
I Stole The Second Most Powerful Item

Kate Apocalypse, a briliant researcher, creates the Void Archives an artifact that can replicate anything. Stealing it to explore other universes, Kate is cursed by a mysterious being who halts her journey. Granted the power to travel between worlds, Kate must now lift the curse by seeking the enigmatic entity. Along the way, she encounters legendary heroes and copies their abilities, uncovering dark secrets about the multiverse and her true mission.

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18 Chs

The Founding (IV)

Kate's breakthrough was more violent than anyone had expected, and her return to the main hall with Su Yan was met with concern. Yang Kai, having sensed the disturbance, entered the hall, a hint of worry on his face. "Trial Disciple Yang Kai pays his respects to the Elders," he said, bowing deeply.

Yang Kai's sudden appearance was a miscalculation on Kate's part. "Miscalculation after miscalculation, I was supposed to be the greatest researcher in all of history!" Kate thought angrily to herself. Realizing there was no point in hiding any longer, Kate decided to use the Eight Difficulties Demonic Technique, causing everyone to despise her almost instantly.

In just a short moment, Kate was being bombarded by accusations from everyone in the hall. "It's good that the stronger someone is, the higher their resistance to the technique," Kate thought, choosing to use her Evil Qi and revealing the Qi of the Flowery Swords. She acted all the way to the end, committing to the role she had decided to play. "This is a good place to go with a bang," Kate thought to herself.

"Kate, you're being corrupted!" Su Yan shouted. The Sect Master immediately moved towards Kate, but was stopped by multiple gates aimed at everyone. "She can open hundreds of them?" everyone thought to themselves, astonished by her power.

Kate's eyes glowed with a malevolent energy as she opened more and more gates, each one releasing a weapon aimed at the elders and disciples. The hall was filled with tension, the air crackling with the power of her demonic technique.

"Enough!" the Sect Master roared, his voice booming through the hall. He raised his hand, ready to strike Kate down, but hesitated as he saw the determination in her eyes.

"You don't understand," Kate said, her voice cold and resolute. "I am doing this for the future, for Yang Kai. I will bear the burden of your hatred if it means he can live."

Yang Kai, still processing the chaotic scene, stepped forward. "Kate, what are you talking about?" he asked, confusion and concern mingling in his voice.

"Stay back, Yang Kai," Kate said, her voice softening for a moment. "This is my path, my choice. You must continue your journey without me."

The Sect Master, seeing the resolve in Kate's eyes, lowered his hand. "Kate Apocalypse, you have made your choice," he said solemnly. "But know this: if you bring harm to our sect, we will not hesitate to stop you."

Kate nodded, her face a mask of determination. "I understand," she said. With a final glance at Yang Kai and Su Yan, she turned and walked out of the hall, her path now set.

As the gates she had opened closed behind her, the hall was left in stunned silence. Su Yan looked at Yang Kai, her eyes filled with worry. "What are we going to do?" she asked.

Yang Kai, his face set with determination, replied, "We will continue. We will grow stronger, and we will find a way to save Kate. No matter what it takes."

The elders and disciples, though shaken, felt a renewed sense of purpose. They would not let Kate's sacrifice be in vain. They would fight for their future, together.

"I think I just entered something that I should not," Kate thought to herself, reflecting on the chaotic scene she had left behind.

After some time, at the gate of the sect, Kate met Xia Ning Chang. "Senior Sister, I finally found you," Kate said, approaching her. "Yang Kai has given me this." She took out a Flowery Spirit Orb.

"What is this?" Xia Ning Chang asked, curiosity piqued.

"Yang Kai said that you should swallow this and refine it. I've already given the other one to Sister Su Yan," Kate explained.

"To Sister Su Yan? Does that mean that I have the same importance as Sister Su Yan?" Xia Ning Chang thought to herself, a mix of surprise and excitement on her face. Without a second thought, she grabbed the orb and swallowed it whole.

Kate watched her with a soft smile. "She really is cute," she thought.

"Now, I shall report back to Yang Kai," Kate said, turning to leave.

As she walked away, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Despite her intentions, she knew she had disrupted many lives. But her resolve was unwavering. "This is for the future," she reminded herself.

"I should go towards the Central Capital," Kate thought to herself, but during her walk, she felt something very familiar. Suddenly, a mysterious white ethereal being appeared before her.

"You really did that beautifully," the being said.

"Are you happy now? That I did what you want?" Kate replied, annoyed.

"Yes, indeed. Here's your reward," the mysterious being said, leaving behind three sets of cards before disappearing.

Kate stared at the cards, her curiosity piqued. She picked them up and examined each set carefully. The first set glowed with a golden hue, emitting a powerful and warm aura. The second set was shrouded in a dark, ominous energy, crackling with potential. The third set seemed neutral, balanced, and mysterious.

"What could these be?" Kate wondered, holding the cards up to the light. Each set bore intricate designs and symbols that hinted at their potent abilities and hidden secrets. With a determined look, Kate pocketed the cards.

"I'll have to figure out what these do later. For now, the Central Capital awaits," she thought. Her steps quickened as she resumed her journey, ready to face the next phase of her plan and uncover the mysteries that lay ahead.

Not long after, Kate slowed down her steps. "Someone is following me," she thought to herself. "I have a lot to do. First, I need a weapon, something I will always use. It's bad if I become like Gilgamesh. Mastering nothing is a bad thing." Kate further pondered as she stopped under a huge tree and sat beneath it.

"The ones following me are still there. What are they planning?" she wondered. "This should be the time to go back to Yang Chen. I need extra time after all," Kate decided as she opened her CCC and chose the Universal Transfer to the Against the Gods universe.

The ground beneath Kate began to crack, and before she could react, she found herself plummeting into a deep abyss. "I've done this two or three times before, but it's still fun. It was scary the first time, but now I think this feeling of getting transported is really different," Kate thought to herself as she fell.

Meanwhile, Yun Che was locked in a fierce battle with the Black Demon Mercenaries Group, utilizing his newfound power, the Inheritance of the Phoenix. As he unleashed a wave of scorching flames, he noticed a crack forming in the void. "It's her again," Jasmine, his ethereal companion, remarked.

"She might want to copy your newfound strength," Jasmine added, a hint of caution in her voice.

Yun Che's eyes narrowed as he focused on the crack. "The Archiver... Kate," he muttered. He knew her presence could either be a boon or a challenge, depending on her intentions.

The mercenaries paused, momentarily distracted by the crack in the void. Taking advantage of their hesitation, Yun Che unleashed another powerful attack, sending a burst of flames towards his enemies. The mercenaries scattered, their formation breaking apart.

Suddenly, the crack widened, and a figure emerged from the blinding light. Kate, now known as the Archiver, floated above the battlefield, her presence commanding immediate attention. Her eyes scanned the scene below, assessing the situation.

"Archiver!" Yun Che called out, both relieved and wary. "What brings you here?"

Kate descended gracefully, her eyes locking onto Yun Che. "I've come to witness and, if necessary, intervene," she replied. Her tone was calm, yet there was an underlying intensity.

Jasmine's voice echoed in Yun Che's mind. "Be careful, Yun Che. Her intentions might not align with ours."

Yun Che nodded subtly, acknowledging Jasmine's warning. "We can handle this," he said to Kate, his voice steady. "But any assistance would be appreciated."

Kate observed the battlefield, then glanced at Yun Che. "Your Phoenix power is impressive," she noted. "But remember, strength alone is not enough. Strategy and wisdom are equally important."

With that, Kate turned her attention to the mercenaries. She raised her hand, and a series of golden gates appeared, each emitting a powerful aura. Weapons and artifacts began to emerge from the gates, hovering around her.

The mercenaries, already shaken by Yun Che's power, were now faced with an even greater threat. Kate's display of strength and the sheer number of weapons at her command was overwhelming.

"Retreat!" one of the mercenaries shouted, realizing they were outmatched. The group began to flee, their resolve broken.

As the battlefield cleared, Yun Che approached Kate. "Thank you," he said, sincerity in his voice. "Your intervention was timely."

Kate nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Remember, Yun Che, power should be wielded with responsibility. Don't let it consume you."

Yun Che smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

Kate turned her attention to Lan Xue Ruo, her gaze intense and scrutinizing. "Hmm?" Kate studied her closely, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Lan Xue Ruo felt a shiver run down her spine under Kate's piercing gaze. "Wha- What can I do for you?" she stammered, trying to maintain her composure. Her thoughts raced. "Junior Yun knows her. Her strength and mysterious abilities are dangerous."

Kate's expression shifted slightly, a hint of recognition crossing her features. "So this is the disguise of the Second Wife?" she remarked, her tone contemplative.

Lan Xue Ruo's eyes widened in surprise. "Second Wife?" she echoed, confusion evident in her voice. Before she could say more, Kate turned her attention back to Yun Che.

Yun Che, still processing the recent events, met Kate's gaze. "What brings you here, Archiver?" he asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and caution.

Kate's eyes softened as she looked at Yun Che. "I've come to witness and perhaps guide," she replied. "Your journey is intertwined with many futures, and I have a vested interest in ensuring certain outcomes."

Jasmine's voice echoed in Yun Che's mind. "Be careful, Yun Che. She has her own agenda."

Yun Che nodded slightly, acknowledging Jasmine's warning. "Your presence is always... intriguing, Archiver," he said carefully. "But why refer to Lan Xue Ruo as the Second Wife?"

Kate's lips curled into a faint smile. "In another timeline, she holds a significant place in your heart. Her role is pivotal, just as yours is."

Lan Xue Ruo, still reeling from the revelation, looked between Yun Che and Kate. "I don't understand," she admitted. "What do you mean by 'another timeline'?"

Kate took a deep breath. "Time and reality are more fluid than you might imagine. My presence here is a testament to that. Each choice you make, each path you walk, creates ripples that affect countless lives."

Yun Che frowned, his mind grappling with the implications. "So, you're saying that in another reality, Lan Xue Ruo and I...?"

"Yes," Kate confirmed. "But don't let that distract you from your current path. Every reality has its own challenges and triumphs."

"Looks like you've obtained some good treasures, huh?" Kate remarked, her gaze fixed on Yun Che.

"Indeed, I have acquired many since you left," Yun Che replied, his tone calm but alert.

Lan Xue Ruo, sensing a potential threat, drew her sword and stepped between them. "Are you planning on stealing them from him?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing.

Kate raised her hands in a placating gesture. "It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding," she assured Lan. "You really deserve the future that would come to you," she added, a cryptic smile playing on her lips.

Lan Xue Ruo hesitated, her grip on her sword loosening slightly. "Don't misunderstand, missus," Kate continued, her tone patient. "I only copy things, not steal them."

Lan Xue Ruo's eyes widened in surprise. "Copy?"

Kate nodded, stepping past Lan towards Yun Che. "Yes, I have the ability to replicate treasures, not take them. My purpose here is not to deprive you of your gains but to ensure you retain them and grow stronger."

Yun Che watched her closely, still wary but intrigued. "Why do you do this, Kate? What is your goal?"

"Like I said, I do this to record the lives of those who change the world," Kate reiterated, her expression serious.

Yun Che extended his hand towards her. "I don't really get it, but do your thing," he said, a hint of trust in his voice. "Also, can you copy the Phoenix Inheritance?"

Kate nodded. "I can copy things by their information. I only need to find the information in your body and copy it with the help of the information from the Time Archive. This way, I will know everything about you. I'm sure Jasmine will get it first."

Jasmine, hidden inside Yun Che's Sky Poison Pearl, was taken aback. "How does she know about me?" she thought to herself.

Yun Che's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Jasmine. "You know about Jasmine?"

Kate smirked. "Of course. Nothing escapes the Time Archive. Now, let's begin."

She focused, opening a gate that emitted a soft, golden glow. The light enveloped Yun Che, probing and capturing the information about the Phoenix Inheritance within him. Yun Che felt a slight tingling sensation but remained still, trusting the process.

Jasmine, observing from within the Sky Poison Pearl, felt a mix of curiosity and unease. "This girl... she knows too much," she thought.

After a few moments, the light faded, and Kate stepped back. "It's done. I've copied the information about the Phoenix Inheritance. Your power remains unchanged."

Yun Che flexed his fingers, feeling the same strength within him. "Impressive. So, what's next?"

Kate smiled. "Next, we continue our journey. There are more treasures to find and more power to gain. Together, we can ensure a better future."

Lan Xue Ruo, still cautious but more accepting, nodded. "Let's move forward. We have a lot to do."

As they prepared to leave, Jasmine's voice echoed in Yun Che's mind. "Be careful, Yun Che. She may be an ally, but she knows more than she lets on."

Yun Che acknowledged Jasmine's warning. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Jasmine is probably saying that I know more than what I let on. And it's true," Kate said, surprising Jasmine. "I know everything; I've recorded it all, after all."

Kate's pointing finger glowed with a golden light. "I'll give you a little information about something," she said as she touched Yun Che's forehead. In an instant, a wealth of knowledge flooded Yun Che's mind, revealing details about a giant sword and Jasmine's relationship with it.

Yun Che's eyes widened as he absorbed the information. "I see... Thanks, Kate. I shall do that," he said, his tone filled with determination.

Jasmine, now visibly shaken, emerged from the Sky Poison Pearl. "How did you...?" she began, but Kate interrupted her with a knowing smile.

"There's much more I could tell you," Kate said, "but for now, that's all you need. Use that information wisely."

Yun Che nodded, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. "I will. Thank you, Kate."

"Jasmine, don't bother knowing what the information is," Kate said with a mysterious smile. "It's just about what will happen to you."

Jasmine looked puzzled but didn't press further. "Well then, I shall leave and go to Cloud's End Peak," Kate continued. "Jasmine, you'll find something there, and you too, Yun Che."

With that, Kate opened a large gate, and a magnificent ship of light emerged. She boarded the ship, and it ascended swiftly towards Cloud's End Peak, leaving Yun Che and Jasmine to ponder her words.

As Kate soared through the skies on the ship of light, she felt a mix of anticipation and determination. The journey to Cloud's End Peak held the promise of new discoveries and challenges, and she was ready to face them head-on.