
I Transmigrated at the Wrong Time

Code of Magic, a game that was so advanced in its time that it was said to have been made by magic. A world that was so rich in content that finishing it would take a veteran gamer half a year to finish. Despite it being single-player, it was the most popular and played game on the planet that even a history professor named Hans is playing it— a man who is contented with his life that revolve around history and teaching. Hans fell inlove in this game after being awoken from his delusion, he poured all his passion towards the game instead. Especially since the game even has its unknown history to which he pioneered towards to discovering. Years passed… he played Code of Magic obsessively and became a renowned figure in it. On the verge of a massive discovery, his heart failed after years of consuming processed foods and lack of exercise. Fate played with him as he woke up in the game he fell in love with— but a time long before the game started that the protagonists were only children!? Reincarnating as a dead character in the game… how would Hans use his knowledge of the future to defy the shackles of fate and destiny to become— god. _____ Credits to the artist The art is not mine. If the artists wants credits or for it to be put down, message me.

fishjunior · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Vlady Mary

"Halt." Hans commanded raising his right hand, then he smiled coldly towards her, "Tell me, Mary Vladimir, why should I not kill you this moment?"

Hans though wanted to have good relations to Mary, he doesn't want to be seen as a pushover.

The pride that ran through his very blood refuse to do so, only in his sister will he yield.

Mary's frowned for a split second before she grinned harder, "Because your Royal Highness's pride will refuse to do so."

Crack ~

Before the elder moved to put a stop on this humiliation already.


Hans voice broke out in a wild laughter, years of humiliation and contempt flashed in his eyes.

During this 15 years where he reincarnated, every step of the way he has been treated worse than a bastard of a baron.

Spits on his faces from wandering knights in his palace, the servants poor cooking bordering on poison, maids who doesn't even attend on their own master, his personal maid itself was having a vacation in Hawaii for a year already.

Even a Forsaken Noble dared to challenge him, though innocently it still infuriated me.

Mary's character broke out for a moment and couldn't help but feel cold sweat running down her back.

But she is still firm in her challenge, the prince was the perfect stepping stone to her rise in the academy.

Mary knew she wouldn't get killed since one of the Academy Instructors are here.

And even at the off-chance that she does, she is ready to die any moment.

Father, I'm sorry, your daughter was never filial but radical means is necessary.

Mary affirmed her will once again, she will let those nobles who constantly degrade her dignity put into place.

Hans coldly gaze to Mary, in his eyes it wasn't her anymore but those lowly bastards who always took advantage of him.

Similarly Hans, in Marys eyes, are all the high-class nobles who constantly jeer and humiliate her every step of the way.

Hans stood slowly in his throne, calmly gazing to Mary. "Very well Mary Vladimir, I will show you a glimpse on the truth of swordsmanship."

Many sneered at the statement, even Mary couldn't help but do so, such a bold statement at a young age would just tarnish your name with no foundation to stand on it.

Hans slowly unsheathed Autumn, a pearly white sword with simple engravings etched in its hilt.

It's pure white blade glinted, ready to smear blood in the world.

Mary bowed graciously, "I thank the Prince for his generosity..."

She responded with also a sword of her own, unlike the pureness of Hans's sword, her's glimmered with a silver flash.

It was sharp and simple, a real sword used for battle.

"Elder Gary, If you would please."

An old man with royal robes in the back of the throne nodded, though Prince Hans would never be a King, he was still way above him in hierarchy.

He chanted,

[Domain Aegis]

Numerous people move out and gave way for the two of them, despite being 15 year olds, geniuses on their level would be in the reaches of a middle-class superhuman.

Hans leapt of from his throne, landing on the makeshift stage to which Mary was calmly waiting for him with a sword in tow.

"Since I would be the 'teacher', I would let student Mary to make a move the first move."

Hans spoke leaking every ounce of arrogance in his breath.

The distance between them were only a few meters, a distance like this to superhumans would be like a step.

Mary responded with a snort, she graciously took upon his offer.

She flashed and with a leapt he swung her sword with all her might.

Hans calmly sidestepped to his right, barely avoiding the strike, despite that he said, "Naive, already using all of your power without knowing an opponent's capability."

Mary was facing backwards to Hans, a crucial mistake.

His sword, Autumn, was already descending towards Mary with the speed of a bullet.

Mary dodged with all her might, despite that a gash in her arm appeared, luckily it wasn't her 'dominant' hand.

Blood painted the ground as Mary stood there.

"How..?" She muttered in disbelief, the exchange lasted for a brief second to two only.

Mary put all her power and speed to that strike, she only has half her gas to continue, but she won't back down.

Hans was a bit cheating at this moment, since he knew how the future Weapon Saintess fought and it was a very direct way of fighting.

But his mouth said otherwise, "Because your slow."

A vein popped on Mary's forehead, she was just about to fight again but her danger sense took over.

"Now, time to be serious."

[1st Category: Wind Swipe]

Numerous Crescent shaped wind manifested in Autumn. Mary barely vaulted to the side, before seething in anger.

Such an uncouth man sneak attacking a woman!

Not like she just did that over just a second ago, nevertheless she just cursed in her mind.

"Losing concentration in such a fight, are you really superhuman?" Hans said with pure disbelief, but her snicker afterwards gave it away.

The crowd was in shock, this...

This was a fight of real prodigies!

They thought that both individuals would be just playing around with a sword while the prince dominated the fight.

But this...

Spirit Cameras were already floating around the venue trying to get the best views.

Hans and Mary were in no privilege to say hello to the cameras.

All of their focus was on their opponents body.

A single signal or a twitch of muscle is all the information they need to know what kind of strike would be next.

Mary's eyes suddenly turned red like her hair,

It only happened in an instant but Hans also respond with a soft mutter.

Mary's sword dripped blood as a red blaze appeared on her sword, her speed was faster than before and her strike contained more life.

Hans meanwhile was simple in contrast, only when he slowly slashed, his figured blurred and a trail of starlight came from Autumn.

They both brilliantly smiled.

[Blood of flames: Fiery Strike]

[6th Category: Meteor Slash]

It was just a flash of light, before...

Swiiing ~





Hysteria spawned in the building as cracks in the [Domain Aegis] appeared.

Guests were running out the building as a handsome man was about to go inside the ballroom.

It was the King of Sin Kingdom, Dante Sinclair.

His red eyes flashed for a second before it appeared like clots of blood, his black raven hair gently laid down over his back. His figure was like that of a peerless sword immortal but his wizened eyes gazing to the ballroom made him appear more like a scholar.

"At ease." The King of Sin Kingdom said as he brandished his arm.

A bright mystic light came out of the tip of his fingertips and it zoomed to the already breaking [Aegis Domain].

The cracks started to restore at blinding speeds then all cracks were sealed in a blink of an eye.

The King, Dante, smiled full of remorse, "Apologies, guests for my unruly son."

The impact that both Hans and Mary strike was already over, leaving only dusts of cloud from the mess.

Dante waved his hand again, and suddenly.

A gust of wind appeared and all dust were gone leaving only the figures of an ash-faced adolescent adult using a pure white sword as his cane, and lastly a female who was barely standing; full of blood and tears on her clothes.

It was both Mary and Hans barely managing to stand after the confrontation.

Dante was mad but he didn't show it, he coldly said, "Draw." He decided, but both Hans and Mary glared at the king, before they even manage to retort.

King Sin finished in a cold manner, "Now leave, as the Awakening banquet of my son is over."

Numerous guests then left in a bright manner, such a fight was worth seeing in their own eyes other than the watching in the website, YouVoid.

After all the guests, elders and servants left.

Only four remain, the King, Hans, Mary and the poor elder Gray.

King Sin dealt with elder gray first, The elder was kneeling while in fright, he was resisting the urge to cry as the King eyed him indifferently saying,

"You made a sufficiently strong [Aegis Barrier], but it couldn't contain a blast resulting in B-Class power, so I will pardon your failure for today, Gray."

"Thank you for your eternal benevolence Your Majesty!!!"

He kowtowed three times before the King asked him to leave.

Leaving only the three of them.

He glanced at his son who has burn marks all over him and ash was all-over his skin, his own pride was the only saving grace of Mary, if not she would be already be devoured by Lava Wolves this instant.

Dante's heart ache as the figure of his wife appeared who looked just like Hans.

But his indifferent tone masked all of this, "Now that you decided to not run for the position of King no longer, all resources provided by the royal family will be cut-off, henceforth; you are on your own. "

Hans clenched his fists tightly that blood dripped his palms.

He knew it would be like this, he was already prepared.

But the last grace of hope that his father somehow secretly loved him was all gone.

Hans' cold heart only remained.

Dante didn't knew the disaster he caused but the blood dripping on his palms could not escape his eye.

He ignored it, a man must be a man.

The King of Sin then lastly looked at the battered young woman, Mary.

His thoughts ran like a supercomputer, Mary could only see the gaze of a man calculating her worth.

She can only grit her teeth, it was too late to regret now, she can only hope that she does not die.

Dante's pupil turned into inverted hourglass, before reverting back to normal.

It wasn't caught by the two of them but the King's every word rang through both their ears,

"By the decree of the 4th King of Sin Kingdom I, Dante Sinclair, herby declare you two to be proposed."


That was the least likely thing that was thought of in the minds of two.

Punishment such as beheading, capital crime, relinquishing nobles titles, excommunication, but nothing like that.

Hans head turned red, but remembering a certain thing from his past life.

His Arrogant image broke, as he turned to the King of Sin.

It turned red from anger, "FATHER YOU... YOU..."

Before he can continue, his sight caught the already kneeling Mary.

Her bloody figure, despite being horrid, look utterly immaculate.

Her once red eyes were already black, her eyes were full of life as she said with her head hanging down, "I, Mary Vladmir, accept the blessing of Your Majesty."

"Y-you would marry me..?" Hans was dumbfounded.

But what caught his eye was the clearly more dumbfounded gaze of Mary who was screaming.

Of course not.

Hans silently bit his lips as he also knelt, "I, the 2nd Prince of the Sin Kingdom, accept Your Majesty's decree."

But in Dante's mind was only...


But the King of Sin responded, "Good, our trip to the Hawaiian Continent would begin early morning, prepare."

Hans froze before becoming angry once again.

He screamed in his mind.



Meanwhile on Sae's room, numerous maids ran to and fro, carrying numerous accessories and dresses they put them on Sae before she waved muttering words such as.

Not pretty enough...

Too flashy...

Ew, too revealing...

Oh no theres a damage...

She was currently planning on looking her best on her little brother's, Hans, Awakening banquet.

A maid came rushing from her door, she seemed to be in a flush as she dashed.

She arrived at the princess side, she regained her bearings for a second before she says in a nervous voice.

"Princess... the banquet is already over..."