
I Transmigrated into an Otome Game as Heroin

Ryota suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of Elara, a beautiful heroine in the fantasy world of the Academy of Swords and Sorcery. As Elara, he must face difficult challenges: adapting to his new body, avoiding romantic paths with the handsome men who pursue him, and uncovering the secrets behind the game system, which seems to have its own hidden agenda. With the power of magic and the sword, along with the help of a mysterious system window, Ryota strives to change Elara's fate from a weak girl into a formidable hero. However, a great threat that wasn't in the original story begins to loom, forcing Ryota to make a choice return to the real world or accept his fate in the game.

Yuhi99 · Fantasie
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11 Chs

First Mission at the Academy

The next day, the atmosphere at the academy felt more tense than usual. There were whispers among the students as they walked through the corridors, their faces showing a mix of anticipation and unease. Elara sensed the tension as she joined Seraphina in the dining hall for breakfast.

"Have you heard about our first mission?" Seraphina asked, sipping a cup of warm tea.

Elara shook her head, though she felt that something big was coming. "No, what's happening?"

Seraphina set down her cup and looked at Elara seriously. "Every year, the students at the academy have to complete a special mission assigned by the professors. This isn't just an ordinary test this mission is an assessment of our abilities, and the results will determine our rankings at the academy. Our first mission will be announced this morning."

Elara took a sip of her orange juice, feeling both nervous and excited. "What do these missions usually involve?"

"Typically, they involve various skills we've learned so far swordsmanship, magic, strategy, and even teamwork. But there's always an element of surprise that can't be predicted," Seraphina explained.

After breakfast, Elara and Seraphina joined the other students in the academy's main hall, where the professors were already waiting on the stage at the front. Professor Eldric, in his grand black robes, stepped forward and gazed at the entire hall with an authoritative presence.

"Students," his voice echoed throughout the room, "today you will receive your first mission at this academy. This mission is designed to test your overall abilities strength, intelligence, teamwork, and courage. Remember, this is not just a test, but your first step toward becoming true warriors and sorcerers."

Elara stood tall among the other students, feeling a mixture of nervousness and burning excitement in her chest. Although she was still adapting to life in this world, she knew this was an important opportunity to prove herself and learn more about her new abilities.

Professor Valmont stepped forward with a scroll in his hand. "Your first mission is to explore the Cursed Dungeon beneath the West Tower. Your objective is to find and retrieve the energy crystal hidden within it. However, be warned the dungeon is guarded by creatures that have long been abandoned, and the path to the crystal is filled with traps and challenges."

The Cursed Dungeon? Elara remembered this part from the game but had never realized how real the place would feel now. In the game, this area was known for its hidden dangers and deadly traps. Elara swallowed, trying to calm herself. She had to stay focused and not let fear take over.

"This mission will be completed in small groups," Professor Valmont continued. "You will be paired based on your abilities and skills. The group assignments will be announced shortly."

Elara waited patiently as the students' names were called one by one. When her name was finally called, she heard that she would be paired with Seraphina, Valerian de Montfort, and another student she didn't know very well Edwin Blackwood, a quiet young man known for his intelligence in strategy and tactics.

Elara felt relieved to be in the same team as Seraphina, and although she didn't fully understand Valerian or Edwin yet, she knew this would be an opportunity to get to know them better. Together, they might be able to overcome all the challenges ahead.

After the group assignments were finished, Professor Eldric gave final instructions. "You will all begin this mission after lunch. Prepare yourselves well bring the equipment you need, and remember that teamwork is the key to your success."

Elara, Seraphina, Valerian, and Edwin gathered in one corner of the hall after the announcement was over. Valerian began the discussion in a calm yet confident tone.

"We need to plan a strategy before entering the Cursed Dungeon. This isn't just about physical strength or magic, but also about how we can work together and use each of our skills," Valerian said.

Edwin nodded in agreement. "I agree. The dungeon is full of traps, so we need to be careful. I can handle most of the tactics and trap detection, but we all need to stay vigilant."

Seraphina added, "I can handle most of the healing magic if we get injured. Elara, you can focus on offense and defense."

Elara was glad she could contribute. "Of course, I'll do my best. Let's complete this mission together."

After a brief discussion, they decided to meet outside the West Tower after lunch. Each of them went off to gather the necessary supplies swords, magic wands, healing potions, and snacks for long-term preparation.

Lunch passed quickly, and before Elara realized it, she was already standing in front of the West Tower with her team. The tower loomed high above them, its shadow making the dungeon below seem even gloomier and more intimidating.

The entrance to the Cursed Dungeon was located beneath the tower, hidden by thick bushes and overgrown plants. When they reached the entrance, Edwin stepped forward and raised his hand, casting a spell to unlock the magical barrier blocking the door. Slowly, the large stone door creaked open, revealing a dark corridor leading downwards.

"Let's do this," Valerian said as he took the first step into the corridor. Elara, Seraphina, and Edwin followed closely behind, cautiously entering the darkness.

The corridor was narrow and cold, with damp stone walls and a floor slick with moss. The sound of their footsteps echoed throughout the passage, creating an eerie atmosphere. Elara's heart began to beat faster, but she tried to stay calm and focused on the task at hand.

After several minutes of walking, they arrived at a larger room with a few broken stone statues standing in its corners. However, what caught their attention was the large door at the end of the room, covered in ancient symbols and looking extremely intricate.

Edwin stepped forward, examining the door closely. "This must be one of the traps we anticipated. We have to open this door in the correct sequence, or we could trigger a deadly trap."

Valerian nodded. "You're the expert in this, Edwin. What's the first step?"

Edwin carefully studied the symbols before starting to touch them one by one in a specific order. Meanwhile, Seraphina prepared her healing magic, ready in case anything went wrong. Elara and Valerian also stood by, prepared to face whatever might happen.

As Edwin touched the final symbol, the door creaked softly and began to open, revealing another room inside. However, before they could enter, a rumbling sound echoed, and from the surrounding walls, creatures made of stone emerged guardian golems created to protect the room.

Valerian quickly stepped forward, sword at the ready. "Prepare yourselves! We need to defeat them to move forward."

Elara took her position beside Valerian, raising her sword and preparing to fight. Seraphina stood behind them, ready to provide support with her magic, while Edwin stayed back, looking for another way to stop the creatures.

The battle began swiftly, the golems moving slowly but with great power. Each of their blows struck the ground with force, leaving deep cracks. Valerian moved quickly, striking the golems' weak points with remarkable precision. Elara followed his movements, trying to mimic and learn from every step.

However, one golem managed to swing its arm toward Elara, and although she avoided the blow, the tremendous force caused the ground beneath her to crack, making her lose her balance. Elara fell, but quickly got back up, feeling a rush of adrenaline that made her more focused.

With Seraphina's help, providing magical protection and healing, Elara and Valerian finally managed to defeat the golems. After the battle was over, they were all panting, but they had made it through unscathed.

Edwin, who had been busy analyzing the situation, finally found a way to deactivate the traps in the next room. He stepped forward and completed the process, fully opening the door.

Behind the door, they found a softly glowing energy crystal, embedded on top of a stone altar surrounded by ancient symbols. The crystal was their objective, a source of immense power that could grant extraordinary strength if used correctly.

Valerian cautiously approached the altar, ensuring there were no other traps before he took the crystal. "Here it is, our goal. Our mission is a success."

Elara felt relieved but also realized that this was just the beginning. This world was full of mysteries and dangers, and this mission was merely the first step in her long journey at the academy.

With the energy crystal in hand, they returned to the surface, where the sun was beginning to set behind the mountains, casting a golden hue across the sky. They had successfully completed their first mission, but Elara knew that greater challenges still awaited them.