
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 32: The Son of the Goddess of Creation, Tiamat!?

After getting a clear response from Qiye regarding the time, Gilgamesh nodded in satisfaction. Among all the information he received, this was the only one that pleased him.

"I have already passed on the knowledge you taught me to the priests, and our crude-made alcohol has also started distillation and purification. I believe that within half a month, we will have a batch of wine no less than the quality of your family's," said Gilgamesh confidently.

Glancing at Gilgamesh's self-assured expression, Qiye couldn't help but think that achieving the level of fermentation and distillation Semiramis did would not be easy for them.

Nevertheless, the distilled wine made by Gilgamesh and his people would be sufficient for Uruk at this point.

Once the crude alcohol was fermented and distilled, its quality and taste would improve, making it popular among the people. Consequently, traders would flock to Uruk to buy the wine and take it to other cities for trade.

This would create a chain reaction, as the popularity of the distilled wine would attract more traders, increasing Uruk's income. Traders coming from afar would also seek accommodations and food in Uruk, further boosting the city's prosperity.

Having something that others don't possess can bring unimaginable benefits to a city.

"Of course, provided that a certain careless king keeps an eye on his subordinates. Otherwise, if they leak the method of distillation, we won't be able to monopolize the huge profits," Qiye said, glancing at Gilgamesh.

"Certainly, the Arbiter and the Sage. In your eyes, is this king such a fool who doesn't know how to cherish and protect things?" Gilgamesh retorted, standing up in anger.

Remembering how Gilgamesh had casually thrown the blue stone gem at him earlier, Qiye seriously nodded, indicating that Gilgamesh had a point.

"Leave, get out!" Gilgamesh yelled, throwing another clay tablet at Qiye.

Qiye caught it and sighed, "I'll leave, but I haven't finished asking about the Mud Golem. How do you plan to deal with it? Perhaps it really is one of the divine weapons?"

"I almost forgot about that hunter. So much happened today, and I haven't resolved everything yet," Gilgamesh admitted.


You haven't resolved it yet?! Then why did you look so leisurely earlier when you were smashing clay tablets?!

"I'll leave the task of confirming the Mud Golem to you. I need to lay low and leave Uruk for a while," Qiye said, aware that the commotion caused by the title "Sage" had become too significant.

"Alright, I'll have soldiers prepare a carriage for you. You can leave Uruk with the hunter and ascertain whether that Mud Golem is indeed the divine chain the gods sent to admonish me," Gilgamesh agreed.

"Preparing a carriage is enough. I have something else to replace horses and donkeys. It's much faster than them," Qiye said, waving his hand.

"Is it a lion?" Gilgamesh guessed.

"No, it's the Earth."

Qiye bent down and touched the ground of the palace. All the broken pieces of clay that were splattered earlier, as if responding to his command, rolled towards him. In Gilgamesh's astonished gaze, they fused together to form a robust clay bull.

The clay bull's eyes, ears, mouth, and nose were all clearly defined, and its muscular build made it appear as though it were a flesh and blood bull. If Gilgamesh hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that this clay bull was formed from broken clay pieces.

Qiye straightened up and patted the clay bull beside him, saying with a somewhat boastful tone, "As long as it treads upon the Earth, it will never tire or need rest, always obeying my commands. It's much better than cows, donkeys, or sheep that need to eat and get tired."

The only flaw is that… the clay bull created by Qiye lacks sentience and cannot think for itself.

However, this can also be seen as an advantage, as lacking sentience means it won't experience fear. When facing an army, it will charge forward fearlessly.

"Controlling the power of the Earth… are you a god?"

Gilgamesh stared at Qiye in astonishment. He then continued with a slightly strange expression, "Are you the Earth and Air God, equal to Anu?"

Gilgamesh couldn't imagine what level Anu, the chief god among the gods, belonged to.

In the Mesopotamian mythological system, under the Primordial Gods, there were only the Four Major Gods and the Three Great Celestial Gods.

The Four Major Gods were:

- Anu, the head of all Gods, the God of Gods.

- Enlil, the God of Earth and Air.

- Enki, the God of Waters.

- Ninhursag, the Goddess of Birth.

Next were the Three Great Celestial Gods:

- Nanna (Sin), the Moon God.

- Utu (Shamash), the Sun God.

- Inanna (Ishtar), the Goddess of Venus.

"You are on the same level as Anu among the Four Major Gods and superior to the Three Great Celestial Gods. You can control the Earth, so are you the God of Earth and Air?" Gilgamesh looked at Qiye, his handsome face becoming calm.

"No, when I said 'same level,' I wasn't referring to the divine position, but my identity. With that said, you should be able to guess my identity," Qiye shook his head.

"You are on the same level as Anu among the Four Major Gods, and you said you have no father, only a mother… Then, there's only one answer. Are you…" Gilgamesh had already guessed Qiye's identity, but he hesitated to speak the name of the Goddess of Creation.

Gilgamesh felt that his conjecture was too shocking; it was even more astonishing than "Qiye being the God of Earth and Air."

"You are on the same level as Anu among the Four Major Gods and higher than the Three Great Celestial Gods. You can control the Earth. Are you the son of Tiamat, the Goddess of Creation?" Gilgamesh finally blurted out the name of the Goddess of Creation, which was a guess that shook the world.

This black-haired, black-eyed man was the son of the Goddess of Creation, Tiamat, whose existence was not recorded in mythological history!?

Last Chapter for today... throw in your power stones for extra chap...

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