
I, The Devil's Child, Will Conquer The World!

In a modern world shaped by the existence of gods and supernatural powers, the Hero Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and protection. Gifted by the gods themselves, individuals possess incredible abilities that aid them in defending humanity against various threats. Saekki, leads a sorrowful life, plagued by relentless bullying, until one fateful day when his latent powers awaken. Unlike his peers, however, Saekki never received the blessing of the gods in the form of a system that enhances and refines his abilities. After a raid gone wrong, Saekki decide to burn his teammate's with him, causing all of them to die a horrible death, but for some reason he appeared in a pool of blood with a man sitting on a tall throne that calls him... Son?

XRavenX · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Hell's child

As Saekki stared into the man's eyes, he was suddenly consumed by a feeling of panic.

"Who are you?" he said.

"The devil." The man replied calmly.

The voice coming from the man made Saekki shudder involuntarily.

The sound seemed artificial, as if it was a pre-recorded message being played repeatedly.

"What do you want with me?" he asked in desperation.

The man smiled.

"I just wanted to see my son for the first time." He replied without emotion.

Saekki's eyes widened.

"... Your son?"

"Yes, I've been looking for him since he disappeared."

"Where is he now?"

"Right in front of me."

Saekki's eyes widened at the realisation.

"No... it can't be..." He gasped in disbelief.

"You're not talking about me, are you?" Saekki said.

"Of course I am. Who else could it be?"

Saekki shook his head furiously.

"There has to be some mistake," he insisted. "I'm not your son."

The man shrugged.

"Why do you think you awaken an ability but no system?"

Saekki froze.

"Systems..." He muttered.

The man nodded.

"A system was activated by the blessing of an angel... But it doesn't work on other angels."

Saekki's eyes went wide.

"So if I were a human, I would have a system?"


"But if you were the son of a Arc angel, you would awaken several abilities, or one very powerful ability without a system?"

"That is correct."

"And considering I'm your son, I could awaken because I'm your son?"


Saekki's hands were shaking uncontrollably, betraying his nerves.

"So... If you're the devil... Is your name Satan or?"

"I go by the name of Lucifer. Our family name is Morningstar."

Saekki blinked once, his eyes fluttering briefly before opening again.

"Lucifer?" he repeated in disbelief.

"I thought angels were supposed to be pure, but you are evil."

Upon hearing his son's words, Lucifer rolled his eyes in disdain.

"Evil? How am I evil compared to others?"

"You are currently trying to take over the,-"

With a sudden burst of anger, Lucifer pounds his hands on the armrests of his chair, causing a powerful shock wave to reverberate through the entire room.

The chilling effect of the situation was so intense that even the demons in the lower regions of Hell could not resist shivering.

"I? No, it's the humans who tried taking over Hell."

With a heavy sigh escaping him, Lucifer leans back on his throne, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"300 years ago, humans used some sort of lazar technology and pieced through the realms, and that realm was hell."

He then tapped his finger on his throne.

"This made the two realms' protection weaken, and gates emerged because of this."

"I first ordered the demons to stay where they are, but the humans kept coming and we protected ourselves."

"At some point, the demons were tired of being in the same position, so they attacked."

"However, the humans didn't give up and kept coming back, so we used the same attack against them, and we found a gate right in the middle of their home world."

"And now I am painted as the Villain."

Saekki's eyes grew wide hearing this.

"So the heroes are just the Villains?" Saekki muttered.

His words didn't escape Lucifer's ears and sneered.

"Hero's? Please, that's just some bullshit to make people raid Hell. The purpose of the Angels blessing humans was, so they'd protect themselves because of their stupidity."

Saekki blinked.

"Stupidity?" he repeated. "Are you saying humans and Angels aren't smart?"

Lucifer glared at his son.

"I am not stupid! You know nothing of how the world works!"

Saekki was stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

Lucifer sighed.

"Humans are fucking idiots. They don't listen to reason, and they act like children when something goes wrong."

"So, what does that have to do with you?"

Lucifer opened his mouth to say something, but paused.

"Well... I did everything in my power to prevent a war between Earth and Hell, but the humans pushed it too far."

Lucifer then looked at Saekki.

"At least the demons are more intelligent. They understand the consequences of using their powers."

"Humans treat it to manipulate others. You should understand this," He said, looking into his son's eye's.

Saekki fell silent and his fist clenched.

Covered in blood from head to toe, he climbed out of the pool of blood and knelt down in front of his father.

"I wish to help you, father."

Lucifer's eyes widened and then let out a soft chuckle.

"Help me?" he questioned.

Saekki nodded.

"Yes, I want to help you defeat the humans."

Lucifer's eyes narrowed.


Saekki turned to look at his father.

"They know about the gates, and so do the demons, so the best thing would be to use the demon armies and send them to Earth."

Lucifer nodded, "No shit."

"With my ability, I may open a portal from Hell to Earth."

Without uttering a single word, Lucifer swiftly leaped off his throne.

As he plummeted towards the ground at an incredible rate, suddenly wings emerged from his back, which helped to slow down his fall.

As he takes a step forward with one foot, he moves steadily towards his son.

"Hmm, I guess you could do this, but your power is too weak right now. It's also incredibly unique."

There was a moment of silence as Lucifer collected his thoughts.

"I can use some of my divine power to give you your own system to help you out with your powers, but this also means you officially turn against the humans."

Saekki expressed his agreement by nodding his head and showing respect by bowing.

"Yes, father."

Lucifer lifted his hand in the air, causing Saekki to close his eyes.

Within a matter of seconds, his body underwent a radical metamorphosis, although it was just a matter of time before he returned to his regular state.

Saekki's mind was alerted by a sudden ding, and in a flash of a moment, a plethora of information appeared in his head.

─ Name: Saekki Morningstar

─ Age: 17

─ Race: Human/Demon/Angel

─ Level 1: 0/100

─ Hp: 100/100

─ Mana: 100/100

─ Unique Abilities:

─ 1. Writing Reality:

─ Languages mastered:

English 100% - Can perform any auxiliary moves up to 10%.

─ Fonts:

Arial 100% - Reduces magic cost by 50%

─ 2. Hell's commander:

Being the Devil's son, you can order demons around you to a certain degree.