
I still want him (still Do)

Lilkenny · Teenager
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2 Chs

how it’s all started…2

After thinking of what to do with my life . I Vanessa decided to become a content creator. Because I have the dream of becoming a video vixen. So I created a page online where I post my pictures and videos as that is what every influencer do . After two weeks I started gaining audience and that's when he chatted me up …

"Hey pretty" he said on he's text

Did not reply because I am a full time snub and also I don't like too handsome dude for that is trap and I do not want to fall into that trap. But he did not give up .

"Hey , so you in the same school with me"

And that's when I really noticed him after going through he's page thoroughly which I regretted later for that guy is fine . So fine that my body be feeling so funny and what's shocking is that I had never met him before yet I am already like this . (Now that is really the trap I was talking about) but forget being fine it's was he's approach that got to me.

I decided not to reply him until one night I was really down and thought of doing something I'd regret . He sent me a text

"Hey , did not see your story today. What's wrong? Hope you good?"

I decided to reply him this time because I needed someone to talk to . So I told him how I was strywith financially and that i needed money to buy textbooks and that this might just make me do what I am not supposed to do . Then he asked for my number so I shared with him. That's when he called me and the first time i heard he's voice . To me at that moment I completely lost it. That voice was just calling for me . It's was so sexy and manly that I was already hot allover . How's that possible. For I completely forgot I was sad . On the call with him..

Phone rings…

" hey pretty, how are you doing " him

"I am fine but not sure" me

"You will be , it's would be alright" " you did not tell me your name though "

" I am Vanessa " Vanessa "you?" Though we've seen each other page name but not everyone work with their real name.

" Daniel" daniel

" hey Daniel" Vanessa

" Nessa, lol" Daniel

Ok , did he just nicknamed me right now. Decided not answer. And so he continued

" you don't mind me paying for those books ?" " because I will love to ." Daniel

I was nervous because we only started talking and this is unusual..


" no reaseon , I just want to" Daniel

But heart was beating (drum drum) and I am sure what to believe . What's he's agenda?

"Ok, thank you" Vanessa

" you welcome Nessa, and don't do what you said you wanted to do. Is not worth it ." Daniel..

I decided to yield to that advice and just like that my fees what's paid for . And did not receive any text or calls from him after that day. But guess what I can't stop thinking about him. We only spoke once yet he is on my mind day and night. And I wonder why he wouldn't talk to me anymore . So many thoughts were just flying around. Did I act so desperate ? Is that why he wouldn't talk to me? He doesn't like me? Does he not find me pretty anymore? Maybe he thinks I am just like the other girls that are after he's money? Should I chat him . God he's voice is so crazy..! Is been weeks now , maybe he doesn't like me anymore. And so one afternoon I got a text from him…

"Hey Vanessa" Daniel

In my heart (why Vanessa and not Nessa? ) like he calls me before

" hi Daniel" Vanessa

"No lecture today?"

" there was one , earlier this morning"

"Oh ok, how was it?"

" I am stressed but I will manage "

" been wanting to see you , ever since that day" Daniel

" really ? me too" Vanessa

" for real? How about we see today please that is if you don't mind " Daniel

" sure" Vanessa

"Ok cool, how about my place ? But if you not ok with it I can make plans somewhere else ?"

" nah…I'm good with your place"

" ok , how about later today . Will send you the address" ..