
I told the stars about you

Eunaschia · Teenager
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4 Chs


"One of the most famous love stories in Greek Mythology is the story of Perseus and Andromeda. There are several constellations involved such as Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Pegasus and Cetus.

Princess Andromeda was a very beautiful woman. Her mother, Queen Cassiopeia, claimed her daughter was more beautiful than Poseidon's daughters. As punishment for her vanity, Poseidon sent the sea monster Cetus. Andromeda's father, king Cepheus, trusted the sea monster to disappear if they were to sacrifice her. Just before she was devoured by the sea monster, Perseus came by on his flying horse Pegasus. He was on his way home after one of his great adventures. Perseus fell in love with the beautiful Andromeda and struck a deal with her parents. Perseus would save their daughter by killing the sea monster and in return he would be allowed to marry her. Andromeda however, was already promised to marry another man. A fight arose between the two which Perseus eventually won. Perseus and Andromeda lived happily ever after.

The characters in this story have all been placed in the sky by the gods, so their story would never be lost. It is fun to see that Cassiopeia is placed upside down, as a result of her vanity. Perseus and Andromeda are still positioned close together in the sky, where they rotate around the North Star

-(found it in google)😅

ikinwento samin ni sir ang story,for me halos si perseus lang ang naging masaya,he used a game to have his girl,what if andromeda doesnt like him,how about her point of view about perseus,do she love him,does it said the story has ended happily and truthfully?what if andromeda has a feeling for the other man,how can you say they lived happily?haaaaaahhhhhh,im feeling empty,not in emotion,i feel hungryyyy.. kringgggg...salamat naman at breaktime na,'beybbbbb!!!!'sigaw ni sora'hey,have you seen chandler?'tanong ko dahil siya ang unang pumasok sa isip ko'naandun sa canteen,ay siya nga pala dun ata tayo mag school encore sa mountain field niyo..'sabi sa akin ni sora,oo nga pala,2 weeks na lang august na start na ng week of encore,'shopping tayo mamaya'sabi ni sora habang ngiting ngiti'okayyyy'sabi ko,bumili kami sa canteen ng tuna pie cream,and lemonade,dumating na ako sa room at nag sulat nang composition'president hoshi come to the office,i repeat president hoshi come to the office'sabi ni vernice na naka assign sa radio,lumabas ako at pumuta sa kabilang building dhil nasa kabila ang office namin'hoshi,since your the president of unit one can you assign everyone for the encore?'tanong ng dean namin'yes sir'masayang pagsagot ko'siya nga pala,yung pamangkin ko nasa section niyo,kazen he is kazen,please guide him,wala pa siyang kaalam alam dito sa school,you can ask a friend or an officer for some help too,alam kong alam mo na ang gagawin dahil matagal ka na dito,make sure na magiging perfect ang lahat,it's your family's field were going to use'sabi ni sir,wala akong malisya sa sinabi ni sir dagil,okay lang tulungan ko si kazen hindi namn ito love story na pagkasulpot na pagkasulpot niya ay na love at first sight agad ako,NO!'thank you so lets make tommorrow as a ready day okay,we'll have no classes tommorrow okay,im looking forward for it'sabi sa akin ni sir iniisip ko lang si sir mas maliit pa saakin tas pamangkin niya sobrang tangkad,pero ang maganda sakanya mabait at pogi di cold,di katulad ng pamangkin niya,bumalik na ako sa room at inanounce lahat,'cluster one would be us(margaret which is our representative in our unit,charles,celestia,troy and especially kazen)were going to arrange the rooms,the production,yung entertainment for the night and the pool,cluster two would be assign to arrange the musical instrument,design,tents;cluster three would be assign for the booths,food,blah..blahh..blahh'sabi ko sa kanila,they listened carefuly..'so i assume all of us would be cooperative and attentive,so tommorow were all using the funds para sa lahat ng gastusin..so dahil nasabi ko na lahat,puntahan niyo na ng maayos at tahimik ang inyong group,and i would suggest kung gagawin nating suprising,fightingg'sabi ko i actually dont know if im half korean half filipino or half japanese half filipino ako,cuz my mom is half japanese half filipino,my dad is half korean ,me and my dad hates japan because of the past,but my mom wants us to be fluent in japanese culture,years ago my dad and i decided to forget about japanese culture,but my mom came and get angry ,na imbis korean and filipino culture na ang kinasanayan namin,nawalan din ng kwenta,nag pulong nakami'so ano suggestion niyo?'tanong ko,habang nagiisip sila,si kazen naman ang cold pero may idea siya'yes,k-kazen'i smiled at him,i remember my brother when i look at him in the eye,there's sadness in his eye'u-uhm,i-if aesthetic ang theme natin,kasi mostly in our age loves aesthetic'sabi niya,he has a style,he's aware of what happening ha!'woah,i agree'sabi nila charles and i agreed to'so-'i was cut off by our dean'excuse me,everyone attention please,we have quite a problem about the room so yung tents na dadalhin niyo sana for 10 people na pero if hindi kaya lapit lang sa akin,and excuse me for president hoshi and kazen'pagtawag sa amin ni sir'hoshi and kazen,ahm,pwede ba kayo maging,you know,mc for night camp nagbackout kasi yung sa ibang unit,'sabi ni sir,okay sa akin pero parang ayaw ni kazen'toh,pwede bang si chandler na lang para representative nadin ng unit 2...i dont really feel like it.'sabi niya,di ko alam kung tatalon ba ako sa saya pero,wowwww,its my chance for four years,ang saya,may awa rin pala'is that so?its okay,pero hindi kita pinayagan dahil pamangkin kita kundi ayaw ko lang mamilit,tatanongin ko muna si chandler..for permission'sabi sa amin ni sir,sana pumayagggggg...

Tinanong ni sir si chandler and pumayag ito,mrs.cruzan gave us the events list..5 events in the morning and night too,me and my friend went to the cafe and get some capuccino,our fave,'ahhhh,im free from school!!'sabi ni sora,napansin namin na nagba-bike si kazen papuntang east kung saan naka tayo ang building na tinitirahan namin,nakita rin namin ang mga babaita na nagbubulungan tungkol sakanya'ahah,bago palang pero nag aala handsome guy na toh ah'sabi ni sora ng pabiro'wait ano nga ba sinabi sayo ni sir?'tanong sa akin ni sora'oh for the mc,sabi niya ayaw niya tas sinuggest niya si chandler,tas yun pumayag'sabi ko,habang sa mga ginawa niya nagmumukha siyang tulay namin ni chandler'wahh,ilang years na ba beyb?three..no..four..four years mo na siyang gusto'sabi niya sa akin 'tara na nga'sabi ko at nakita ko si kazen kausap si papa,di kaya siya yung teen trainee,okay lang,pero hayst,he's in the front of my apartment's building,mag papaiwanmuna si marg sa cafe,shes going to meet her online boyfie ahahah,such a coincidence'papa!'bati ko'honey,how was your day?the scooter,i'll buy you a new one'sabi sa akin ni papa'no papa,i would like to have a bike too like kazen's cuz it doesnt broke easily'sabi ko'ahh,right so who help you earlier?'tanong sa akin ni papa'no worries,it kazen,we both in the same class'sabi ko kay papa'oh really,wow,nakapag pasalamat ka na ba?'sabi sa akin ni papa,hayst di pa nga eh'di pa po eh,nag mamadali po kasi kami kanina kasi ma lelate na,pero ill bring him some thank you gifts and say thank you to him,later,he-hehe'sabi ko'you better do,or else'pananakot ni papa'okay'sabi ko kay papa at nag ba-bye na ako'oh i left some money in your bank account,bye,sleep early okay?'sabi ni papa'opo pa,call me later po,thank you po bye pa'sabi ko at sinundan ko si kazen'hey!k-kazen,thank you for helping me earlier-'sabi ko ng itinaas niya ang index finger niya na sign para tumahimik ako'isipin mo nalanh favor yun'sabi niya sa akin at binaba niya na ang kamay niya'favor?'tanong ko 'yes,favor,i just want you to teach me,like a tutor,my girlfriend is coming next week,and i need to study hard'sabi niya sa akin,woah may gf ni tong pakboy na toh,sino kaya papatol dito ahahah'o-okay,b-but when?'tanong ko sakanya'today,is it okay?'tingin niya sa akin at tinitigan niya ako sa mata'k-kuya'pagbulong ko'huh?'tanong niya'okay today but lets start at the beginning,you know di ako makatangge cuz my father wants me to thank you,or it means you can demand anything but never abuse the chance,your the first person my dad gave his trust except me and my siblings'sabi ko sakanya'okay ill wait for you in my room,yung katapat mo,409 room number'sabi niya,pumayag ako dahil madali lang naman yung pinapagawa niya,dahil diyan pwede kami maging close at pwede niya na akong kwentohan tungkol kay chandler,its almost dinner time,nagbihis na ako sa apartment ko,i wear something comfortable,sweat pants at croptop,dinala ko nadin yung books ko,i tied up my hair with messy bun and wear my eye glass,this glass has alot of history with me,inopen ko ang ig ko at nag dm ako sakanya'otw'sinend ko na ito at biglang tumunog cp ko'my room's pincode is 0515,open it yourself'sabi niya,gosh,ang ano netooo'okayyyyy'rineply ko at nag seen lang siya,mister sungit,tapos may girlfriend,how unbelievable!!😂Nakarating na ako at inopen ko ang door niya,kausap niya ang girlfriend niya,pero ang cold parinnn,'stella,this is my classmate,shes going to teach me,okay,like a tutor'sabi niya at biglang sumigaw si stella'arghh,you better get a good grades,or else my mom will not let me get my flight tickets,im going to meet someone first in mandaue,so you know'sabi nito,anong gf to kung ganyan magsalita sa boyfie niya,pag kami ni chandler you know,ill treat him better,im still imaginning nag bigla akong tawagn ni kazen'hoy kulit,magturo kana!'sigaw neto'hoy sungit,ginawa ko lang to dahil gusto ni papa mag pasalamat sayo,siya nga pala,oh'sabi ko,sabay bigay ng regalo sa kanya'whats that?'sabi niya at nung tiningnan niya'wag na bigay mo na lang yan kay chandler,i just need to study,okay?'sabi niya,

Makalipas ang isang oras,nag break kami,madilim na,dinner na,'hey,lets have dinner first'sabi niya at naghanda siya nang korean food,tinitigan ko ito,may tofu spicy soup,sausage,egg,kielbasa,noodles'why?di ka kumakain-'pinutol ko ang sinasabi niya'no,i just remembered something,when i go to korea this our the dishes my grandma used to serve me'sabi ko sakanya at nakatitig nanaman siya'so you are half korean?'tanong niya sa akin'not sure,my mom doesnt want me to be half korean half filipino,she'd like me to be half Japanese half filipino,she hate my dads family,yeah,so lets dig in'sabi ko sakanya at tumitig lang ito sa akin'hey,kain na tayo,you want to learn right?then lezz gooo'sabi ko sakanya'ah okay,ah wait,what d-do girls like?d-do they like milktea,undies😅,or k-kiss'tanong niya,potchi ba toh?undies?!??kiss?!?,kalma self,kalma'as a girl i would like to have a peck of kiss,it show them that theyre really into relationship,its okay to have peck than french,hehe for me'sabi ko sakanya,wah baka isipin neto masyado akong horny'ah'with a serious tone,ba-bwahahahah,seryoso,wala siyang alam,hayst

Natapos kming kumain at nagsimula uli magreview'ahh my eyes'i rub my eyes and take off my glasses,and not to help but fall asleep


A peck?do girls really like a kiss?or theyre just horny all the time?,im making the tea,its10:30 tama lang ba na may babae dito nahindi ko masyadong kilala sa ganitong oras?it alright basta,loyal ka ha,be cold to her okkkkkk,this is for your girlfriend okay,i was about to serve the tea,tulog na siya,kringgggg...,nagring phone niya,si chairman'good evening po chairman,ahm hoshi is asleep,but dont misunderstood,were just studying,inabot ho kami ng 10 eh'sabi ko kay sir'its okay,i can trust you right?'sabi sa akin ni chairman'yes po,good eve po'sabi ko at nag hang up na kami,haystttt


Arouch namannn,wait'ahhhhhh,kazennnnn'sigaw ko nang biglng may naamoy akong favorite ko,spaaammm'spaaam'sigaw ko,lumabas ako at nakita kong yung gamit ko nakahanda na from the bag to the uniform and my UNDIESSS!,kinuha ko agad toh'wag ka mag alala,pumunta si,whats her name again,mallieah,right mallieah,she told me shes your yaya so i let her in'pagtingin ko sa damit ko iba,yinakap ko sarli ko'eh bakit iba damit ko??'sabi ko sakanya 'gosh,wala akong pagnanasa sayo ha,papalitan na sana kita ng damit dahil ang tagal ni marg tapos dumating si ate mallieah,yan na lang pinasuot ko,ok na?kumain na tayo'sni niya,at umalm na ako,'tumawag papa mo kagabi'sabi niya,ohno baka ma misunderstood ni papa'ano sinabi mo?'tanong ko'ano ba satingin mo sasabihin ko,ha'sabi niya sa akin habang naka smirk'tss'sabi ko'okay lang daw,oy pinapayagan kita maglabas pasok dito kung tungkol sa pag aaral okay?'sabi niya'tss'asar kong sabi'osige na,magkwekwento na ako tungkol kay chandler,pero pag na sa school na,ikaw na muna mauna sa cr,ill call my girlfriend first'sabi niya,yeyy,kitang kita ang ngiti sa mukha ko'wag ka nga tumawa,na tatawa ako eh'sabi niya ng seryoso

Matapos ang lahat ay lumabas na ako at nakita ko ng bike na tinutukoy ni nanay mallieah,nanay mallieah is my real life fairy godmother,she always with me for the whole 15 years,she never left me even though,its her mothers death anniversary,but it also painful to see,she choose me even though there is more than important than taking care of me,she loved me,even though i hate her in her first day yet she stays with me for the last of her day,she promised me

I was left with my past,but they take me to the future,but the scar,has tinted my heart,,the past me is full of deppresion,traumatic and anxiety experience,iwas locked in cage with it,full of locks with no pair keys,dark and cold,silent but i can still hear them whispering,but when they came in i felt me,what i supposed to be,they almost unlocked me,but theres, one key that was lost in my past future and either present,i wish when i found it they can free me with an open heart,so i can feel the warmth again,

Chandler,he was used to be my guardian,my savior,my hero,but he change,something i can prove that everyone changes,physically,and mentally,he left me without saying goodbye,saying ill miss you,saying see you soon,it is more painful than saying let's break up,because sometimes in a break up,one of you must know who literally gave up fighting, and you can move on but a friends love for me is the greatest thing of all


'Chandler-shi,you told me youre not going anywhere,you promised me,you said youll be my boy forever so that no one could hurt me??'i said crying while talking to him'...uhm'he has nothing to say,but i could say he is hurt but he found someone who can ease that pain,'is that all you wanted to say-'tinanong niya ako'chandler-shi,joahaeyo,ani,saranghae chandler-shi,i wish that even if i confess my feelings to you,-you would never stop me loving you,is that okay?'sabi ko sakanya,he stay quiet and i heard the noises coming from the pool party,he hunged up and those day was the worse,i cried all day,all night,but there comes nanay to comfort me'may sasabihin ako sayo,sabi sa akin ito ng nanay ko,once a great man said dont regret everything you lose,because thats not everything yet,theres always a person who could bring back all those things,regret it if you lose him because of regretting everything,you would understand it if he comeback to you again'sabi ni nanay,di ko pa rin yun maintindihan dahil di pa ako nabalikan,binalikan,at babalikan hayst,

Makaraan ang 5 taon lumipat kami ng philippines,not knowing,my hero that is now an enemy to me is here,and also were in the same school,but not the same class,pinagtagpo pero di tinadhana,makita ko man siya,parang isa na lang nakong walang kwentamg tao na walang patutunguhan para sa kanya,dahil andyan nalang yung pangarap ko di ko pa na abot nang may sariling paninindigan...

↪️⏹BACK TO REALITY(nightmare)

Ay wala palang pasok ,may gosh romeo save me,kazen humanda ka sa akin,nakita ko si kazen ayos n ayos,naka headband,hot peromas hat si chandler,yung visual,yung outfit na yellow t shirt n kapartner na supreme na sweat pants at belt bag'hoy aang,aang na puro hangin ang utak,walang pasok noh'sabi ko'alam ko sino bang walang utak na pupunta sa school nang walang pasok,atsaka lola kana ba ikaw pa nagsabi nun sa amin ha,atsaka magbihis kana at mag mo-mall daw tayo,mag iistart n daw tao ngayon dalian mo'sabi niya sa akin,nagmadali ako at sinuot ko ang wrap up flowy floral dress,with my purse ,a higheeled boots,yung pang Korean,and i wear some lip cream, im not going to use make up,im not really into it,watermelon na pabango galing sa penshoppe,yung kulay pEYnk,at charn okay na,good to go

Bumaba na ako ay nagulat ng apnakita ko na naandun parin siya'oh may hinihintay ka?'sabi ko sa kanya'really open your phone,sora said in the gc that she cant go into your apartment right now,cuz her new boyfie will treat her food before she go to the mall'sabi niya'okay,lets just walk andyan lang naman yung mall,cafe muna tayo'ya-ya ko sakanya,at pumayag siya

Habang ginagawa yung milktea namin eh sumagi sa isip ko si chndler'ah, kazen,how do you know chandler?'sabi ko sakanya'oh,chandler,i was his one and only friend here in the philippines,but sa past niya na lang ako kaibigan,iniwan niya rin ako,after niyang makuha si ladylliegh,that girl was the one why we always fight,ha'sabi niya,he's just like me,sumandal s amin si chandler,na akala namin ay masasandalan rin namin siya,pero sahuli pala ibabagsak niya lang,'ikaw paano ma siya nakilala?'sabi niya s akin ng seryoso,'this past 5 years,almost 6,when i still in korea,we used to be bestfriends,protecting each other,sharing everything,wherever i go,he's always right by my side,or rather in the front taking all the words,the pain that can hurt me in emotion and in physical,i was too soft back then,we used to play weddings,he used to be my groom,we promised to each other,we will stay like that forever, so that our friendship doesnt sink,but it literally sink,like titanic,ha!that ladylleigh back then was so impulsive,she used to bully me,whenever chandler wasnt around,she liked him,but chandler hate her,that he can even say she's too dumb,idiot,and shes way too far on his standards,but she is so perseverance,kung ako yun,di ko kakayanin yun,inaabsorb niya lang yung mga pinag gagawa sakanya ni chandler'sabi niya sa akin at biglang dumating yung order namin'thank you'sabi namin at umalis na,naglakad kami papuntang mall,kinwento ko sa kanya ang lahat,were in the same situation,but mukhang mas affected pa siya'uy kazen pansin ko lang,di tumatawag gf mo ah?'tanong ko sakanya,'she at a business trip'sabi niya sa akin'hey kazen,tanong ko lang,bakit ka ba pumayag na maging tutor mo ako?'tanong ko'cuz your the only one iknow who is more brainy'sabi niya'akala ko ba utak talangka ako'sabi ko sakanya habang naka smirk'tss'sabi niya sa akin'hey,sumabay ka kaya sa amin sa break time,so that we could know the difference between us,we might be friends,and i could meet your girlfriend i bet she is so beautiful,my oh my Miea,'sabi ko and he nodded his head,'sounds great,but can i really,ididnt really have a friend since he left me,my soul is so hatred that time,but now i think its free to open up again to a friend'sabi niya,i was so grateful'oy ang kyut ni boi!'sabi nung nakasalubong namin na babae'ahahaha,beybe wagka mag alala,may gf natoh,tsaka maganda siya'sabi ko 'hm'pagpigil ni kazen ng tawa,its my first time seeing him smile'do you even know her?'tanong ni kazen,actually,i-dont really know her,but your my friend now i wont get you hurt by someone again-'sabi ko at pinatahimik niya ako'ayaw ko na sa ganyang sabihan ng magkaibigan,ibahin mo naman'sabi niya'i'll make you smile when youre sad,ill make you calm when you need to,ill make you cheerful like your gf does'sabi ko'because that was what friend really do'sabi ko sakanya ng naka ngiti,it was my first time having a friend when we even met yesterday'wah,haha,lets go,but wait ill set the date(july 16)'sabi ko'do you really do that?'sabi niya sa akin


IM GOING TO HAVE A FRIEND ONCE AGAIN!i'll get to know her better,im not going to be cold to her again,im going to smile to her everyday,cuz thats how you treat a friend..

Nagkwentuhan kami at nagkatuwaan,'hey guys!so you two are closed,in apartment and in relationship'sabi ni marg sa amin nung nakita kami'marg,he is gonna be one of our friend okay?'tanong niya kay marg 'really?!?were going to be three now??'sabi niya kay marg''yess!!'sabi nila, its the first time Im having a girl friends,usually stella,she doesnt like the word friend,she wants it to be love,cuz i rejected her at first,but his father likes me to become her husbando,but her mother doesnt,she hates me,but i owe them,they sent me here to study,after we graduated imgoing to marry her soon,but still its more fun to have a girl friend,they smile truthfully than the others'charles,celestiaaa,troy!!lets get this party started!'sigaw ni margaret'hoy di tayo mag paparty'sabi ko sakanya,and we started to go to the decorations alley,then tents,miscellanious,then food

'Hey,break time,magkita nalang tayo dun sa body swimsuit ha'sabi ni marg na sobrang kinahiya ko,di kasi kami naka shopping kahapon,so were going to do it now,but i said after this,there are three boys in our cluster,ahh!then i look at kazen,he glow up a bit more,i think he is happy'hey kazen,since you re one of us now,you need to be by our side okay,ill introduce you the real us, ahaha'and he smiled,brother,when he smile his eyes smile too,i take my instax and take a pic'hey marg lets take a photo,of the three of us'sabi ko,we take a lot of pictures,and stop by in our fave shawarma place,i ordered three,'here,this one is for you and this one is for kazen,and this one is for hoshi☺️'Sabi ko'thanke'sani niya,pero and cold heheh'heheh,what are your plans in encore?'tanong ko'have fun and be with you two'sabi niya'me?im going to have fun with you two,too'marg said and we laugh,i already love them,am i being soft again?am i?

We already bought everything,we stop by in the school to leave the stuff in the storage room,we left the school at almost 5:30,were walking home,me and my two friend,kazen is in the middle as the first boy friend of ours,he is so tall,like tall,yah tuulllll,like 6 feet and im only like 5'5 heheh'hey guys,are you already tired?'tanong ko'not yet!'sabi ni kazen,halatang sabik siya mag kakaibigan'ako mapapagod,hindi ah!'sabi niya'tara,maypupuntahan tayo'sabi ko,i know marg has a clue,its the place where we start being friend,pumunta kami sa mi amor del valley,the place was so magical,enchanting,this place,is full of my memorable memories,that even me dont know how to handle those memories

Authors note:

📖💛💫if anybody could read this story,i dedicated it to my friend,bff,i would love to use this heart as the meaning of this story...this story i have published it in the other account but later on found out my phone broke down when i was about to publish it...sorry for the wrong spellings and grammars..RAWRRRRRRR..

REMEMBER:other places,names,things etch. Are only fictionals,just like your crush,only appears just like a dream a fictional dream

And one thing,gosh this quarantine makes my life so boring,so i decided to try the challenge,but...just dont do this when your bored,im just feeling lonely that i need someone to make me feel,im belong,im not lonely anymore