
Thoughts Processing

>January 21st, 2010


My heart begins beating.

-The second I was born.

-It's pitch black. I can't see anything. I can't hear anything. I can't move. I can't talk.

-I didn't understand what I was, or what anything else was. It was just the beginning of my obscure existence. I felt no emotion. No sense of panic, or fear. Just... I felt like I was a meaningless piece of sand, floating in the vast ocean.


A week had passed.

-While I was in this darkness. I could feel as if I was moving around, but not moving at the same time. But, the most distinct thing I had felt was that something was beating.




-My tactile sense or sense of touch was slowly developing.

My first emotion had finally surfaced. I was curious. I wanted to know what I was feeling.

What was it?!

What was it?!

What was it!!

Over and over again. This sense of curiosity had flooded my mind.

-This marked the base of my mind.

*Basically the sense of curiosity would be the strongest emotion.

-So, I wanted to do something, anything. I began to focus on what I felt for two weeks straight. It was not that hard because there was nothing else to focus on.

With that said, new senses were developing:

'Hearing (The ability to perceive sounds by vibrations)

'Proprioception (the sense of the relative position of your body parts)

-Now, starting to focus on all three senses put a strain in the mind, but again, the emotion of curiosity would not stop.

5 weeks had gone by. The senses were fully developed.

-A sense of accomplishment filled me.

Sight: I still could not see anything, but I usually keep my eyes open even though I can now feel pain.

Smell: Couldn't smell because of the liquid around me.

Taste: I taste something disgusting once in a while.

Hearing: I can hear things very vaguely, but because I still cannot distinguish what it is I am hearing, I focus more on this sense than any other sense.

Touch: I can feel that I am surrounded by something and that a cord is attached to me.

Proprioception: I can now move my main body parts.

-I cannot understand what it is I am hearing, but because I am basically done developing most of my senses I will just focus on hearing, and sight.

After 5 more weeks in the stomach, (10 weeks in total from the second he was born) I've deduced that I am inside of a being similar to myself or that someone similar to myself is also inside. I do not know why, but I feel a sense of warmth when I hear vibrations along the walls.

*The father patting the mother's stomach.

-I can also hear really peculiar noises from the being I am inside and many more noises on the outside. Noises start to come from the being when something inside of her moves. Meaning I should be able to create noises, too.

-I cannot do it no matter how hard I try so I just began studying the noises.

Another 5 weeks passed. It is just really hard to hear anything and see anything in space I'm in.

-Should I try to get out...

-I began meticulously trying to get out because I did not want to hurt the being, but while I did I felt something next to me. Someone other then I was inside all along. How could I not hear the beating next to me?!

-I stopped my own curiosity for the first time...

-I was afraid I would hurt the one closer to me than the being I was inside.

After 20 weeks inside of the stomach, I could finally see light. I could see around. I was ecstatic with excitement. I began crying for the first time.

*Level of knowledge was still that of a baby but could perceive and understand things very well.


The doctor holding the baby hands it over to the mother. She begins shaking her baby to quiet it down and says "shhh" again and again.

-I did not understand why I was being shaken and what she was saying, but I was confused. Why was I the only one outside? What about the other one besides me inside of the being.

"What should we name him, Daisuke?" -->(Daisuke-Father)

"Well, if it was a girl it would be Hime, but if it was a boy it would've been Hiko, right, Yuri."-->(Yuri-Mother)

"So, it's decided."

"Omg, he's so cute, look at those chubby cheeks."

"Of course he is, he has my genes," he says arrogantly.

"Welcome to the family Hiko," They both say at the same time.

-But, what about the other one inside of you. Are you leaving the other one inside of you alone in there?

Pointing at his mother's stomach.

"Yes, you came from my stomach," she says in a very cutesy manner.

-"No, not that someone else is in your stomach" he tries to say.

"Ooh, he's trying to speak already," says the father.

-"No, no, no, no, that not what I'm saying! Please someone else is in your stomach!"

He begins frantically points and her belly like something was there. They were confused about their sons' actions. But, they were not dumb. They figured out that something was wrong because no normal baby would do something like that. So, even if it was just a fluke, they called the doctors to check if something happened to her belly.

The father told the doctor what had happened. Of course, he did not think anything was wrong when he'd checked it, but he checked it again just so they could feel secure about themselves and when he did, he was astonished at the sight.

The doctor falls on the ground, where his two assistants were looking at their phones.

"Un-Unbelievable"! He spurs out just because of the moment.

"What happened." the assistants say concurrently.

"Look at this".

"Oh. My. God. How could we've overlooked this?! "

They rush towards the parents and with cold sweat pouring down their faces. "You have another child inside of you." The parent's eyes just pop for a second, but the mother calms down very quickly, but instead, the father is showing more signs of astonishment. Before the father can say anything.

"Is that so?" she says after glancing a smile at Hiko.

"Thank you" she mutters.

"You have an amazing child, even if that was just a fluke, he'll probably grow up to be a very outstanding person." says one of the assistants.

After the other baby was taken out, and the mother woke up again.

"Ahh, she's up"

She looks around for her husband, but cannot find him.

"Umm, have you seen my husband,"

"He's on the phone talking to someone" pauses a bit, "it sounds like work".

"Okay, thank you."

"By the way, it's a healthy baby girl".

She hands over her to Yuri.

After the nurse walks out. The father goes in. And sits on a chair beside the hospital bed. She then brings in Hiko and hands him over his wife as well.

"Isn't she cute?" he says.

"Of course she is, she has my genes," she says while laughing.

While touching both of the babies' noses. She says once again

"Welcome to the Hino family, Hiko, Hime." both of them smiling while looking down at their babies.

The doctor walks in and observes the parents with a satisfied expression.

"Those babies...your babies...are twins," he says after walking out.

Both parents look at each other.

"Good work for pulling through, it's all over, you can rest easy now"

Her eyes begin watering up and her cheeks turn red. She then looks down at her babies on her lap.

She holds the babies up and begins snuggling them with her face. Hiko was wearing a confused expression and Hime had her eyes closed and looked like a sleeping angel.

*It was the start of the main character's story. Ahem' Hino Hiko's story.

The twins were born on June 10th, 2010.


EnetsuKirocreators' thoughts