
I Was Forced To Become The Villain

Most people have thought of themselves as the hero of the story at least once. And so have I, but it seems fate had a different plan for me. In the future, technology has advanced so much that games feel like reality. But one company 'CloudWorks' eventually made it the actual reality. But soon enough fantasy became the real deal and people were transported into the game. "I thought I died, I thought it was all over, I swear I was just in that pod..." "But....what is this?..." [You have unlocked the hidden title/class.] [Villain.] *** The cover art isn't mine. If it belongs to you just inform me and I will be sure to remove it. Author Note: I don't write a lot, probably not at all. However, I chose to make this story for fun to express my ideas and test out my writing skills. If you choose to dislike or like my story that's up to you, I will be sure to accept all forms of criticism and try to become better. Thank you.

doubtedvillain · Spiele
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Why Am I In The Game?

In a futuristic city full of cars and bustling roads, one boy stood amidst all of it. Deep in the crowds with a hood hung over his head and his hands in his hoodie pockets.

He looked around him, people of all kinds went back and forth. Some are in a hurry and some taking their sweet time.

But, he was just going to test out the new CyberPod produced by CloudWorks. Everyone all over the world was excited to test out their pods and play one of the fastest-growing games in history.


With its high-tier graphics and almost reality-like movement system, the world was eager to play it.

The only bad thing about it was that the pod and the game all together cost a total of 9000$. But some people would put up ads, telling people they would allow someone to play and use their pods at a small fee.

But the fee wasn't small at all, it too was expensive, costing 1000$ per person.

Luckily, Kohen had saved up just enough over the past couple of months. And even though he was 16 he found a decent job and got paid frequently.

As he arrived at a shady-looking building he hesitated walking inside but he continued ahead. Inside he saw 3 dudes, one tall, one short, and one just about his size. He gulped as they all looked intimidating.

"You got the money for our pods?" the one standing in the middle of the men asked.

Kohen nodded quickly and responded, "Y-Yeah."

He stepped forward before handing over the 1000$ in cash. 

"Uhm...Where is the pod located?"

"In the back."

A dark room with glowing lights all lined with cheap LED's and a huge "GAMER" sign resting above it.

About 5 pods were spread out across the room. Just 4 of them were occupied by someone.

He removed his shoes and sat them by the base of the pod, as he stepped inside and sat down his body felt like it just melted into the soft cushioning along the walls, base, and seat.

He smiled and soon a beam of light started to flicker. It wasn't too bright so he didn't have to shield his eyes or anything. The beam of light scanned his face completely, making sure to not even miss a spot.

But then something unexpected happened.




Kohen started to panic and tried to open the door but to no avail. Then a small latch opened up on each side of his head. They had a sharp spike and before he even noticed them it was too late.

The spike pierced right into the temple of his head and something was injected in him.

He slowly fell unconscious, because right now he was about to die. But just before that happened it looked as if his soul was pulled from his body and then disappeared.

In a blank room of pure white, there stood Kohen. He wasn't a body but a soul.

'What the hell is happening?...'

Just then a pixilated body slowly enveloped his soul and he now stood stark naked in the vast white room. The panel appeared and he was even more confused.

'Is this what happens when you play this game? no way, this is too real.'

[Welcome Player #287429]

[You are one of the many players selected to play the true <<HellBorne>>]

Out of all the moments in his life, there had never been something as surprising and confusing as this very moment.

He couldn't tell if what was happening was real or a dream. But he didn't want to believe either.

[Due to the condition of the game you will be given a class.]

[Please choose.]










[Other classes do exist, but these are the only available ones for beginners.]

Kohen scanned through the options and sighed. Just as he was about to pick his class yet another Error.



[You have been given the hidden class/title.]



"W-What? What does that mean?!"

[With the villain class and title, the host will have certain missions, buffs, skills, etc.]

[Villain - 

The player will receive +5 in all stats.

The player will receive the S rank skill, <<Reflection>>

The player will receive the Buff of Chaos.]

[Chaos -

With the chaos buff activated, all players who pose a threat or mean any harm stats will be debuffed by 5%

And with chaos buff activated all of the player stats will be buffed by 5%]

[Villain Title -

-With the villain title, the player's stats will all be risen by +5.

-With the villain title, the player will become much more deceitful, traitorous, cunning, and evil.

-With the villain title, the player will be able to see through lies and tell lies. 

-With the villain title, the player will constantly have a better loot drop, 1.5x the experience given, and 2000 gold.]

"T-This is all so...sudden."

[As a parting gift, the player will be given his weapon.]

[Long Katana (Legend Rank)


When holding, the player will be an additional buff by +2 in all stats.

Cannot be broken.

Cannot be sold.

Cannot be lost.]


As everything went black he quickly found himself in a dark village. Many other people looked around just as confused as him. People of warrior class, swordsman class, witch class, tanker class, etc. They all glared at one another, wondering what was happening.

"W-Where are we?"

"Someone help!"

"What just happened..."

They all spoke up about their concerns but Kohen just stayed silent.

Currently on earth, their bodies remain. Just soulless and lifeless, yet still living. And their souls were put into the game itself.

Kohen pondered about all of the sudden things he was given, it didn't feel too much like an error but like he was chosen, but he couldn't be so sure.

He also felt this indescribable and deep bloodlust. Like he couldn't be whole if he didn't kill.

'So this is what being a villain is like?...this hollow yet deep bloodlust for murder and evil.'

"To hell with that! why was I forced to be the villain?!"

"And why am I in the game?!"

he bursted out with insults and continued for a couple more minutes.

But he knew he was wasting time, even though he had been given a few extra stats and got a headstart before everyone, it most likely wouldn't take long for someone to catch up.

Kohen isn't sure about death at this very moment, is it like a game where you respawn? or do you die for real?

He didn't want to risk it, so he had to get to leveling up right away. He wanted to be sure that he could build up enough power to become a top-ranker immediately.

"I guess I'll start now."