
I Turned From The Villain To The Main Character

On the planet called Earth, lived an ordinary university student whose grades were a little above average. On one night, as he finished his daily reading session in his dorm, he decided to head out to buy some food. As he made his way to the local market closest to him, a speeding car crashed onto him. Just as the boy thought that he was going to die, he opened his eyes as he appeared in another world. Just as he was wondering where he was, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind as a screen appeared in front of him. [ MAIN QUEST ] [ TARGET : KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER ( HERO OF THE HUMANS ) ] [ DEADLINE : NONE ] [ MISSION REWARDS : CONTINUATION OF LIFE, 10000EXP , [???] ] Wang Qian : "Did I just get a system that threatens my life?“

SORROW · Fantasie
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241 Chs

Chapter 55 : Incoming Beast Tide! ( part 1 )

Currently, Wang Qian is sitting on the sofa. Since Bai Lian still didn't want to wake up yet, he decided to take a bath first. After he did so, he exited the bedroom and went to the living room. He then sat on the sofa as he sent half of his consciousness into the crack.

As his consciousness inside the crack opened his "eyes", he saw that the previous empty void was nowhere to be seen as it was replaced by stars all over, shining like diamonds. He then turned towards where the mana gathered as he saw a planet filled with greenery and some big blue parts which was oceans.

"It's quite beautiful looking at a planet like this from above. The planet shouldn't have any living being in it yet, maybe I can let some of the believers from the older generation stay in here if they wanted somewhere quiet." Wang Qian said. It was then a knock was on the door, he left the space as his consciousness returned back to his body.

"What is it?" Wang Qian asked.

"Mr Wang Qian your breakfast is here!"

"Oh, coming!" Wang Qian then got up as he went and open the door for the servant for him. The servant was like always, a wind blowing in and a wind blowing out. The servant closed the door as he left, leaving Wang Qian standing there alone.

'Is it me or is it the speed his coming and leaving getting increasingly faster?' he thought. He then went to wake up Bai Lian.

"Bai Lian, wake up. Breakfast is here."

"mhmm." Bai Lian replied as she got up slowly.

The two then head out to the living room as they sat on the floor as they started digging in. The breakfast today was just a bread and pudding, but it tasted more tasty compared to the other breakfast they got here. Just as they finished the breakfast, Tie Feng contacted Wang Qian through their link.

'My lord, are you there?'

'What is it?'

'I've just received news from the city mansion. They want the Spirit Fire to create more weapons for them as they found out that a beast tide is going to happen in the nearby forest.'

'Beast tide? Is it like a group of monsters coming out and attacking the city?'

'Exactly, my lord.'

'If so, it might be dangerous for us and the citizens. How much of our people are in the city's army?'

'About 100, does my lord plan to help the city?'

'I do, but I can't risk of all our lives just to save this city. So, let those that can help do their best. But ask them not to blow their cover.'

'Understood. Does my lord have any other order?'

'I want to try fighting in the beast tide, but I'm worried for Bai Lian.'

'If so, my lord can leave Princess Bai with me.'

'Sorry then, also try to give me an identity inside the army. I'll use it so I can fight without worrying about blowing my cover.'

'My lord doesn't need to worry about that. The city mansion will definitely hire adventurers to help overcoming this beast tide. My lord can just take the mission and go undercover to fight the monsters.'

'Is that so? Then I'll do as you said. I'll tell Bai Lian about it now.'

Wang Qian then turned towards Bai Lian as he said.

"Bai Lian, Tie Feng just contacted me and said that there was a beast tide coming. I'll be helping to fight it so you'll be staying with Tie Feng. Okay?"

"Beast tide? What's that papa?" Bai Lian asked. Wang Qian then told her what Tie Feng said to him. After hearing his explanation, Bai Lian immediately worried for him.

"Papa's going to fight the monsters? Isn't that dangerous?"

"It might be a little, but I'll be safe."

"Then can I follow papa? I don't want papa to leave me."

"But... it's very dangerous. You might get hurt while tagging with me."

"I have healing magic. So, can I follow now papa?"

Wang Qian looked at Bai Lian who was looking at him pleadingly. Wang Qian hesitated for a few more moments before giving up and sighed.

"Fine, you can tag along. But you'll need to be quiet, else we might attract a large group of beast."

"Hooray! Don't worry papa, I'll definitely stay quiet when we enter the forest."

After that, Wang Qian and Bai Lian exited the building as they started preparing for the incoming fight. When they were on the streets, they noticed that the price has became higher for everything. This was probably due to the incoming beast tide, causing a sudden increase in value. 

Wang Qian entered the adventurers guild and headed to the reception desk. He then asked the staff.

"Hello there, can I know how do I sign up for the mission to fight off the beast tide?"

"You want to sign up for the beast tide is it? Please hand over your guild card. I'll be registering for you."

Wang Qian took out Bai Lian and his guild card before handing it over to the staff. The staff took it as she started writing some words on a paper. She then gave back the cards to Wang Qian.

"Since both of you are B-rank adventurers, you guys are allowed to act as you please when fighting in the beast tide. However, you guys are expected to follow the general's order when issued."

"I see, did the city's mansion give any items like healing potion or similar items?"

"Well, you guys can claim it on the day when the beast tide arrives."

"Okay then."

Wang Qian then left the guild as he stood outside, not knowing where to go now. 

"Bai Lian, what else do you think we should prepare? Food?"

"Hmm, I don't think we lack anything papa."

"If so, let's go back and train."


Currently, Wang Qian is meditating as he directed mana in to the crack to the space in it. Although the planet has formed, it still requires mana to maintain the stability of the space. The extra mana can also increase the density of mana in it, thus indirectly increasing his strength.

Bai Lian, on the other hand, was reading the texts as she tried to find some useful spells that can be used on the day of the fight. There was a lot of spells copied, but only a few were basic spells that was learnable by her. She has basically learned all of the basic spells there is. 

She wants to learn advance spells but due to her not having enough mastery and knowledge of her spells, she wasn't able to do so. She then changed her target from learning spells into deepening her understanding of the spells and increasing her mastery.

This was what they could only do now. They didn't have any other things to do to increase their strength, so they could only rely on meditation and learning. 

Just like that, the two have occupied themselves with ways of improving oneself. One was to maintain "world peace", the other was to apply the idiom "Knowledge is power.".... 

this will be it for today. Sorry for the late update.

And after thinking it through, I've decided to update only 3 chapters a day on weekends. I still need to focus on studies after all. sorry if I've let you guys down.

SORROWcreators' thoughts