
I Was Adopted Into The Duke's Family

In a world where kings and queens exist and where witches are hunted to near extinction lives a girl named Elaine. She was small and scrawny and at the age of 5, when she should be receiving love and care from her parents. However, Elaine was nothing but an orphan struggling to live for another day. That is until she was taken in by a kind old man. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "What do you think of me as your grandfather?" asked the old man. "But aren't you already grandpa?" she asked back. The bakery was filled with his jolly laugh not long after. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She was very grateful to him, so she did her best not to disappoint him. "You've grown to be a very fine lady, my child." He brushed her cheeks with his frail hand. He looked at her tenderly. "I wish you could see yourself in the way I see you." She placed her hand on his and smiled. "I still haven't done enough to proudly call myself your family." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Little did she know who he really was, or better yet, who she really was. "How could I have not realised this?" Her voice cracked. The agony was clear to hear in her voice. Regret filled her as it was already too late. She would never be able to tell him now. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ But she found herself back in time just when her grandpa was looking for an heir. "W-What?" She looked around confused. she could tell by the surroundings that she was in her old room. She held a box in her arms, and she knew very well what was inside. This was just before her sister barged into her room. "Is this really... Is this for real?" Will she be able to redeem the mistakes she has made?

rosa_alya · Fantasie
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22 Chs

The Ball

"Tell me what happened, Miles," Zyair demanded as he banged down his cane on the floor. "Elaine hasn't gone out of her room ever since the tea party. She won't even take a single bite from her food. She refuses to tell me anything."

"I apologise, your Grace," Miles placed his arm over his chest as he knelt down before the Duke. "Lady Elaine won't utter a word to me either. Not even Sophie knows what transpired."

"Well someone must know what happened," Zyair clenched his cane so hard his fist had gone white.

He was trembling with anger, yet he tried to keep his emotions in check. He took a deep breath and sighed. He began to wonder if he was making a big deal out of something trivial. He hoped it was nothing but children's quarrel, however Elaine wouldn't be acting like that if it was. He made a subtle gesture and a man in dark clothes appeared in the room, startling Miles.

"Go relay a message to the Weasel," Zyair ordered. "Tell him to find out what happened to the very last detail."

The man, however, didn't move from his spot. Before Zyair could utter a word of complaint, another man in dark attire showed up and handed papers to the other one as he whispered something. The first man approached Zyair and knelt down as he handed over the papers.

"Your Grace," he said.

Zyair grabbed the papers and to his surprise, all the information he needed was found in them. At the last page, there was a tiny note written on the bottom right.

'Thank me later ;)'

"That sly old fox," Zyair said. Or rather a weasel. Nevertheless, he was grateful for it.

He massaged his temples as he sat at his desk. The princess threw a whole tea party just to humiliate Elaine. It's clear as day she wasn't fond of Elaine. No, that was an understatement. She despised her, for whatever reason that was unknown.

He stood up to check on Elaine. He knocked on her door but there was no response. He tried again, this time while calling out her name.

"...Come in," she finally said after a few seconds of silence.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he walked towards her bed. She sat up and looked towards Zyair. The curtains were drawn, preventing him from seeing her face clearly.

"I'm...Alright," she replied.

He placed his cane beside the bed. He brushed her hair aside and took her hand in his. He could tell just by her hand how much weight she had lost from avoiding food for just two days. He looked over to the table by her bed. There was a plate placed above a candle, keeping the food warm.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked although he already knew the answer. Elaine shook her head

"You have to take a few bites at least," He said. "If not for yours then at least for my sake, please."

She looked up at him and wondered what she must have done to deserve such a loving grandfather. She felt as if she wasn't good enough for him. Not wanting him to worry more, she nodded. He placed the bed tray in front of her. She picked up the spoon and took a spoonful of porridge into her mouth.

"That's my girl," Zyair said with a smile. He watched her take a few more bites until she said she was full.

"I suppose you do not wish to attend the ball?" He asked. He noticed how she always fiddled with her fingers whenever she hesitated to say something.

"I'm sorry," Elaine said, feeling awful for not keeping her promise to him.

"Just know that you can change your mind whenever," He said. "The ball lasts for three days after all."

"...Okay," she said.

On the day of the ball, the dukes and their family were given rooms in the palace. The ball began in the evening, but they were awake since early morning to dress up. The Duke didn't visit Elaine in her room to give her some space. He didn't want to bother her or force her into coming. But when the ball was minutes away from starting, he asked Jared to go check on her since he had to be there when the ball started.

Jared didn't really mind it if she came or not. But it was getting on his nerves how pathetic she was being. She had always been like that from the start. Just a few words could affect her and she never did anything about it. He couldn't understand why she wasn't arguing back. He knocked on her door thrice and still no response. Not caring if she hadn't heard him or not, he opened the door.

The curtains were drawn and only a candle by the bed lit up the room. Her body's outline could faintly be made out under the covers. He stomped towards her, pissed that he had missed the entrance of the Suarin Envoys and princess.

"Hey," he said. "What are you doing hiding under the covers?"

She squirmed under the covers and her head popped out from under it. She was surprised Jared was there and talking to her. She couldn't remember the last time he did. She was sad he only ever did when their grandfather told him to do so.

"I-I shouldn't go," she said.

"Why?" He asked. "You and grandfather were so excited about it. What made you change your mind?"

She bit her lips. She couldn't possibly tell him the truth. That the princess advised her not to go. "Me being there will only embarrass the family. I will only make grandfather look bad."

Jared tried to say something to deny what she said, but couldn't find any words. He sighed as he shook his head. He always saw her as a nuisance and of course he also believed she was tainting their family.

"Grandfather wishes for you to come," he said as a last resort, but Elaine didn't respond. He walked towards the door and before he slammed the door shut he said "Suit yourself."

Elaine laid back down and pulled the blankets close to her face. She turned around and the dress she was supposed to be wearing came to view. It was on display in the corner of the room. She sighed and began to wonder if she really made the right choice. She worried she was just making things worse by not showing up. Moreover, she must have disappointed her grandfather for not showing up.

She bit her lip and told herself it was too late to regret it. She shut her eyes and tried to go to sleep, but the faint sounds of the music being played kept her awake. She knew Feanix must be wondering where she was at. Probably Kayden as well.

The music changed a few more times. Elaine closed her eyes and imagined herself dancing to the music. She knew all the songs that were played, as she had learned their dance choreography. A knock on the door startled her and she jumped up on her bed.

"Elaine? Are you still awake?"

"...Kayden?" She mumbled to herself. She was surprised he came to visit her in her room. She didn't think anyone would. "Come in."

He slowly opened the door and his head peeked in. He looked around the room to look for Elaine and he smiled when he spotted her. He walked towards her bed.

"I heard you were unwell," He began. "I wanted to see how you were doing myself. I hope I'm not bothering you."

"Oh, no." Elaine shook her head then smiled. "It's alright."

Kayden stayed for quite a while. He told Elaine about the people from Suarin. Their clothes were exotic and different, it made people stare at them in awe. He added that the princess had worn a dress in similar style to Zailean fashion, but had added some Suarin accent to it.

Kayden tried to persuade Elaine to come the next day, but she was still reluctant to go. However, she did agree that it was such a waste to miss out on so many things. They talked until Feanix came to take Kayden back. She talked a bit with Elaine of course but she left after a few minutes to let Elaine get some rest.

In the end, Elaine decided to show up on the third day. Her grandfather and her friends kept trying to persuade her that she ended up giving in. They promised not to leave her all alone, since she said she was a bit nervous. She entered with the Duke hand in hand. Many people were eager to see her for the first time. She had the urge to hide behind her grandfather, but she decided against it and greeted them like how she was taught.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," she said as she curtsied, a blush forming on her cheeks.

"My, how charming." Many noble women fawned over her and the noblemen praised her for her etiquette and good manners.

Zyair felt proud and nodded to all the praises that were said about Elaine as well as Jared. He noticed Elaine fidgeting and realized she was beginning to get bored. Well, an adult's conversation wasn't something a child would find interesting in the first place.

"Would you like to go to your friends, Elaine?" He asked. He looked around the ballroom to search for them. Once he did, he urged Elaine to join them. "I think they want you to come too. Go on."

Elaine nodded and then curtsied towards Zyair's acquaintances. "Then I shall excuse myself."

Feanix and Olivia were together by the table full of all kinds of sweets and pastries. When they saw Elaine approach them, a big smile formed on their faces.

"Elaine," Feanix said. "It's nice to have you here. What do you think of the ball?"

"I was happy to hear from Feanix that you would be showing up today," Olivia looked down at Elaine's dress. "And I just have to say you look wonderful in your dress."

"T-Thank you," Elaine's face flushed. It was a dress her grandfather had picked out for her. It matched her eyes beautifully. "Both of you look beautiful as well."

As they talked, Elaine realized Maeve wasn't there. If she remembered correctly, she was also invited to the ball. "Where is Maeve? I haven't seen her around."

"Oh," Feanix said. "She did come in the first two days, but she found it boring and exhausting, she decided not to come on the last day."

"I see," Elaine replied. She looked around the ballroom once more.

She could tell who the Envoys were by their attire. They were scattered around, talking to other noblemen. However, she couldn't spot the suarin princess. Evangeline was nowhere to be seen either. Elaine guessed they may be together. The King was having a conversation with the prince and the moment she looked at them, she made eye contact with the prince. She slightly bowed down her head and looked away.

"Say," Olivia caught back Elaine's attention. "Have you read the book about a pirate princess?"

"Oh," Elaine went through her memories. "I believe I haven't. What is it about?"

"It's about a princess who was put into slavery by her own family, but ended up being saved by pirates," Olivia happily explained. "She got to travel around the world and met many fantastical creatures. It's a truly intriguing story. I recommend it."

They continued to talk until the cue that the dance was about to begin was given. Elaine looked around for Kayden as she had promised him a dance. She found him walking towards her but was stopped midway by Evangeline. It was clear that she had asked him for the first dance and Elaine could tell he was troubled. He looked at her and she gave him a smile to tell him he should dance with the princess. He looked a bit disappointed but he had no choice anyway.

The girls wondered if they should move aside, since no one seemed to be asking them for a dance. Olivia's fiancé was not invited as he was not within the age range. Just as they were about to step aside, they realized the Prince was walking towards them. Feanix didn't look happy. Elaine had heard of her displeasure of the Prince many times now. Something about how he looked down on people and that it was obvious he found it a nuisance to talk to others.

The other girls were so eager to get his attention and it was clear the Prince was not pleased by it. They were the only girls that weren't so fixed on getting his attention. Perhaps that was the reason why he chose to ask one of them for a dance.

"May I have this dance?" He asked no one in particular. He seemed so uninterested and it looked like he had been forced by the King.

Feanix didn't really want to dance with him. She also didn't want any of her friends dancing with him. She looked at Elaine who seemed to be troubled. Elaine looked back at her and then at the Prince. Feanix sighed and prepared herself to dance with the prince mentally.

"Of course, your Highness," Elaine replied and placed her hand on his, surprising Feanix.

They both walked towards the dance floor and began to dance. Elaine's hands tremble slightly, afraid she would make a mistake. She told herself to take deep breaths. She wondered why the Prince hadn't asked the Suarin princess to dance, since that was one of his responsibilities. But Elaine soon noticed why. The Suarin princess was dancing with Jared. Elaine wondered how they became acquaintances.

"You saved me from a situation most unwanted," Priztyll said, startling Elaine. "It would have made me feel uncomfortable dancing with a girl too eager to get close."

"I-I see," Elaine replied as she avoided eye contact. It was clear she wasn't comfortable, but she tried not to show it.

Priztyll observed her. She was surprisingly good at dancing. It was as if her body moved by itself to the beat. He suddenly remembered what the King told him before the dance began and sighed. He really wasn't nterested in looking for a bride, but his father kept pestering him about it. He looked at Elaine closely and accepted that she didn't look bad. However, he wouldn't take her as his bride because of her background. But she wasn't on the list to begin with.

The music ended and so did the dance. They both bowed to each other and the Prince looked back at the King to see if it was enough that he had danced with one girl, but the King shook his head. He looked back at Elaine considering asking her to dance again but that was beside the point.

Elaine stood still, not knowing if she could leave or not since the Prince didn't leave. She began to wonder if the prince still wanted something from her. Or perhaps he was not happy with her skills and was going to reprimand her for it. He did sigh while they danced after all.

"Your Highness," Feanix stepped in. She curtsied then looked directly into Priztyll's eyes. "I would like to have the next dance, if you don't mind."

Priztyll was surprised with her boldness, but he didn't find it so bad. "I don't see why not."

"Kayden is waiting for you over there," Feanix whispered to Elaine before she walked away with the prince.

Elaine turned around and found Kayden walking towards her. She walked over to him as well.

"I apologise I wasn't able to keep my promise with you," Kayden said as he took Elaine's hand. They moved along with the music's flow. "Your first dance was taken by the prince."

"There was no helping it," Elaine replied. "So there is no need to apologise."

"If you say so, Elaine." He smiled, but there was a bit of sadness behind it. There were a few moments of silence until he decided to ask, "Will you be dancing again after this?"

"Oh," Elaine thought about it and replied. "I suppose not. I think it would be best to take a rest."

"Then at least I get to be your last dance," Kayden smiled.

After that, she went to the balcony with Feanix to get some fresh air. Dancing twice in a row made her feel a bit warm. Feanix offered to get some drinks and Elaine tried to go with her but Feanix adamantly refused. Alone, Elaine leaned on the railings. She thought to herself it wasn't as bad as he thought. Of course there were many discontented looks, but she told herself she would have to live with it the rest of her life. She enjoyed the ball more than she thought she would.

She heard someone walking towards her and believed it was Feanix. She turned around with a smile, but it wasn't Feanix she saw. The princess stood before her so she immediately curtsied.

"Your Highness," Elaine said.

"How are you faring?" Evangeline asked. She went beside Elaine. "Are you enjoying the party?"

"Yes, your Highness."

"That's good to hear," she said. "But if I remember correctly, I warned you not to attend."

Elaine began to panic. Sure the princess advised her not to come, but she didn't think she was told not to. Elaine wondered why she didn't want her there.

"I-I apologise, your Highness." Elaine lowered her head.

"Well, no matter. You're here already," she waved her hand. "It did upset me, however, that you still don't know your place. I told you this once before. I don't like you getting close to the boys I have my eyes on, and Kayden is one of them."

Elaine was confused. She thought this was about being a child from low birth. She did remember the princess telling her once that she liked both Kayden and Jared. But that was some years back already. She looked up when the princess sighed and shook her head.

"I-I apologise, your Highness. However, Kayden is just a friend to me and nothing more," Elaine explained.

"You and that Suarin princess just don't get it do you?" Evangeline said, eyes frowning and arms crossed. "I don't want other girls getting their hands on them, not even talking to them."

"T-That would prove to be a bit difficult, your Highness," Elaine said as her heart was pounding loudly. "I-I am friends with his sister you see."

Evangeline looked down at Elaine. She couldn't believe the insolence she was experiencing. She should just apologise and follow her orders, but instead she was talking back. She looked away and faced the garden outside.

"...You leave me no choice then," Evangeline said. "Until you've learned your mistake, I might have to do something about it myself. Let's see. I might take away something you treasure just like you are doing to me. Your grandfather perhaps."

Elaine turned pale and her body grew stiff. She couldn't comprehend what she just heard. She didn't know whether Evangeline was serious or not, but the way Elaine knew her she might as well be.

"Please forgive me, your Highness." Elaine bowed down. Her hands trembled and she tried to stop it by holding them together. "I-I will do as you say, so please don't take away my grandfather."

"Hmm, I'm glad we came to an understanding." Evangeline smirked as she looked down at Elaine. She should have just done so from the beginning. She began to walk back inside. "I do hope this won't happen again. If not, well. You know what will happen."

Elaine began to have cold sweat and her trembling worsened. Feanix came back to witness her state and immediately rushed to her side.

"Elaine!" Feanix placed down the glasses on the stone railings and supported Elaine. "What in the world happened?"

"I'm s-sorry," Elaine said between breaths. "I believe I should retire for the night."

"Of course," Feanix said, clearly concerned. She was ready to help Elaine walk steadily. "Let me escort you back to your room."

"Thank you, Feanix," Elaine said as she pulled herself away. "But I-I'll be fine on my own."

Feanix was taken aback by Elaine's sudden change in attitude. She could tell Elaine was somewhat avoiding her, but she wasn't sure why. But she didn't insist any further and respected Elaine's wishes.

"Alright," she said. "But if you need me, just know that I'll come to you right away."

"I'm sorry..." Elaine said as she walked away.