
I was Given Another life

Mia who lived in a small hotel on maynila, grew up with no parents, one day as she was walking she was hit by a truck and became the extra character mhsicy li anderilyod, fearing of dying mia tried to avoid all the main character but fatr have other plans, what will mhiscy encounter on her wonderfull experienced of transmigration?, stay tuned to find out!

Atias_Sky · Fantasie
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3 Chs

1: The beggining

Ive always wonder what will happen to me when i die, will i go to heaven, or hell, but i always have this thought in my mind, like if i die would i go to another world ?, where i can go to a different places, or where magic existed, these are some of my questions that always linger in my mind. I can't shake this thought, even as i grow up it always stuck in my head.

"Crring crrring"

I woke up suddenly because of the noise of my alram clock, and also the noise of the person nextdoor. Maybe many of you are used to wake up in the morning because of their mother or father's nagging, telling you to wake up because your gonna be late, oh how i wish to experience that.

I stood in my bed with a smile, and prepared myself for the new day.

"Haaa, new day new work," I said with a yawn, as i scratch my head

As I walked into Bathroom, I stopped in my tiny mirror and looked at my average blunt face.

"Good morning my pretty self," I said with confidence

Even since i was a kid, i felt like im gonna be single forever, but im not sad about it, why?, well because i have all time dor myself

I took my towel and bathed, when I finished bathing I saw my clock, my face turn pale when I saw that I was late for my work.

"shot, im gonna be late!," I shouted.

I quickly picked up my important belongings and left, because of panicking i forgot to have a breakfast.

I ran so fast, like there's no tomorow so that ill be able to get to tge last train, as soon as i arrived at the train station, i saw the last train closing it's door, and once agian i ran hoping to get on the train before it's to late, and thank God i was able to get on the train.

As I watched the places we past through, I thought about reading a book, I search my bag, and after a coupole minutes of searching, i finally found my favorite book, its title is "Marry me, my prince", it's about a heroine who came from a poor family, you know typical romnace story. Wanting to get through the hardships, the heroine thought to aply at a prestigious academy in burninia, which she got accepted. Also in the academy where she found her soulmate, Evan Alexander Nionbert, the hier of throne in burninia.

I was addicted to this book because apart from the very sweet romance it also has its action part.

As I read it page by page, I didn't notice that I was smiling.

"O my goshh why did I smile, they might think I'm crazy," I thought while looking to the people beside me.

I continued reading, every words I read, makes me shiver with joy. I started looking out the window of the train, my heart fascinated by the beauty of the atmosphere.

"It's must be so nice traveling, country by country" I said, as i lean my head on the miror

As I wae reading, I saw that I had reached my destination. I quickly got off the train and went to the compamy i was working, when I arrived there i quickly look at the clock to see what time is it, and thank God i was right in time.

"Few," i sighed with a relief.

I went to my station and started to do my jobs, while doing my jobs, my manager called me in his office

"Mia arranged these documents," he ordered.

As soon as I went to his office and took the mountain like documents and carried it by myself. Many people look at me while carrying those document but none of them offered me a help, as soon as i arrived in my station i put the mountain like document on my desk and just sat on my chair while catching my breath.

"You heartles people, din't even tried to help me,"i muttered as i frown.

I looked at the mountainlike documents that was in my desk, and asked to myslef

"Can i realy finish this piece of crap" I asked.

After many complaints, i decided to arranged those document, because i know that no one will arranged this crap instead of me and i alaso don't want to get fired. As I was fixing the documents I felt hunger, with a growl in my stomach.

I left my station and went to the nearby vending machine to buy bread and drinks, when I got the goods, i return to my station and started to eat all of it.

After eating, i look at the documents, and i know to myself that im gonna have to pull all nighter to finish these document.

Finally I was done with my work, I looked at our clock and saw that it was 8:00 pm so I arranged the other document, and after i was done, i grab all of my belongings and left.

My day ended up tired day at work, as I was coming home, i thought of getting coffee at 7 12, after I had the coffee, I left and continued walking, after I had drunk my coffee, I stopped for a momnet and gazed up at the sky, i was overwhelmed by the beauty of the night sky, the big whute moon and its little stars that twinkle and glitter, and the cold breeze of air that touches your face, you will have this thought that it would been nice to be able to fly just once.