
I Travel Back In Time Before The World Ends

I Travel Back In Time Before The World Ends. When the world turn up side down and monsters,demons,and other evil creatures step in this world will humanity insist to exist?? This a story of a man named Park Yoo Min who goes back 5 years before this "world end"exists which he is still in highschool!.

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6 Chs

Chapter 2:The beginning!

Chapter 2:The beginning!

I Park Yoo Min an A ranked fighter have been killed and have been reborn!?

"The First Day before World Ends"

When I was on my brink of death a screen system showed up and reward me for my achievement "Last Human" The system ask me if I should claim my reward.The reward was called-Restart-

And because of that I have been reborn. 5years before the World ends.

When I woke up I saw a ceiling that awfully familiar and when I run into the mirror I saw my face when I was 17yrs old but what's more shocking is when I saw the face of my father and mother that I thought,I never see again,tears begun to came out in my eyes,my mother ask me why am I crying?And I answered It's nothing I just remember a sad story haha.My parents had been killed by a car accident when the portal showed up.I have been trying my best to survived alone then,but this time it's different I will never let them die again and I will never let this world End!

The power of the system is still here but my level have been reset too.My current level is F,it is basically a level of an ordinary human,and also my achievement is also gone exept from the "last human".I haven't unlock any skill yet I am practically useless right now and I don't see my -Restart- skill,I don't know if you can call it a skill but maybe the reward is a once in a life time reward and not a skill.but that's

not important right now.What important is how can I level up if there is no monsters?.....goddammit I will just go to school!

When I was on my classroom my classmates started to talk to each other but since I was a loner I didn't care that much but I was surprised to hear that we have a test to today my grades was good for an average person before but if my grade were suddenly to drop it will affect my parents.The test has begone when I read the questions it so easy to answer I remember that I already studied this before so it bacame that easy but I was surprised that I have a sharp memories! maybe this is the result of the fights I've been through?.The exam ended and I started to think about my goal,my first goal is to build a strong body and gain a lot of money.I can gain a lot of money easily because I came from the future but the problem is I am still a minor.I guess I will start to work out and build a strong body!