
Chapter 4

This just makes my mission easy, my mission is to basically kidnap Harry, and look where I am, right under his nose and he doesn't even know it.

It's been a while since I left Draco and I do feel bad, but at the end of the day it's not as if he really cares, I'm only getting in the way of his relationship with that stubborn bitch. "what's in your mind?" Ron said, Harry, Hermionie and Harry were all staring at me, I looked at them after blinking a few times "What?" I was generally confused, it's as if they knew I was thinking of something, and not something good. "you looked as if you were upset about something" Hermionie added. Oh, so it's about Draco, thank god they didn't latch on already. "oh.. Nothing important, just some stuff happening with the people I came with" I said faintly, I looked out the window again watching the crows fly next to us.

"for gods sake, Pansy." Draco hissed, Pansy turned at him giving her all "What Draco? What did I do this time" she said enthusiastic, Blaise was just sitting there watching it all go down "she's new, she's one of my closet friends and you possibly could have ruined it!" Draco shouted, he got closer to her face, just as close as the spit landed on her. "I was just making her aware of what's mine".

"Draco ain't yours pansy, he isn't a doll nor does her belong to anyone" Blaise butted in, he simply sat back with his arms on his legs. "thank you Blaise, y' see?" Draco questioned pansy. However, pansy just laughed "better go find lover girl. You never know, she might have found a better friend". Draco stood up glaring at Pansy but all she could do was shrug. "let it go pansy" Blaise said again, but instead of fighting with him she simply glared at him and huffed.

Draco walked down the train hallway looking to his right at the pods of people hoping he could find Catalina. "for gods sakes, where have you dissappeared to." he said, just after he finished that sentence he looked into one of the stalls to see Harry, Ron and Hermionie, but there was someone else. Someone he recognised, it was a girl. The girl turned to face Harry and Dracos heart sank, it was her. Draco stared into the window trying to get her attention but Hermionie caught on instead "what's he doing here" she said, Ron, Harry and Catalina all looked at the window that separated them from the hallways to see Draco at them "I'll sort him out" I said, I stood up but Harry grabbed my arm "be careful, he's dangerous" he said, of course I knew that. "I can take care of myself, you don't need to worry" I smiled at Harry before he let go of my arm, I opened the door and closed it as soon as I took my last step outside.

"What do you want" I asked him, he just stared at me and then at my arm where Harry touched "Oh for gods sake, why are you so bothered about Harry touching my arm" I grunted and grabbed his hand leading him to the tabled area so we could talk. "why did you let that filth touch you" Draco asked me, I rolled my eyes and changed the topic "last time I checked our mission was to kidnap him, and look at that, I've already managed to get him to trust me, So I don't see why you're complaining" I said clockingly, Draco smirked a bit before getting closer to my face "last time I checked we're on this mission together, so I suggest you start telling me before you go of on your own" he snarled at me, I have to admit I liked him being this close to me, my heart stared to beat a little faster, I honestly felt like doing something but I stopped myself "Go back to pansy lover boy, I can take care of myself" I stood up and went back to the pod with Harry in.

"What did he want?" Harry asked me, I sat down and rolled my eyes pretending to be annoyed "called Hermionie a mudblood and told me I should probably stick with him and his mates" I chuckled trying to make it more believable, got to say, my acting skills are killing it today "Bloody hell, that's Malfoy for you". We all laughed after staying silent for a few moments. "oh, Catalina. What house do you think you're going to be sorted into. Me Harry and Ron are in Griffindor." she smirked. Shit I didn't think she'd ask me this "probably Ravenclaw or slytherin" I'd say. They looked at me then at eachother "slytherin?" Hermionie questioned "oh, my grandparents brought me up after my parents died, my parents were Ravenclaws but my grandparents were slytherins, so most likely going to be out of them". Of course that was a lie, I can't blow my cover this early. The three nodded "fair enough, suppose we can't hate you if you end up in Slytherin now" Ron looked at me, I knew he was joking but it kinda hurt.

As of what I've heard Slytherins aren't the highest in respect. I've heard they get harrased in the hallways, called names and mostly picked on because they're slytherins, I've even been told their homerooms are in the dungeons. No wonder when they get offered revenge and power they join forces with the bad side, people just don't realise.

"oh look, we're here!" Harry said, the fact these three were happy made me wanna vomit, happy about what? Being tortured by an enemy?. We got of the train and left our stuff by the gates, everyone was giving the teacher their first and last name, this is where I freaked out. I can't give my name in front of these three, they'll find out. "hey guys, I'll find you after, I have to go do something quickly" I stopped walking, Harry turned around "let me help it's no big de-"

"no, no it's okay I've got it, thank you for your offer though". Before he could answer I walked away leaving them confused

"definitely not a griffindor is she".

I sat on a bench waiting for everyone to give their names so I could go last, when suddenly someone sat next to me. It was Draco. "what do you want?" I asked looking up at the sky. "you really think I'm going to let you wonder around alone? There's weirdos in the school. Horny ones especially" he gave a weird look as she fixed his jacket. I giggled a bit "look at you, looking out for me" I said looking over at him, he jumped and gave me a snarly look "in your dreams, Riddle" he teased. I giggled more "ooo scary, what you ganna do" I got closer to him teasing him more "shut up, Riddle" he said again. This time I laughed. "make me" I went serious again, but realised what I'd said, I turned back around embarrassed "I didn't mean it like that.." I blushed a little