
I Was Adopted Into The Duke's Family

In a world where kings and queens exist and where witches are hunted to near extinction lives a girl named Elaine. She was small and scrawny and at the age of 5, when she should be receiving love and care from her parents. However, Elaine was nothing but an orphan struggling to live for another day. That is until she was taken in by a kind old man. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "What do you think of me as your grandfather?" asked the old man. "But aren't you already grandpa?" she asked back. The bakery was filled with his jolly laugh not long after. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She was very grateful to him, so she did her best not to disappoint him. "You've grown to be a very fine lady, my child." He brushed her cheeks with his frail hand. He looked at her tenderly. "I wish you could see yourself in the way I see you." She placed her hand on his and smiled. "I still haven't done enough to proudly call myself your family." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Little did she know who he really was, or better yet, who she really was. "How could I have not realised this?" Her voice cracked. The agony was clear to hear in her voice. Regret filled her as it was already too late. She would never be able to tell him now. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ But she found herself back in time just when her grandpa was looking for an heir. "W-What?" She looked around confused. she could tell by the surroundings that she was in her old room. She held a box in her arms, and she knew very well what was inside. This was just before her sister barged into her room. "Is this really... Is this for real?" Will she be able to redeem the mistakes she has made?

rosa_alya · Fantasie
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22 Chs

To miss someone

Things got resolved somehow and the boys went back to their training, while the girls took a stroll around the garden. The dewdrops on the leaves and on the petals of the flowers glistened under the sunlight. They all walked in silence and it was making Elaine feel uncomfortable.

"S-So," she broke the silence. "I still haven't heard about how you became friends?"

"We met in town actually," Olivia replied. She laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed as she recalled that day. "I was so out of it that day, I didn't realize I had forgotten my purse. But I had already taken a bite off the bread. I was being scolded so loudly, everyone nearby could hear it."

"I saw the commotion from faraway," Feanix nodded. "I got curious what was going on so I moved closer to see why there was a crowd."

"I'm so glad you did," Olivia sighed. "You were the only one who stepped up to help. I was on the verge of crying, really. That man was so cranky I couldn't even reason with him."

"Oh, I see," Elaine giggled. She learned that Olivia may be responsible, but she could be clumsy at times too.

They continued their walk until Elaine heard some rustling that had startled her. Feanix hid behind Elaine. Olivia cautiously got closer to the bush to check what was hiding behind it, when it suddenly popped out. All three girls scream in surprise. But when they saw what it was, they were shocked to see Maeve.

"What are you doing in the bush, Maeve?" Feanix walked to her and helped her out. She brushed away some leaves that were stuck to Maeve's clothes.

"I fought with mom and dad again," she said with a grumpy face. "I got so angry I ran out."

Elaine was worried but stayed silent beside Olivia who looked equally as worried. They didn't want to unnecessarily chime in.

"Are you alright?" Feanix asked as she brushed her sister's hair aside.

Maeve looked up at her, tears building up in her eyes. "No, I don't think I am."

Olivia went home early that day despite Feanix's effort to make her stay. Olivia was thankful her presence was wanted, but she wished for her to focus on her sister.

Feanix brought Maeve to her room to calm her down. Maeve sat between Feanix and Elaine on the sofa. Elaine didn't really know what she should do, so she held Maeve's hands in hers.

"What happened?" Feanix finally asked.

"I-I," Maeve hiccupped. "I went to dad's office this morning. It's just that he's still not taking my training seriously. All he ever allows me to do are running laps or hitting the dummy with a wooden sword. I'm frustrated everyone is looking down on me."

"I-I'm not!" Elaine said as she squeezed her hands. "I've always believed you will become a mighty knight."

"Elaine is right," Feanix said. "Only my sister is stubborn enough to go through this."

Maeve sniffled and bumped Feanix with her shoulders. Elaine chuckled and Feanix continued to tease her sister until she finally smiled.

"But in all seriousness, Maeve." Feanix looked Maeve straight into her eyes. "You have a strong mind and the will to achieve what you have set your mind on. You are righteous and brave, but most importantly you are kind. You care for people no matter their status."

"...But I'm making no progress at all," Maeve complained. "How will I become a mighty knight like this?"

"That's one thing that you lack," Feanix said. "You need to learn how to be patient. Most squires your age just clean up the training grounds and equipment, but Father allowed you to use a wooden sword after a few weeks. He wouldn't do that if you didn't have potential."

"However, Father isn't giving me any further training!" She crossed her arms.

"Then you must still be lacking in some area," Feanix said without hesitating. Her sister needed to hear the truth. Only then could she grow to be the person she dreamed to become. "You should observe the knights whenever you can. Then maybe you'll learn something new."

Maeve pouted, angry that Feanix wasn't comforting her the way she wanted her to. She looked at Elaine hoping she would say that her father was in the wrong and that she was right. But Elaine only pat her head and agreed with Feanix. Frustrated, tears started trickling down her cheeks again. However, she knew that her sister was right, which frustrated her even further. Her belief that her training was lacking held back her progress.

"Believe in me," Feanix wiped away her tears. "And believe in yourself."

"...Fine," Maeve finally said. "I promise I'll be tougher tomorrow, but for now I want to keep whining."

Feanix sighed and a smile formed on her face. She opened her arms and Maeve jumped right in, rubbing her face on her sister's chest.

Elaine chuckled as she watched them. The smile on her face remained, however she began to grow sad. She was reminded of her parents and the hugs they shared. She closed her eyes to try and remember her parents faces but she struggled to do so. Needless to say she was only a four year old child when she was separated from them. It pained her to know that as she grew older, the more she would forget things about her parents. Their faces, their voices, everything.

"Elaine?" Feanix pulled her out of her own thoughts. "Are you alright? There seems to be something on your mind."

"Ah, yes." Elaine looked at her and smiled. "I was just thinking of some things."

"About?" Maeve asked.

"Oh," Elaine didn't feel comfortable about sharing her own thoughts, so she tried to think of something else to say. "I-I may have been a bit envious of your close relationship."

A part of the truth.

"I'm sorry we let you feel left out," Feanix said, looking apologetic. She was about to let Maeve go, but Maeve spoke before she could do so.

"Then come over here and we can do a group hug," Maeve said with a big smile. She waved for Elaine to come over.

"C-Can I really?" Elaine didn't expect such a suggestion and was taken aback.

"Of course!" Maeve said, pulling Elaine into a hug. They all snuggled up together and they couldn't help but smile.

"Don't you get hugs from your siblings?" Maeve asked after a while.

"Uhm, not really. Only from my grandpa."

Elaine wasn't thinking about her siblings at all, but it was true she would also love to have a close relationship with them. However, it has been proven to be quite difficult ever since they had met years ago. She got along well with Dezmond, but Jared and Amelie...

Fenix was smart enough to understand what this meant. Elaine had only been adopted and her brothers and sister must have not liked that. She felt sad, her friend wasn't loved by her siblings.

"But I'm contented with that already," Elaine said with a big smile. Then she started to blush and shyly looked away. "A-And I have you guys too..."

"Then I can be your little sister, Elaine!" Maeve said as she squeezed Elaine. Elaine hugged her back and thanked her. There really wasn't anything more she could wish for.

In the last few days of Elaine's visit, they had done nothing but relax and have fun. They also visited the nearby city with Kayden and bought a few things. Elaine hadn't felt as happy as she was in a long time. But as days passed, the more she missed her grandfather.

Then the day came when she had to return back to the duchy. Maeve almost didn't want to let her go and Kayden was sad as well, they wouldn't see each other in a while. Of course it saddened Elaine as well for they lived so far away from each other. The next time they meet might as well be in months.

"It was very delightful to have spent time with you, Elaine." Feanix held both Elaine's hands in hers. "Promise you won't forget to write to me."

"Of course," Elaine replied with a smile. After they had given her a long big hug, she got on the carriage with Miles' help. She waved them goodbye until she could no longer see them in the distance. She sat back down and only then did she allow herself to be sad.

"Are you okay, Milady?" Miles asked as he rode on the horse beside her window.

"...I'm just a bit sad to depart so soon after being with them for just a few days."

"Yes, of course." He said. "That's understandable."

"B-But I also miss grandpa a lot." Elaine hastily added.

She missed him so much, she was having a harder time sleeping the more days had passed. She couldn't sleep all that well in a foreign place. But sleeping in the same room as Feanix had helped a little.

They continued to travel until they had arrived at their stop by early evening. It was a small rural town that was conveniently about halfway to the duchy. They had gone to a bigger city on the way to the Marquees' house, but the inn was unsatisfactory and the people a bit rude. So Miles had looked around for better towns nearby while Elaine was enjoying her stay. To his luck, he found that town that had a better ambience and welcoming townsfolk.

Elaine looked around as they made their way through the town to get to the inn. On every window hung pots full of flowers in full bloom and on every townspeople faces was a smile. Miles didn't have a hard time noticing the sparkle in Elaine's eyes. He smiled.

After they had gotten their rooms, Miles suggested to go grab something to eat in town instead of at the inn. They made their way to the main street which was filled with small shops that sold a variety of things.

"Where would you like to eat, Milady?" Miles asked as they walked along the street.

"I-I'm not quite sure," Elaine replied as she looked around for nearby restaurants. That was when she got a whiff of a delicious scent in the air. She followed it until she was led to a bakery. Memories flood her instantly when her grandfather first brought her to a bakery and how good the bread and pastry tasted. She decided to have bread for dinner and entered the bakery.

"Welcome!" greeted the woman behind the counter as she organised a few things. She looked up and was surprised to see a noble in her shop. She looked over to Miles who stood behind Elaine and noticed the family emblem. "A-Apologies for my disrespect! How may I help you, Milady?"

"N-No need to be so stiff," Elaine said. "I'm just here to look for something to eat."

"Of course," the woman said nervously. "There aren't much choices left, but I hope they would satisfy your taste."

Elaine scanned over the few choices to see what she would like to get. Then she noticed a batch of bread that didn't seem to be selling well. It looked quite familiar to her and she tried to recall where she had seen them.

"Ah, these are called Sulpay. I just learned the recipe from a friend from the North," she explained. "They really taste good. It's just that the people here are unfamiliar with it."

Elaine remembered now, where she had seen them. It was something her mother, who herself came from the north, had made for her. How could she forget that?

"T-Then I'd like to take everything of that, please!" Elaine eagerly said. She realised she was too loud, now that everyone inside was staring at her. She began to blush and tried to make herself smaller.

The woman was baffled but happily placed the batch of bread into a big paper bag. Miles took the bag and carried it for Elaine. They both walked out of the bakery with everyone's eyes on them.

"Thank you for your purchase!" The woman shouted after them.

Just when the door had closed behind them, Elaine turned to face Miles .

"May I please have one bread right now?" Elaine asked hesitantly. She was eager to try the bread she hasn't tasted for so long.

"Of course, Milady."

Miles handed her one bread and Elaine held it in her hands as she stared at it with twinkling eyes. She took a bite and tears began to build up. It tasted so good and the memories of her mother came flooding back to her. When they used to smear each other with flour or when she sat on her mother's lap as she ate that specific bread. It must be true that scent and taste can hold memories.

"Milady!? Are you alright?" it surprised him to see her cry so suddenly. He wondered if the bread might have tasted awful.

"I-It just tastes so good," she said with a smile on her face. Miles sighed in relief.

Then she realised there was a small child in rags with a finger on its mouth staring at her as she ate. She was reminded of herself. She grabbed a bread from the bag and handed it over. The child was surprised but accepted it. When they were about to take a bite, a kid older than them swooped in and took the bread. Elaine thought the kid was stealing and it surprised her.

"Perry! Don't just accept anything from a noble. What if they force you to pay them back?"

It seemed they knew each other and the kid was only watching out for the boy.

"But sister," Perry complained with tears in his eyes. "We haven't eaten for so long! I'm starving."

"No means no!" The older sister said.

Then a third child showed up who seemed to be a bit older than Perry. She held onto her older sisters clothes as she hid behind her, wary of Elaine's presence. Then as if on cue, all their stomachs growled loudly. The older sister blushed and her two younger siblings stared at the bread in her hands.

"I-I promise I won't ask for anything back," Elaine said as she took a step forward. But the sister was on her guard and pushed her siblings behind her. Elaine was a bit sad her intentions were being misunderstood, but she knew very well how they felt. Constantly having to be on their guard must be exhausting.

"Milady," Miles said. "We better just let them be."

Elaine looked at them. If the older sister really wanted to, she could have thrown the bread on the ground. But she held onto it, knowing the importance of food. Elaine turned around and took three more pieces out of the bag, just the amount that she could fit in her small hands. She walked towards the girl without hesitating.

"Hey! Stay back! I'm warning you!"

Elaine didn't listen and shoved the bread into her arms and she caught them. Elaine quickly took Miles' hand and ran away. The girl was flabbergasted and could only watch them get further away.

Elaine gasped for air after they had ran for just a few meters. She learned something new. It was very hard to run in a heavy dress.

"You never change, Milady." Miles chuckled. He couldn't help but feel proud, he was serving such a kind-hearted person.

They made their way back to the inn and as they do, something from the side of her eyes caught her attention. She looked towards its direction and found an amber brooch inside a store. It reminded her of her grandfather's eyes.

"Would you like to buy that for the Duke, Milady?" Miles peered into the store and saw no one inside. "It seems the store is closed for the day. We can return tomorrow morning before we leave town."

Elaine nodded in agreement. She was excited to see her grandfather again after so long. She imagined herself running into his arms and hugging him. She couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.

I apologise for not updating for so long and not informing you about it. I had a busy schedule. However, I will try to get back on track starting from this chapter (@^•^@)/

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