
I Transmigrated at the Wrong Time

Code of Magic, a game that was so advanced in its time that it was said to have been made by magic. A world that was so rich in content that finishing it would take a veteran gamer half a year to finish. Despite it being single-player, it was the most popular and played game on the planet that even a history professor named Hans is playing it— a man who is contented with his life that revolve around history and teaching. Hans fell inlove in this game after being awoken from his delusion, he poured all his passion towards the game instead. Especially since the game even has its unknown history to which he pioneered towards to discovering. Years passed… he played Code of Magic obsessively and became a renowned figure in it. On the verge of a massive discovery, his heart failed after years of consuming processed foods and lack of exercise. Fate played with him as he woke up in the game he fell in love with— but a time long before the game started that the protagonists were only children!? Reincarnating as a dead character in the game… how would Hans use his knowledge of the future to defy the shackles of fate and destiny to become— god. _____ Credits to the artist The art is not mine. If the artists wants credits or for it to be put down, message me.

fishjunior · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Code of Magic (II)

In the middle of the night, a glaring lonely light shone among the windows of the dormitory windows in the university.

The morning joggers were already familiar of this light for years. It was the dormitory of the fallen professor— Professor Hans, the history teacher.

Yesterday was the welcoming of freshmen, so new morning joggers joined the senior joggers of the University.

Curious, one of the joggers angrily asked, "What's up with that dormitory!? The lights are too blinding, it's so early on the morning."

"That's where the history professor lives, but when the biology professor shut him down on his marriage proposal… he's been stuck there ever since." One of the seniors told them, it wasn't really a secret as the scene where he get's rejected went viral on Tok-tik.

"What does he do there that makes him stay up late at night?" The freshman already made up some scenarios in his head like, drugs, womanizing, researching an alien artifact or maybe… found a lost civilization!?

The senior looked at the weirdly shining eyes of the freshman and responded, "Actually… no one really knows what that professor does nowadays but, there was a circulating rumor that he was the legendary leader of the Codex Society."

Codex Society..? Sounds interesting, it seems like I heard it from somewhere... The freshman thought, then his eyes lit up in realization.

"You don't mean!?"

"Yes, but ultimately, it was just a rumor that spread because the leader of that cu– society defended the professor in his failed proposal adamantly," the senior still remembered that day when all hell broke lose as numerous members of the Codex Society similarly defended the professor.

"Doesn't it mean that the professor might be his best friend or someone close. But him being that loser? It's a renowned fact that the Codex leader is a known womanizer with a harem of ten women," the freshman huff up in arrogance, but secretly felt envious of this enigmatic leader.

The Codex leader was the founder of the society, he was the spearhead of the numerous historical ruins and findings of the Code of Magic.

It has been ten years since the release of the game Code of Magic. It spawned countless counterfeits and copies but despite it being a single player game, the game has a lot more to offer other than its main plot.

The Codex leader made the game richer than it was, as numerous secrets that he had discovered helped countless players, he generously posted all of his findings in the Code of Magic forum.

The lore of the game also expanded due to the leader finding some of the lost history of the Code of Magic World.

It spawned countless like-minded individuals to further help him in his cause of finding its secrets, till it made the small niche group into a full fledged organization dedicated to debunk the game.

"Well, there are much more important things that you should care about, now shoo!" as the senior jogger continued on his daily routine, leaving the pondering freshman.


Inside the dormitory room number 9, it was the room of the infamous fallen professor.

He was currently sitting in front of his computer, typing at his keyboard rapidly as he was looking intently on the screen.

His eyes were bloodshot and empty, and his once only seemingly graying hair has turned full on gray. The wrinkles on his forehead deepened and his face utterly unkept— he appeared like a homeless person who has been staying in the streets all his life.

"Damn! Fuuuck!" Hans slammed his keyboard and cursed profusely.

It's supposed to be here, but its not there how is that even possible? The numerous clues and my hypothesis leads to this place but it shows nothing.

The screen in his computer showed what looked like a handsome scholar with a matured look reading a book in his hand.

He smiled and closed the book with a thud.

Looking intently at the screen Hans gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry Hansen, but it does not exist nor happened. You can try again next time!"

"Screw you!"

Clenching his fist and pointing his middle finger towards the screen, Hans sighed.

"I was on the verge of a major discovery, but it couldn't be that all of that was false clues right? The Truth-seeking Sage won't lie as it was programmed not to… so what am I missing?"

He scanned his findings, but still didn't see any loopholes in it.

Clueless, he sighed deeply and minimized the game.

Hans needed some help, and even though most of them are eccentric he has to try. His face scrunched up in agony but he needs them…

Clicking on a program, it showed a chat-group or a server of numerous individuals.

[Hansen: Help @everyone]

[Puppyloli: Oya oya oya?!]

[Ignus100: Our great leader has returned!!!]

[imryangosling, Treasurer, marks12, awesomekillerbee is typing...]

And before Hans knew it, the chat in his Concord server exploded. Despite being the leader of a said society, he was more like a figurehead for the group and they are just his fans.

Hans wasted no time and got into the Discussion channel, it was a channel dedicated for discussions of the most 'useful' individuals in this group. He sent out a file, it contained all of his theories and clues. This would be a major breakthrough in the game.

[Hansen: god.docx]

Despite this more being like a fan server, there were really capable people in this server and he knew that some inspiration might help him.

Nobody typed as they were all serious in looking into this new discovery that he might have found, and although the uproar it would bring will be big, he didn't care a single bit about it.

All he wanted was the results and insights of his fellowmen.

Bored, he glanced at his watch and saw the time, 6:34am.

Just an hour before his first class. It has been days since he taught people, it wouldn't hurt to clear his mind while teaching.

Looking around his room… it was extremely filthy: the things that he wore were pilled under one chair, the dishes in the sink were swimming with flies and left uncleaned, then numerous junk foods and empty cans of soda were littered everywhere.

Hans side glanced at his computer and saw that numerous people were already typing, it was probably because of his thesis statement that has written out that shocked many.

Knowing that it would probably take a long time before they might provide something useful, he might as well teach after sometime.

Standing up, he headed for the bathroom to which he saw a broken mirror and his disgusting state.

Looking at his reflection, he decided that he should maybe clean up a bit before going.


"Hey so what do you think our professor would be like?" said a young woman who was playing with her hair to another woman who was staring at her phone intently.

She was reading the recent happenings in their server. Apparently, their leader who hasn't shown himself for months has actually requested for help.

"Hey Lisa!"

Lisa then glanced to the woman begrudgingly said, "What Kat?"

Kat pouted saying, "Nothing, I just said what our professor would be like?"

Feeling a bit apologetic, Lisa thought for an answer and said, "Probably nothing like my leader..."


Kat chuckled and moved on, when she was gonna ask why Lisa was busy but then the professor arrived in a normal manner.

'What an old man, too old in fact.' Lisa thought

Lisa was unaware that her idol was this old man in front of her, if she came to know, her world would collapse in an instant.

His wrinkles were deep and his back was hunched, if not for his modest outfit and cleanly shaven face people would think of him as homeless.

When Hans arrived, he can't help but always feel nostalgic as he rarely teaches anymore and just provides test and tasks while his assistant does all the teaching.

He arrived late due to numerous people stopping and greeting him on the way almost making him late.

Clearing his throat, he introduced himself in the class in a normal manner.

Hans then gave way for the students to introduce themselves, and when it was Lisa's turn.

"Hi everyone! My name is Lisa and thank you for having me. I am a proud member of the Codex Society if you guys wish to join—"

"Well young lady, introductions only no need for recruitments like that," Hans cut her off.

Lisa grumbled for a bit, then sat down.

Kat got worried about her friends state. She knew that she loved her cu– society a lot.

"You okay Lisa?"

"I'm fine, I was just trying to recruit some members, the game is dying now that new game, Sword and Magi came out."

Kat sighed, her friend was a hopeless fan of the Code of Magic, even becoming a part of a somewhat cult group.

Though Lisa felt sour, she understood the professor. The Codex Society was more famous for the name Codex Cult, they thought that all members of the society speaks too highly of their leader and even worships him.

Even if you say a minor offensive statement towards the Codex Leader— all of the members would pounce on you like mad dogs.

Who wouldn't? The leader is an intelligent and a pioneer, not like this very old man.

The class continued on, there were a mishap or two because it has been long since Hans taught but years of experience were ingrained in him that it went smoothly after a few mistakes.

Glancing towards an inconspicuous girl, Hans never expected a member of his 'group' would be studying in this remote university, hence he got flustered and stopped her before she recruited more members.

If not, some people might uncover his identity and make his already hell-like living more unbearable.

Saying a few words before ending his class, Hans left. He doesn't have any other classes this day, and probably after getting some inspiration from the group, he might leave all his work to his assistant professor again.

He soon arrive at Dorm Room No.9, his home.

Opening the door it creaked a bit, then it revealed what was inside.

He cleaned and threw some trash outside, it has been months since he did, he can't be dying from a disease before making a major discovery.

Hans sat on his computer while he checked the on his phone, it was 11:11.

'An auspicious hour, I wish I get to live a much better life.'

While he was ai it, he used Tok-tik and saw a loving family dancing. It has been ten years since the rejection, Gloria was now a mother of 2 healthy children in the ages of 3 and 5.

He was married to a really successful man, not like him who he was who was just barely getting by.

He owns a luxurious mansion in the capital with a net worth of $10 Million. He was mad rich and a very renowned businessman who happened to meet Gloria in her night in Malibu.

They live a happily and perfectly peaceful life, that he otherwise can't provide anymore.

All he has now is the game Code of Magic, but that will all change today!

If all of his theories were correct… Hans would further evolve in the game before the release of the next update. It would be a multiplayer world, far more vast than the game. He could also earn money in the game, it was prospected that the economy itself would change and cater towards the game.

A reward or simply, a head start would be given to players who achieved a high-rank in their singleplayer character.

Hans eyes regained its past luster before dying out again.

He opened Concord, immediately heading to his server then to the discussion channel.

As expected tons of people were flabbergasted by his statement, who wouldn't be?

That there was another realm of power, that the Peerless-Rank was not the pinnacle?

Hans was really crazy by making this conjecture, but anyone with half a brain and a bit of madness would think of this also.

It was already hard enough getting the Peerless-rank and now… there was another one?!

Shaking away all those thoughts, he continued on reading suggestions.

Unexpectedly, even with his cult-like following some group members felt too uncomfortable with this discovery and left saying he was simply a madman.

Even one of his loyal moderators left, what a traitor.

He grumbled but red, and red till his eyes weren't blinking and turned red.

Hans was about to once again demolish a newly replaced keyboard when a message caught his eye.

[Lisandra: What if they…]

Frozen, that was all he felt in this moment.


An immense pain in his heart struck Hans whilst clutching his chest.

"I-I can't breathe!"

He fell down the musty floor, it smelled rancid, but he couldn't care less.

Gasping and breathing in every air he could, Hans's vision is slowly turning black, till it finally eclipsed all of his view.

He was dying, a natural process of not exercising and eating countless fast food to junk foods for years.

Despite his discomfort, Hans felt at peace with his death.

He managed to majorly avoid all the emotional pain that came after his breakup and he achieved his ambition; uncovering a secret of the Code of Magic.

His lids slowly fell as he took his final breath in this world.


In another side of the university, it was the girl's dorms.

Inside of the dorm building rooms, Lisa was thinking about the discovery of their leader.

It was an astounding discovery that would make this world that she loved have more to it!

She had a stupid idea that will have the disapproval of others, but it might also be stupid enough that the leader would notice it and read it.

Thinking of such a scenario, she couldn't help but drool.

She quickly typed it out.

[Lisandra: What if they…]

Satisfied, Lisa smiled.

Now she can just wait, but before she could.


A rock flew from her window hitting her skull.


Lisa's head bled and her brain matter spilled all over the floor.

Kat passed out, while Lisa died of brain damage.

Two reported deaths were made that night, it came to be the night were all students were forced to sleep early in the day of May 20, 2033.

I made this Arc short enough that it would not bore you out and learn what type of person Hans became. Making it also vague enough that would make sense of his transmigration possible.

fishjuniorcreators' thoughts