
Days 11; 12 & 13: Traveling

After yesterday's surprise attack of Legionary Ants everything was a bit more chaotic, but mostly fine. Freyr had ordered Lorthax to go to Thra's village and tell them to deal with the remains of the Ants, since it was assumed they'd go there. For the most part I did nothing today. Nobody went hunting since we were busy dealing with the animal corpses. At least I could experiment with with drying meat or cooking it in various ways. I also helped Ish with her clothes, while also repairing my gambeson. 

The next day I felt... idle, wondering what to do. I just wanted to go somewhere... else. I entered Ish's hut. 

"I think I want to leave the village for a bit. The mountain camp is not too far away..." I said "What do you think about accompanying me?"

She narrowed her eyes and sighed.

"You haven't been there, need guide probably. But why did you tell me? I'm feeling responsible now.. Okay, but you owe me."

"Thanks! And also..." I added "you've always been helpful to me."

"Oh, that's cute. Somewhat. Let it be mutual. Prepare yourself. If we hurry we'll be there without having to camp." she said. "At least there are some tasty animals higher up."

"Don't worry I can take whatever materials we need." I said, trying to sound good. 


I took two large animal pelts we could use as camp-beds. I also filled two waterskins with water and took some ant meat, there was more than enough of it here. With my standard equipment, I considered what I had taken to be enough, so I went to how Ish was. 

"I'm ready." I said

"Let's go then!" Ish smiled. 

She had her sword, a spear and her backpack. I followed her. 

We were traveling to the north-northeast, moving quite fast. Still it was a bit after noon by the time we set off, in the middle of the afternoon the forest had started to change: pines were starting to dominate the environment. 


I started to hear an unusual clicking noise. It was moving, getting closer to us. 

"What's that, Ish?" I asked. 

I had got used to dangerous creatures, but that was different... I couldn't see where it was coming from. That suggested that the animal was quite a big one. 

"A Surahit I think." said Ish "It's not to worry about."

"Ah, okay." I answered and calmed down. 

Those animals, Lashi had referred to them as "Blind Spiders" earlier while telling me one of her stories. They were one of the two biggest herbivores in the area, standing three or four meters tall. 

"Shall we hunt it?" I asked. 

"There's no reason to bother. We've got food, right?"

"Yeah, I've brought some meat."

"Don't tire yourself with more, Stri." she said in a friendly manner. 


"Well, as you continue hanging around me, I ought to refer to in a cutesy manner. Like Lo'. "

"And Stri is the best you got?" I bursted laughing. 

"Well, what to say? Either I am not smart, or your name's not great." she too laughed. 

"Let's say the second..." I hope I sounded well and made a good impression. 

It's not like I was not experiencing what I was showing to feel, but I couldn't say what was passing through her head.

We moved on, the Surahit passing by us. The creature, I believe, was worthy of a description. Its main body was circular, flat. The legs were six in total, although from afar it appeared to have twelve. After a closer look you'd realize that four of the "legs" were actually some really long feelers, they were its main sensory organs, and the two others were prehensile "tentacles". Eyes were lacking, two small stocks were placed at the opposite sides of the body. 

Unfortunately the sun had started to set even before we had left the forest, so Ish told me to stop. 

"I'll start the fire." Ish said. "You place the beds."


Ish collected some firewood and started a fire, while I was placing the camp-beds facing each orher, so we could talk. I also got some of the meat out. I offered Ish some of it. 

"Thanks." she took it and then moved her bed to be right next to me. 


"I prefer to be next you."

"Well, okay.." I mumbled. "How are you then?"

"I'm fine. Do you want anything?"

"I think not. Just thank you for helping me." I told Ish. 

"We've agreed not to do so, haven't we?" 

"Who cares? I just want to do so..."

"Let's talk about something else."

"Okay. Hmm..." I thought for a bit and then I asked her something I had wondered about for a long time "What impression do I make?"

"Let me see..." she weakly knocked my head, pretending to make the noise of hitting something hollow "You're quite smart, rather silent. Well, your brothers and sisters are mostly like that, but less proud."

"So I hold up the familial standard....? What about my siblings then?"

"Well, you know Lorthax. I was close to him in spring... Nice man. You just don't even want to bother him. The others...Asha is less nice than you. Hor is thinking only about...who knows. When Lo' introduced it to us I saw him playing the flute, while his men were shouting "Old Hor! Old Hor! Old Hor!" I haven't met any others. I believe you're of the normals."

"Ha! Let's visit that Hor afterwards."

"Okay. Maybe. Let's sleep."

And so we fell asleep right next to each other. 

As I woke up I felt Ish having hugged me. It was quite nice, but I woke her up. After breakfast we continued walking. Finally the forest ended, being replaced by short grass, rocky cliffs... Big lizards were bathing in the sun, bird nest. It was full of animals here. 

In the afternoon we saw a big lake. We turned to the right and eventually reached a small system of caves. Two men were there right now. They greeted us, their names were Vrag and Gror. We were glad asked what was going in the village and then we were showed where we could sleep. 

The place was quite nice, there was enough space for maybe even fifty men in the upper layers of the cave. The cave itself isn't fully explored. They say that the depths are probably connected to other entrances, but that area is full of undead. That's all I got. The next day I might try going deep. Ish doesn't support the idea, though, and wanted us to go hunting.