
I Transmigrated As The Dark Archduke But... I Am A Girl?!

Lord Lucien Maximilian Nightshade. Archduke of Vanehiem Duchy and an ice knight-mage, vassal to Helios Empire. The most cutthroat, the most cunning and the most powerful man of the region. But actually, he is the the SSS tier final boss in a strategy open-world RPG game called the War of Victors. You see, I might be the school-thug, a gamer and dream of a cute girlfriend to spoil like in those dramas... But I am girl dammit! GL masc main character, but still a high-school girl! What do you mean I am now Lucien Nightshade?!! And what do you mean I am now the most eligible bachelor in the Empire?! Why are spies and assassins after me, I didn't even do anything?! I have to go to war now?!! AHHHHHHH-- *cough* ..ahem, I mean if there are cute girls involved, I may just be tempted to continue pretending like the cold, genius, tall, dark and handsome Duke. *cough*

aspect9 · Fantasie
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10 Chs


Aradian Calender 1673, Late Autumn, Month of Stars

Somewhere in Strobis Wastelands

"Urggg… Ye Fei you bastard… I will get you for this…"

I had a splitting headache. 

The kind of headache you will go to the hospital and the doctor will ask you to take a CT scan.

But I remember the reason for this particularly nasty headache. It was that bastard's lackey who couldn't even balance himself while delivering a punch. I bet the stich on his forehead is because he fell while kicking someone or something. And now because of that fool I have to be in hospital for god knows how long and probably miss the basketball finals!

Anyway, this offence will definitely go in my little black book of grudges.

Ye Fei better watch his back.

Wait, wait, wait, I think I heard him say some questionable things just before I passed out!

Did that bastard confess to me while I was almost unconscious? 


I did not see that one coming, honestly. I thought we were enemies both in WOV battlefield and school grounds. Where the fuck did that idiot see romance while I was glaring a hole through him with unconcealed hatred? Is this how straight guys flirt? 

I thought boys stopped pulling the braids of the girls they like by third grade!

Anyway, I am gay!

Lesbian! GL masc main character!

How am I supposed to dodge him when it is my greatest secret even Jun doesn't know?!

I was waiting for high school to be done, getting a nice paying job before coming out to the world and snagging myself a cute little girlfriend to spoil. 


Now I have to come out ahead of schedule to curve an absolute idiot!

While I was contemplating the sheer incredulity of the situation, I opened my eyes letting them slowly adjust to the darkness.


Why is it dark? 

Isn't hospitals lit with eye numbing LED lights?

I blinked at the unfamiliar ceiling that was slowly coming into focus. 

Waiiittttttt… Is that a… a chandelier? 

I never realized that hospitals had budgets to fix chandeliers in patient wards. I turned to my side and I was stunned. There was an expensive curtain and a large table filled with fruits, a crystal decanter filled with… is that alcohol? Sir, I am a minor?

Is this a VIP ward?

I panicked. There was no way my parents can afford a VIP ward! They are not covered in our basic insurance scheme! Those rich private school idiots probably did this!

If it is them I will make them bleed and sell their blood to get back the money I lost!

I sat up abruptly on the bed. I needed to tell someone to haul my ass back to normal people ward before they charge me QAQ

"Is somebody there?"



Why did I… Why did I sound like a dude? 

Surely that deep, VA worthy voice didn't come out of me…

I slowly brought my hand up to my throat in disbelief. I felt a very noticeable lump that moved when I swallowed.


No, I must be dreaming. Ahahaha, this is such a weird dream, I should pinch—holy fuc—

"Your Grace?"

A man's voice asked from the other side of the curtain and I flailed in horror. I had no idea who he was and why he is calling me that but I did know he responded to my call. I nearly chocked in panic but I held myself together.

I need to answer this man who might be in service industry because why else would he be so polite, so I have to answer like I pay this dudes monthly salary, like how a guy would say it. A strong but ambiguous answer so that nobody doubts me and puts me in mental asylum—

"Is there anything you require, Your Grace?"

Okay, okay, okay, you can do this Xueyin, you are tougher than this!

I took a deep breath.

"Bring me something to eat in an hour." I said in an even tone that sounded quite nice in my new velvety-edged voice.

Very rumbly and nice. 10/10 to me!

"As you wish, Your Grace."

I heaved a silent sigh of relief and placed my hand to rub my chest when I noticed a grave detail. 


I looked down at my chest, aghast. My pride and joy, my Julia and Juliet… they are gone! Replacing my boobs now were pectoral muscles covered in a silky shirt. 

It was now that the gravity of the situation seemed to dawn on me. 

Somehow, I am a guy now?!

I slowly moved the blanket on my body away, noticing how my previously smaller hands have now become large, distinctly jointed hands that looked like it belonged to a renowned pianist. The blanket fell away revealing my doubts.

Yep, never had that bulge there before.

I sat there frozen and staring at my newly acquired dick for quite a while. My mind needed time to conceptualize everything that was happening to me currently and rationalize it according to popular science.

But soon, I think I largely got over the shock of it all.

I slowly got down the large, canopied bed and stood on my feet. Immediately, I realized that whoever this man I was possessing was, he was definitely not my previous 160cm. This man is well over 195cm or more.

I noticed a mirror hung a little away and cautiously approached it. It had a particularly menacing looking black armor kept on a crude mannequin nearby, which I ignored for the time being. 

I hesitated a little but eventually moved in front of the mirror.


A pair of widened, steel-grey eyes which didn't look like contacts met my gaze on the mirror. 

I may not be attracted to guys, but this man is definitely the most attractive man I had ever seen. Silky black hair, a pair of charming phoenix eyes, high nose, sharp jawline and generally European features… This man is a god who can step on all of the A-list models and actors in one fell swoop. 

Not to mention the physique!

I quickly unbuttoned the silk shirt and let it drop unceremoniously to the carpet, while I continued to gawk. 

With trembling hands I touched the eight packs and mermaid line I had.

"This is insane…" 

I don't think I possess even an ounce of fat…

I noticed a few silvery scars that seemed to be from knife wounds but even that looks like an adornment on this body. I gulped.

Now for the main question—

In a single move, I pulled my pants away confirming my worst fears.

"I really turned into a guy…"

You know what, before I realized I was into girls I had seen straight AV. I always thought that a dick was such an ugly looking thing, it beats me why other girls like them. But this thing attached to me looks more… intimidating than the once I had seen. And it's not even stiff yet.

I slowly pulled my pants up and put my hand on my chin in a thinking pose.

I have to… figure out how to pee in this.

Hm, I know the theory but how do I put it to practice?

Does it go out of control like a garden hose if I pee too hard?

Can it… helicopter?

Shaking my head clear of the ridiculous thoughts, I tried to look around the room to figure out who this guy is.

I had long since accepted the fact that I might have died, become a ghost and accidently possessed a man so now I had to think long –term. What if I was to possess this man for a long time? 

I surely don't want to die and I don't know what happened to this dude, but now this body is mine. 

Inspecting the relatively large bedroom, I got no clue other than the armor and that I might be in a tent. Also, the people here was referring to me as "Your Grace" so this body is from a high-profile background.

How high? I don't know.

Looked like I had to get out and explore.

I put my shirt back on and gently lifted the curtain away. 

Outside the bedroom was a well-lit large hall with a gigantic round table in the middle and lots and lots of empty space. I stood there in awe.

"Your Grace, do you have a command?"

A man clad completely in black materialized out of thin air and took a knee before me. 

No, no, that was not a figure of speech, he literally appeared from a puff of smoke. 

Externally, I watched him with a cool, disinterested look. Internally, my barely held together sanity broke with a pathetic sound. 

Fortunately, my previous shock therapy seemed to be effective as this time I was faster in accepting that people can literally pop out of nowhere than when I woke up.

"Not at the moment." I responded. 

I looked around and found another closed off area a little away. So if there was a conference hall, naturally there must be an office.

Good, I will get more information in an office if not the bedroom.

"I will be in my study. Fetch me my meal when it is delivered." I gave a reasonable request a reasonable employer might ask their magic man employee.

Magic man paused.

"As you command, Lord Nightshade."

And as he came, he vanished. I continued my intended route thinking about a few things the existence of magic man proved.

One, this is not earth because even Japanese ninjitsu is so advanced that they can appear and disappear with smoke. This world might even be in a European middle ages setting because if I remember correctly, "Your Grace" is an address for higher nobilities.

My identity now might be a nobleman in a magic world.

Two, so if magic is real, there is a high chance I might be able to use it. But I don't know how and that puts me at risk against those who can. For all I know even the small kitchen staff may be able to use magic.

I need to learn how to use magic.

Three, if one magic man existed, several may also exist around me that I am not aware of. And if they find out that I am not the leader that they know they might even kill me before I can blink.

I must not appear suspicious to other magic men.

My face turned colder as these thoughts settled in my mind.

I pushed through the curtain and thankfully, I was right. There was a large mahogany desk with neatly arranged papers and a huge map splayed out on the center. Several expensive jade carvings like chess pieces rested on it.

I made my way towards it praying to any god that could hear me so that I, at the minimum, can find my own name QAQ

unedited, may come back to fix mistakes.

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