
I, The Devil's Child, Will Conquer The World!

In a modern world shaped by the existence of gods and supernatural powers, the Hero Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and protection. Gifted by the gods themselves, individuals possess incredible abilities that aid them in defending humanity against various threats. Saekki, leads a sorrowful life, plagued by relentless bullying, until one fateful day when his latent powers awaken. Unlike his peers, however, Saekki never received the blessing of the gods in the form of a system that enhances and refines his abilities. After a raid gone wrong, Saekki decide to burn his teammate's with him, causing all of them to die a horrible death, but for some reason he appeared in a pool of blood with a man sitting on a tall throne that calls him... Son?

XRavenX · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Learning Stygian Verbalisation

Having spent a few hours exploring Hell with his father, he was then sent back to his room, where Gongju was waiting for him.

The moment they stepped into the room, Saekki's gaze immediately fell on Gongju.

Gongju, with a fixed gaze, also stared intently at Saekki.

"So you're the prince?" she asked in fluent English.

Saekki was surprised by her English-speaking ability and found himself taken aback.

"You know English?"

"Yes, I've been taught by humans. My name is Gongju, and it's a pleasure to meet the prince."

"Nice to meet you too," Saekki said.

He didn't want to get into too much detail about how she learned English.

"Can you teach me your language?"

"Of course." She said.

"Shall we start tomorrow?"

Saekki thought for a moment, and nodded.

"Tomorrow sounds good."

Gongju smiled at Saekki.

"Let's get some rest." She said.

Saekki nodded and lay down in bed.

As he sat there, he closed his eyes and reflected on every single thing that had happened throughout the day.

After some time had passed, Saekki eventually fell asleep.

The next day, Saekki woke up and stared out his window, overlooking the surroundings

As he sat there lost in thought, his mind wandered to his new life as a prince and all the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

The environment was unlike anything we had experienced on Earth, making everything seem so different.

The strangeness of this place was a novel experience for him.

It may have been unexpected, but he came to love it.

He got up and headed towards the study room with Gongju.

There is no actual sun in Hell, so you can't tell the time, but you can tell a little time by looking at the three blood moons.

If all of them are up, it means it's noon. If the two of them are up, then it's night. If only one of them is up, then it means afternoon or early evening.

With a graceful gesture, Saekki positioned himself on the chair and nestled at the table.

Gongju stood behind him, monitoring him.

"What should we start with?" Saekki asked.

"I guess... We could start with numbers. Do you know your numbers?"

Saekki shook his head.

"No, I don't."

Gongju began teaching him numbers between one and ten.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten..."

Saekki repeated after Gongju.

"Now try to say it."

Saekki tried, but couldn't pronounce the words properly.

"It's okay, keep practising."

They spent the whole day doing that.

With numbers came simple arithmetic and fractions.

After a while of teaching, Gongju was horrified by Saekki's talent in learning languages.

"He really is the lord's child." She whispered.

When they were done with numbers, Saekki wanted to learn the alphabet.

"Do you know how to read?"


Gongju gave him a book and taught him how to read.

Once they were done, Gongju told him to write the letters he just learnt.

Saekki picked up a pen and paper and started writing.

It was hard for him to remember the shapes of each letter.

"Try to do better."

Saekki tried again, but still couldn't remember the shapes.

"Don't worry, you'll get it, eventually."

Saekki sighed, but heard a noise in his head.

─ New language learnt, Stygian Verbalisation (1%) - You can now use firebase spells.

Saekki's eyes widened, and Gongju looked at him in confusion.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Saekki waved his hand, repeating the same actions of his father.

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

He wrote the spell on a piece of paper.

After writing it a few times, he had a basic understanding of how to write the spell.

Writing "Fireball" on a piece of paper in Stygian Verbalisation would create a fireball and shoot it towards the desired target.

He wrote the spell on a piece of paper and held it up in front of himself.

A ball of flame appeared above his head.

He flicked his wrist, and the flame disappeared.

"Wow!" Gongju exclaimed.

She was amazed at what he had just done.

"That's pretty neat."

Saekki grinned.

"Thank you." He said.

Saekki then checked his panel.

─ Name: Saekki Morningstar

─ Age: 17

─ Race: Human/Demon/Angel

─ Level 1

─ HP: 100/100

─ Mana: 95/100 (1 per 10 minutes)

─ Unique Abilities:

─ 1. Writing Reality:

─ Languages mastered:

English 100% - Can perform any auxiliary moves up to 10%.

Stygian Verbalisation 1% - You can use low-level fire base spells.

─ Fonts:

Arial 100% - Reduces magic cost by 50%

─ 2. Hell's commander:

Being the Devil's son, you can order demons around you to a certain degree.

The next morning, Saekki woke up, and reviewed some notes he took on Stygian Verbalisation, trying to familiarise himself with the language.

He didn't want to sound like a fool when conversing with demons.

He wanted to speak normal Stygian as well.

Saekki stared at the ceiling, thinking about the days ahead.

memories of his human life flashed, and he felt an unstoppable anger rush in him, but suppressed it.

"In a week, I promise to let them feel the burning of Hell."

Leaving his room, he headed to the throne where Lucifer sits.

"Good morning, Father."

Lucifer looked down at his son and said nothing.

He noticed Saekki had been working hard to master the Stygian language, and a smile grew on his face.

"You've learned the language faster than expected."

Saekki bowed and said, "I wish to start my plan after a week."

Lucifer didn't respond immediately and tapped on his armrest.

"Hmm, I will allow you if you pass my test at the end."

Saekki nodded.

"What is the test?"

"The test is to kill a lower level demon."

Saekki was confused for a moment.

"Erm, aren't they on our side?"

Lucifer shook his head.

"They only listen because of my power. The lower areas of Hell are like a battle royal."

Saekki thought for a moment.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Lucifer sighed and said, "I want you to learn so that you can understand the situation in Hell better. So that you know what to expect."

"Killing a demon will also help you get some experience."

Saekki nodded.

"I accept your challenge, Father."

Lucifer looked at his son and said, "Then it shall be as you wish, son."