

The sun rays reflected on my eyes and I was forced to open them and averted my gaze abruptly because I stared directly at the sun from a small opening among the leaves on the tree.

I turned around and closed my eyes again, when I opened them, things got a bit clear and that was when I noticed my surroundings. I was in the forest with Allesio breaking twigs a few meters away from where I was lying.

I sat up and realized that I was in a wagon, a blanket was wrapped around me and there was a pillow where I rested my head.

I felt a sharp pain in my head and when I touched it I realized that I had a cut beside my forehead.

"I passed out?" I asked myself and tried to recall the previous incident, at that moment it scared me because I remembered everything exclusively to the moment I passed out.

"You are awake," Allesio's voice interrupted my train of thought and I was glad that he did because it worsened my headache.