gleaming in the sunlight. She had grown out of the wild curls of her youth, and the change suited her well. Her tanned skin glowed with vitality, and Hank couldn't help but notice the admiring glances she received from passersby.

But what caught Hank's attention wasn't her appearance – it was the aura of impending doom that seemed to follow her like a particularly persistent rain cloud.

As Jamela browsed a fruit stall, Hank watched in disbelief as a precariously balanced tower of durians began to wobble. Time seemed to slow as the spiky fruits tumbled towards her unsuspecting head.

Hank tensed, ready to catch her soul – only to watch in amazement as Jamela bent down to pick up a dropped coin at the exact moment the durians crashed to the ground, missing her by mere centimeters.

"What in the afterlife?" Hank muttered, his jaw dropping in disbelief.

Over the next few weeks, Hank found himself constantly on edge, materializing at various locations across Bangkok, always prepared to guide Jamela's soul to the afterlife. But each time, he was left bewildered and increasingly exasperated as she narrowly escaped death in increasingly improbable ways.

There was the time at Lumpini Park, where a massive tree branch snapped and fell, missing Jamela by inches as she bent down to tie her shoelace. Hank had been so sure this was it, he'd already started reciting the standard "welcome to the afterlife" speech.

Then came the incident at the Chao Phraya River, where Jamela stumbled on a ferry, nearly plunging into the murky waters. Hank had been ready to dive in after her soul, only to watch in disbelief as a passing longtail boat created a wave that pushed her back onto the ferry deck.

The final straw came during what Hank had dubbed "The Great Street Food Fiasco." Jamela had decided to try a notoriously spicy som tam from a street vendor. As she took her first bite, Hank prepared himself for a potential case of lethal food poisoning. Instead, he witnessed a series of events that defied all logic:

Jamela's eyes watered from the spice, causing her to stumble backwards.This stumble made her bump into a passing cyclist.The cyclist swerved, knocking over a stack of empty boxes.These boxes fell onto a nearby food cart, causing it to roll down the street.The runaway cart crashed into a fire hydrant, sending a geyser of water into the air.This impromptu shower extinguished a small fire that had started in an overhead powerline, which could have potentially electrocuted Jamela.

By the end of this slot machine of near-death experiences, Hank's perfectly coiffed hair was standing on end, his eye twitching uncontrollably.

"This is impossible!" he exclaimed to the oblivious crowd around him. "No one can be this unlucky and this lucky at the same time! It defies all laws of probability!"

Frustrated and utterly baffled, Hank returned to the Afterlife Bureau, his usually immaculate tuxedo rumpled and stained with various street food splatters. He burst into Siwanna's office, ready to demand answers.

"Ah, Hank!" Siwanna greeted him, barely containing his amusement at the sight of his disheveled employee. "How goes our special case?"

Hank collapsed into a chair, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Si, I've seen some weird things in my time as an Afterlife Consultant, but this... this takes the cake. And the bakery. And possibly the entire culinary industry."

As Hank recounted the day's events, he couldn't help but notice the growing grin on Siwanna's face. Suddenly, a suspicion began to form in his mind.

"Wait a minute," Hank said slowly, narrowing his eyes at his boss. "You knew about this, didn't you? This whole thing... it was a prank!"

Siwanna's laughter boomed through the office, confirming Hank's suspicions. "Oh, my boy," he chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye, "you should see your face! But I assure you, it wasn't just a prank. It was a test - one that you passed with flying colors!"

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