
I wanted Normal!

Zer0_A1 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The second test

"Ok students the second test will begin," the teacher said " This test will be your ability for combat" the teacher continues.

the first round was boring both earth users the second round even worst it was all one-sided an earth user vs a nature user.

A few more rounds pass and there are two rounds left and earth user vs a Water user, " We have Bill vs Karma" the teacher says and Karma and Bill walk into the area "Karma? the girl would who help the C tier".

The fight began, Bill started shooting rocks at Karma but she didn't look impressed yawning, the rocks fly right at her but before touching her water burst from the ground and block her a Water wall "Is that all you got?" Karma says rubbing her eyes Bill does look happy " You think that's mt full power?!?!" Bill yells putting his hands together in the air. Suddenly rocks start floating in the air and head to bills hands.

The rock stars to grow bigger and bigger but still, Karma didn't look worried that pissed Bill off even more " Take this" Bill yells shooting the giant rock at Karma she moves her hand up and suddenly a giant wall of water turns into ice, the rock hits the ice wall and breaks "Weak" Karma says as she starts to walk out of the area " Wait!" Bill yells Karma turns her head to look at him "Get stronger then you can talk to me " She says turning her head back and walks off. "Damn you, Damn you, Damn you" Bill starts saying while holding his head he looks like he's going insane.

Suddenly Black Magic burst out of Bills back Karma turns around getting hit with Black fire sending her into the wall the teacher and the judges jump out of the chairs and start to attack Bill or what used to be Bill.

The Teachers attack but Bill didn't take damage and Karma is out cold one of Judges yells for the Student to evacuate all the students run out of the school gates. I start to run to the gate but turned my head to see Bill was about to send another Fireball at Karma "Come on!" I jump back and start running in Karmas direction before the Fireball hit I grab Karma but the fireball if about to hit " Really" I say looking at the fireball head to me I blow some air out and the fireball disappears leaving smoke Bill to look surprised that his fireball was gone " I hope that you strong" I say putting Karma on the wall and start to walk to Bill "That fireball was alright I guess" I say hold my hand out fire starts to appear and swirls around my hand "Leet's see if you can take this " is ay pointing my hand at Bill.

BOOM! fire shoots from my hand Hitting Bill and sent flying through the wall " Really? that's it " i say in disappointment.