
I Travel Back In Time Before The World Ends

I Travel Back In Time Before The World Ends. When the world turn up side down and monsters,demons,and other evil creatures step in this world will humanity insist to exist?? This a story of a man named Park Yoo Min who goes back 5 years before this "world end"exists which he is still in highschool!.

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6 Chs

Chapter 6:Meeting with an S Ranker!

Chapter 6:Meeting with an S Ranker!




Ding dong! Ding dong!(bell ring)

Jeyoung:Hey! You should inform us first before you pres---?

(The voice in the speaker)

Hello sir do you have any appointment or business here?

Yoo min:Yes.We would like to talk to our friend Kim Jiwoo.Can you please let us talk to her?

(The voice in the speaker)

Does perhaps you and young master Jiwoo are friends!?(surprised voice)

Jeyoung & Ju-Yu thoughts:What are you so surprised about?

Yoo min:Ah yes..Can we please talk to her now?

(The voice in the speaker)

Ah! I'm sorry sir.Just wait a second...

'Inside the house of Kim Jiwoo'

The maid that's talking in the speaker:

Young Master Jiwoo!! There are some people outside that wants to talk with you,they are claiming to be your friends!

Kim Jiwoo:Friends?Did you ask for their names?

Maid:Ah I forgot to ask for their names!

Kim Jiwoo:You want me to talk to these people claiming to be my friends when I don't even know their names?

Maid:Ah I'm sorry young master Jiwoo..But the young man and his companions are waiting for you outside,I don't think they are bad people young master Jiwoo!

Kim Jiwoo:Ok I'm gonna talk to them,tell them to come in 'Elise'(The maid name)

Elise :Yes Master!

-The three of them went inside

the house-

Elise:Please sit here ma'am and sir"

Kim Jiwoo:Oh did I make you wait?

Jeyoung:Ah no!


Kim Jiwoo:So what is your business here and why are you claiming to be my friends even though I don't know you?

Yoo min:First of all I'm sorry for pretending to be your friend and Second we want to be your friends!

Kim Jiwoo:What?You want to be friends with me?!(surprised)

Yoo min:Yes! Ah I know It's weird but we really want to be friends with you!

Kim Jiwoo thoughts:FRIENDS?!Ahhh!! Why would they want to be friends with me??! I never had any friends before except Elise! It's because of my status in life that people that want to approach me are too scared to do so!

Kim Jiwoo:Why would you want to be friends with me sorry to say I won't give you anything If you become my friends.

Yoo min:Don't worry we just really want to be friends with you! right?


Ju-Yu:Nod nod