
Villain 05 - Crime Does Pay

After full of events in one week, during my stay at the Sakura Empire, now known as the Grand Sakura Empire, I finally returning home. The new name of the empire been announced by the Empress Nadeshiko after conquering the whole East Continent and uniting the countries under one banner. Except for my region, Wisteria Dukedom and the countries of my patronage, the autonomy of the territories been plugged out from the feudal lordships, and put into the new centralized systems, managed by the Grand Sakura federal government.

The army and defense forces are now under the royal control, the Empress power. The noble army forces have been dismantle and assimilated in the royal defense force that supervised by the Samurai General, whom also hold the Prime Minister title, Duke Oda Haruka. The unqualified minister have been dropped out, and judged if they involve in scandals or corruption. The national bank been established, and controlled the government financials, tax collections and economic developments, which under jurisdiction of Minister of Left. A few government departments, have been introduced to take over the noble power, such like Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries, Ministry of Tourism, Art and Culture and the most important one, Ministry of Education.

With the current literate, educations, and technologies in this empire, most of my planning will actually become impossible. Well, fear not, my trained subordinates will handle those things, their involvement either as government officials, or the mastermind of controlling the real power from shadows. I am happy with my slaves - most of them are competent and never let me down. For your information, I actually prepared these peoples for the coming occasion, my women, those highborn lady will give birth to my child as I impregnate them in those historic days of this empire. They will silently absent from government for a while later on, so this action indeed important to make sure the empire stay functional without them.

As for my region and protectorate countries such as Wibane Kingdom, will managed by my own special government, which separated from Grand Sakura Empire authority and directly under the Empress jurisdictional institution. Although the Empress the head of the government, the executive powers belong to the Archduke family and she only can listens to the advice from me while without any decision making rights. I still let the current king of my underling countries to continue their job, but eventually change them with my kids someday. Except for the Wibane Kingdom, I have declared that the hero, my lover son, will soon crowned as the new king after he completed his study in the cultivation world. He will not be informed as those decree shall be keep in secret until the day came. Technically, he is my 'son', as I 'married' his mother, furthermore I wanted to tie him into the big responsibility as a king, in the same time, making him harder to play as the 'hero' role. Killing two bird with one stone, really. On other note side, his soon to be little brother, now safety in his mother womb, will send as the new king, next to the hero nation. I hope, one day, they will meet and say this line;

Little bro : I am your little brother.

Hero : Nooooo....


My homecoming indeed in spectacular sight as I were celebrated with full of cheers and joy by the Fiery City citizens like a hero after my feat in Grand Sakura Empire. I returning home by using my White Eagle flagship, did astonish them, but rather speechless and become confused, they shouting my name more cheerily as witnessed the might of their young lord. It's look like that my mother told everyone about my returns, and they prepared me the surprise celebration all around the city.

"Long live Wu young master! Long live the Archduke Wu Tian!" I replied those cheers with my blank cannon shot, making the crowds more impress and excited.

My travel to home halted half an hour, because of those celebration. When I arrived at home, it's seem that lots of noble and important person already gathers here. My father and mother waiting for me at the front door, hugging me before guide me to the main hall in my mansion. Those people that waited for my arrival, follow me from behind, guided by my family servants into the designed place. My parent and I sitting in the throne like chairs, facing the guests and visitors before starting the whatever ceremony that my parent wanted to conduct with.

As always, my father greeted the guests, mentioning their names and welcome them with full humor. He then begin to brag my achievements, from my child time. Wait, I still a child though, with a few experience in adult life, yes a little. His bragging words been cheers and clapped by those listeners, well that licking butt dogs have their job done well. I aware that my father quite frustrated after knowing his son, me doesn't have much talent in cultivation area. But, my grandfather didn't abandon me, and spend his fortunes, feeding me herbs, pills and medicines to improve my ability. My mother, who hugging me tightly, almost drown me with her monster class boobs, (number two after the hero mother, the hero class tits), also the person who never give up on me and care for me, well she did love me as her son until we cross that dangerous line. So, the bragging of my parent actually to renounce the world about how wrong they are about me.

Later on, after my father ended up his speech, the guests given the chances to greet us and present the congratulation gift. The first receiving guests bringing me the most shocking news - the representative of the Burning Phoenix Kingdom greet us with the royal decree; announced the engagement of me and the first princess. The story didn't end there, as the the ceremony will held tomorrow. The announcement actually only for the show, as my parent already knew that and prepared the betrothal gifts to be send tomorrow. I remember that my grandmother was a first princess in the kingdom too, but it seem like I will follow my grandfather, who secluded in my special device, to achieve his dream. I'm sure he will be success, and surprised the world again.

By the way, unlike 17 years old Nadeshiko, the first princess of the kingdom, also known as the war goddess of Burning Phoenix Kingdom age is 21 years old, triple mine, and unmarried yet. The war-craze women feared by her peers and definitely the enemies, so getting her as my fiancee is more like the king trying to throw his biggest headache to me. Of course, as a Goddess, she is a beautiful lady.

The next audience is the representative of the Holy Moon Theocracy Empire, my beloved Eliza and the special envoy greet me while bring us the news of my appointment as the Honorary Count. Unlike Grand Sakura Empire, the Earl is higher that Count title, as their nobles too many there, but in most country, they are in the same rank. Count in the Holy Moon Theocracy Empire is equivalent to bishop rank, so I can takeover any leadership of the Holy Moon church around the world if I wanted to. Nah, it's troublesome. She pass me the noble certificate and the special coat, represent the title itself. She also arrive here with my son, under the Yue care right now, so I will join them later, maybe some ménage à trois while on it. No mom, you can't join it even you hug me stronger.

My supposedly cousin, who fall in victim of NTR, the crown prince who represent his country, the Aqua Port Kingdom, greeted me with the gifts and new noble ranked, Honorary Count. He also thanks me for the business transactions (the slave matter) and wish to continue the good relationship. My foster parent also greet us in good humor, while passing the gift from the ruler of the United States of Iron Machine and wishing me best of luck for my coming further study in cultivation world. My foster mother show me her stomach, look like the work have done well. My mother did catch that, and do the same act secretly, also known to my foster mother. While those two dense husbands chatting happily, both cheated wife show off the effort of mine, later on.... shaking hand?

"My baby will be cuter!"

"No, it's mine who will be the cutest one...."

After changing the pleasantries with the visitors, finally we feast the foods and drinks that been prepared by my family. Not quite achieving my food standard, but this will do. I fill my stomach, after waiting few hours for the event. Luckily, I did eat before landing to my home. My ship still floating because the lack of space here, so I have to land manually, using the ability of my armor suit. By the way, I doing those hero landing to show off, but as the result, I have to deploy the defense measurement as those action could damage the armor and even hurting me. I did agree with the words of the red condom like suit hero - "Superhero landing. She's gonna do a superhero landing. Wait for it! Superhero landing! You know, that's really hard on your knees. Totally impractical, they all do it."

The meeting of merchants and those old businessman handled by my underlings, as I avoid direct face to face negotiations, because that would take much time and energy. They did greet me, but only that. For them, I am the walking gold mine, never exhausted the material. I only have my peace and rest time later at the late evening, enjoying the dinner with my parent, Eliza, my baby son (still in secret from anyone except certain person) and Yue, my ex senior who waited for me to enter the cultivation world together. My father asked me if he would have the chance like his old man, my grandfather, to enter the special device and ascend for higher rank in cultivation, I answered it with yes, but he has to wait for his turn. He also must prepare for his absence in the leadership, as he is the ruler of Fiery City. Looks like he has to wait my mother to give birth my little brother (my son), raise him into good adult, replaced him afterward, then he can manage to enter the secluded retreat.

The night time were well spend, as I enjoy my quality time with Eliza and Yue. I quite excited after Eliza now equipped by new weapon in this night war, the milk breast. Her chest bloated well, although not big enough, but it's does give me new experience in my sexy time. Her boobs didn't hold any candle to my big three women - the hero mother, my mother, and surprisingly, Nancy, whom still in development. Nancy is really an assassin, literally in her profession and her women asset. As a hobbit, her physical quite small, but her mountain on the G ranked, the greatness and grandness of it's prowess. Yue, of course, still underage in my former world, but she actually changing a lot, as her physical and appearance is more mature and making the right curve. She having her first anal today, after being curious when I stick my rod in backside of Eliza. I could pump my semen in Eliza pussy for many reason, but for the person with cultivation talent like Yue, I can transmit my juice as the dual cultivation energy form to increase her stats. She wanted to taste it, so I give her the love she want.

The next day, I went to the royal palace of the Burning Phoenix Kingdom at Pawaka city for the my betrothal ceremony. We departed after having our breakfast in my flagship, together with my family. Yue and Eliza returning home shortly afterwards with my teleportation device, but Yue will be back again after packing her stuff for our further trip to lower dimension realms. We arrived at the city around 10 in the morning, and waited at special room that designed for us at the palace. We granted the audience by the king at the noon time, greeting the His Majesty before another shocking bomb, dropped by him.

The king has granted me the Duke title for engaging with his daughter. He also announced that the Fire Desert, which actually located around my Bavalotia city, will be mine, as a new dukedom territory, and my father will granted another region as replacement. This is the main reason why my city creating a big shock news to this country - the location itself. The Fire Desert is well known as inhabitants place, even though my city placed in the oasis area. I picked up the place because of the small mountain anyway, not the resources or the geological advantages.

The traders and merchants did have many problems with the location wise, but having so much of exotic products and most desirable items in the city, life will find the way. Joking around, I already created plenty of highways, crossing the dessert and directly to my city, with safety measurements. The first thing, the highways are quite wide and protected with strong shield, covering the path from sandstorm and desert bandits. In the middle of the highway, there are few rest place, a motel for travelers, handled by my subordinates. They serve foods and drinks, while managing the safety of the highway. If someone wanted to use the facility, they need to register at the entrance gate and pay some toll moneys, which quite cheap. They even save their money, hiring the guards by using my city traveling installation.

The king rain the praise on me, especially the gift that I present to him before. The beauty products, alcoholic beverages, and many more items, those liken to the gifts from heaven, and really hoping that I would provide more for them. I give my words to him, not to mention, as the future son in law, I gladly do it. The queen quite young, and full of elegance, did attract attention of mine. It seems that she is the new wife of the king, after the death of the previous one. The king married for the third time, because two of his late wife died giving birth to his heirs, The first wife died giving birth to the first princess, my fiancee. The second one give birth to twins, a girl and a boy, facing the same fate like his first wife. The third one didn't yet giving birth, and there not need to be rush for, as the heir of the crown already in hand of the younger twin, the first prince. The twins are 2 years old older than me, but still on their primary school education.

Later on, right after the ceremony dismiss by the king, a loud voice entered into my ears;

"Wu Tian, challenge me with your strength, prove me that you are worthy enough to be my husband...." The first princess, Fenghuang Cixi, declare those words - it's a duel time.

My life never shy from excitements.

Hi guys, sorry for late updates. Thanks for supporting me and enjoy your reading!

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