
I Want Powers Too (Dropped)

Mc reborn into ATLA (Avatar The Last Airbender) and doesn't get bending, so he tries his best to survive.

Jay0Kay · TV
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15 Chs

Exposition 2

AN: (yay another exposition this will be the last major exposition and after this chapter we will finally kick off the real story. Sorry it took so long I just didn't have an idea for where I wanted the story to go, but I have one now.)

"Omae wa mo shindeiru" I said as I walked away from the body kneeling on the ground. I could see his face twisted in a visage of pain. His muscles tensing involuntarily while blood leaked from his mouth. His body spasmed for a minute before it stopped and he collapsed.

This was lack luster reaction. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I've been training this technique for about six months now and I still can get a body to explode. Sure a painful death, but not the absolute carnage I was wanting. I've tried it a hundred and one ways and I'm starting to think it's impossible to make a body explode just through pressure points. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

I removed my self from my thoughts as I felt a presence approaching. My mind rang in alarms. I know who is approaching me. He has been the bane of my existence ever sense my expulsion from the tribe. I have ran all across the desert to escape from him, but no matter how far I run he finds me. He truly is beyond reason. I doubt he is even human despite his appearance.

"BBBRRRRRAAAATTTT" Ah yes his war call. Forever reminding me I am the pray. How he stalks me ever so. Really if he was a beautiful woman and not roided out old man I probably would have been fine with it, but alas not all can be as I will. Either way I am in serious danger. I have been able to elude him for the past year with some close calls, but it seems my running is at an end. I know he can sense me. As much as I like to think I was the apex predator of this desert there seems to always be something higher, and that higher beings name is Bamba.

Truthfully ever since my expulsion I've been raised by Bamba, but he is not what I would a nurturing figure. Even for someone of a bandit tribe. Way back in my little years I attached my self to him cause I thought he was cool little did I know he was insane, probably more so than my mother. His main way of teaching revolved around beatings and yellings. At times I often feared I would die, but somehow I have prevailed. However as much as I hated his teachings, I learned. More so than should be possible. Truly the law of the jungle breeds the strongest of people.

The first thing and probably most important thing I learned from him was I was in the avatar world. It should have been obvious with the mentioning of spirits and the presence of animals thhat where mixed species, but I never bothered to question it I thought it was usual reincarnation bullshit, but no it was avatar. Knowledge of this revelation filled my mind and I instantly began to see if I could bend. Unfortunately for me I was born in to a nomadic tribe of non benders. This was unacceptable to me, so I tried a thousand different things before I resigned myself to the truth. I was a normal person.

The second thing I learned was about the tribe, or more so the history. The tribe was started by an exiled prince born without bending from an old kingdom. The royal blood line originally had a pact with a strong earth spirit which made every descendent of the main line unrivaled in earth bending. However for some unknown reason our founder was born with out it and seen as a bastard. Exiled from the kingdom he blamed benders and spirits for the unfair treatment, what does one person get the ability to control an element while others can't, why do spirits get to dictate the cycle of the world. With those thoughts in his mind he began a crusade. He swore revenge upon the kingdom and colluded with his fellow non benders. He started a revolution and marched to the kingdom to overthrow it, but ultimately lost. For ever ten non benders one bender could beat so despite numbering five to one they ultimately lost. It was there that the research into a weapon to even the playing field began. The remainder of the rebel army spread across the world in search of a way to beat them. One eventually stumbled upon a guru who masted both his body and mind and instructed the rebel soldier on how to fuse them together. He trained for decades to master that power, after thirty years of practice at the age of sixty he finally achieved enlightenment and masted the art. He then left and returned to the remaining rebel army. There he taught them the ways, but to learn the power took to long, so they began researching a way to speed the process up or mimic it, thus came Jombie. With this they trianed legions of soldiers and began there next attack on the kingdom. Unlike last time there numbers were equal, but there bodies were not. So what should have been a one sided battle turned into a long drawn out war. A few soldiers growing tired of war became deserters and took up banditry. That was how are tribe was founded. As for the rebel army and the kingdom they both killed each other. The rebel army won the battle and seized control of the kingdom, but the earth spirit appeared and sunk the entire kingdom into the ground leaving only the tribe left. They decided to keep the secret of Jombie and used it to pillage and raid from towns.

The third and final thing I learned was how does Jombie work and how to make it. It essentially is a bridge between the body and mind. Which allows us to heal faster, alter parts of our bodies, surpass human limits and ultimately control how we evolve. The recipe is also simple, all you need is a strong psychoactive and herbs that calm the mind. This allows for the rapid connection between body and mind without going drug crazy. The blood was later added for nutrients so babies could drink it. This is what caused the kids of the tribes to grow faster. Jombie stimulated the brain which made us learn faster which caused us to adapt faster.

After I learned of how jombie worked I instantly went crazy on how to abuse this new found ability. This began my training with Bamba he wanted me to learn how he decided to evolve, but I with modern day knowledge of crazy abilities said screw that. That was when are falling out happened. I would train abilities that he would deem useless, and I would tell him he was an idiot of proportions that by all known laws of nature shouldn't be able to exist. This is where are game of cat and mouse began. I ran he hunted, both of us adapting and evolving. I developed a lot of cool abilities such as the six powers, being able to hold my breath for a whole day, total concentration breathing, a crazy sixth sense, moderate regeneration, and being able to go months without food or water. I also mimicked martial arts such as renewal taekwondo and the first of the North star, but Bamba still chased me. I think Bamba also began to copy me and develop new abilities, after all last time we fought he cause a minor scratch on my cheek and I passed out. Thinking about it I bet that bastard developed a way to make his skin poison. Cheap bastard. Either way I think he still chased me because I want to learn bending. One of the first times he caught me he tired me up in a rope and beat me from dusk till dawn demanding why I ran. I said cause he is a massive turd mongrel who makes me sick just by being in his presence. He did not take to kindly to that, but eventually I spilled that I wanted to learn how to bend. When those word left my lips I have never seen him so upset. He stopped beating me and sat down and we talked. This was the only conversation we have ever had that didn't involve shouting or yelling. It ended quickly before he got up and left, and in that time I escaped.

Anyway I can feel Bamba approaching. The sand is crunching beneath his feat as he matches up to me. I turn and my eyes are wide in horror. This isn't Bamba the muscle bound warrior that craves violence, but instead is a frail man that looks like a shadow of his former self.

"Brat we have a lot to talk about."