

"Create a supernova?" Yagi asked. "Isn't that banned? The use of weapons capable of destroying planets?" His eyes widened.

"Yes, but its within our capabilities. But you're only going to be able to use it like telekinesis, you'll have to work hard to get that type of power. There's something I've been meaning to tell you." His father's voice became stern.

"Listen Yagi, you can't use Gravity as normal. It's a power that will have all species gunning for you, and the most dangerous of them all, is ourselves, Humans. They will strip you of everything, force you to side with them, and pin all the blame on you after it."

His father sounded serious. There was no wavering in his tone, or jokey element. "Is that why where out in this junkyard on mars?" Yagi asked.

"Yes. My mother had telekinesis, and when she met my father, their powers merged to make gravity, if they cooperated. They became quickly became heroes to our people, their interstellar battles for the human race against the other species became well known. But project nebula caused your grandparents demise, and ultimately, their public execution." Tears streamed down his fathers face. It was full of anguish and pain.

His father walked over to his work station. "I'm going to give you my core. I've made a few tweaks, and I hope it'll work. You leave for a military settlement in 2 hours. Your power is telekinesis. Got that?" His father demanded.

"Yep. I got it dad. But what do you mean by tweaks?" Yagi questioned. It was weird to say tweaks, especially since his father was just giving him an ability.

"You'll find out when you wake up." his father laughed.

"Huh?" Yagi asked.

Yagi was pulled towards his father at full force, and plunged deep in the chest. His vision became dark and could see his father crying. The last thing he heard was "System initiated, Welcome Ji-" before he blacked out like the space that surrounded him.

"MOVE MOVE MOVE!" A military space craft hovered over the junkyard. Soldiers spilled out of it and crashed down onto the martian ground. "Search the area for any traps, GO GO GO!"

The soldiers swiftly moved in, checking behind every heap of scrap, to identify any threats.

"Area clear, however Pure lux energy detected, sir." A soldier reported.

"TEAM B, MOVE IN TO SECURE THE TARGET!" His orders flew out at the soldiers, and they complied. "TAKE CAUTION, LUX ENERGY DETECTED!" General Kahr yelled.

Soldiers soon filled the room."We're here to take Yagi, understood?" The general stepped forward. His uniform was different, and it bore far more medals than anyone else.

"His compulsory 3 year training will take place, along side others his age, including the other species. I look forward to your cooperation, or would you like to attempt to stop me?" The general spoke with unwavering tone. He walked towards Yagi's father with a clipboard in hand.

"Sign here," General Kahr pointed towards a box. Yagi's father complied. It would be difficult for him to fend off a room full of trained soldiers, and a high ranking general without his ability. The lux shard was useful, but it didn't have enough power to rival against this many core users, given it was only a shard.

"Thank you for your cooperation." General Kahr shook Yagi's fathers hand. "Men, take the boy." The soldiers marched in unison, and lifted Yagi onto a stretcher and took him to the aircraft.

The general took his men and boarded the spacecraft. "Set course for terminal 3" The general ordered his pilot.

"Yes sir!"

Yagi was put in a room full of others his age. "This is the last one, take care of him guys." A soldier came in. The room was full of different people. The arcons tinkered with tech in one corner, and the Iri clung to the walls and hovered in the air, the yachin fought between eachother, the humans showed their abilities within their little cliques and the relo looked down on the rest from their point of 'superior intellect'.

The soldier carried Yagi to a vacant bench, near the yachin. "Do you think he's strong?" they asked. The Yachin swarmed round him, watching eagerly. All they thought about was fighting, like gods of combat.

"He's waking up!" They all took a step back. Yagi's eyes were purple, unusual among humans. "What are you?" They asked, on guard, not knowing whether he'd attack or not. Yagi didn't answer. Everything had changed. His vision was different.

He stood up, shakily, unaware of his surroundings. "He's one of us." A group of humans came over. Their eyes glowed brighter than before, meaning they activated their abilities. "Hand him over." They approached the Yachin.

"What if we don't?" the group of Yachin mocked. "Are you gonna fight us?" They provoked the humans in excitement. Most of them hadn't fought another race except their own. " Come on, fight us!"

"You really wanna do this?" More humans came over, all with their abilities activated. The Yachin had brought over more of theirs too.

"Oh please, I could beat you all in my sleep."

"That's enough dimwitts. The Yachin are provoking you to get a fight. They're battle freaks that live for fighting." A relo came over, breaking up the situation. "You mindless Yachin are always stirring problems and you humans never see through them." The relo shook her head with dissapointment.

She walked over to Yagi and pulled him way from the Yachin. "I'm Aela, nice to meet you." Her eyes were a powder blue, and her gaze was mesmerising. She took a hold of Yagi's hand and walked him over to the humans.

"Let's sit here." She tapped the space on the bench next to her. "What's your name?" She got closer to Yagi, bumping into him as she spoke. Yagi became flushed, seeming it was his first interaction with a girl. He hadn't even met his mother before.

"My name is Yagi. Yagi Sukehiro, it's nice to meet you too."