
I Said I Wanted To Be A Rock In My Next Life!!

It was like any other normal day-At least that's what Hayame Sakura thought. She didn't expect to be reborn as an over powered overlord from a game she played, none the less be the character she herself created. This story follows a young woman who ended up in a game she developed and in the body of a character she created.

ADOREME_ · Fantasie
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Why Am I Not A Rock?

Sakura sighed as she laid on bed. Even since her reincarnation into the game, it's been nothing but a bore.

She kicked her leg upwards and sat on the edge of the bed and decided she would finally leave her house and go on an adventure.

She tucked on the ribbon around her waist, successfully untying her robe allowing it to slip from her shoulders and onto the floor. She looked through her wardrobe and smiled as she found the perfect clothes.

The clothes consisted of an off shoulder white blouse, paired with red skirt that stopped at her mid thigh and a black corset. A black knee length combat boots to match. Her long copper-colored hair tied in a half up, half down style which stopped right below her knee. Her hair color complimented her sea foam green eyes.

She picked out a ring with a ruby on it and put it on her middle finger and stood in front of the mirror and twirling around before smiling brightly at her accomplishment and leaving her house after packing the necessary amount of money, food, and medicine, as well as weapons in her dimensional ring, the very same ruby ring she wore on her middle finger.

(We interrupt this story with our mascot, a chibi white tiger!

"Hello everyone, I'm the story mascot Rumiru! Before we continue with the story, I'll explain the function and qualities of of dimensional accessories!

Dimensional accessories come in a variety of shapes and sizes, the smaller the accessory, the bigger storage space it contains.

For example, the ruby ring that Sakura-chan picked out had an unlimited storage space due to its rare gem and shape. Due to the rings small shape, it doesn't take that much energy to store objects in it, but do note, the bigger the object stored into the dimensional accessory, the more energy it consumes!

Unless you use a rare gem that contains magical essence, then you wouldn't need to worry about energy consumption," he said.

Now, let's head back to our protagonist and see how she's doing.)

Sakura turned to her house and put a hand out in front of her.

"Mirage," she said.

As she cast the spell, a whitish-blue magic circle appeared in front of her outstretched hand and the house disappeared from view and was replaced with a waterfall.

Her previous soft smile morphed into a smug smile as she took off skipping into the woods.

As she walked down the forest, she recalled the events that happened 5 years ago.


A black haired female sat on her desk as her fingers furiously tapped on the keys of the keyboard. Her hands would go up to her face and fixed her glasses every time it slipped off her nose. The screen in front of her revealed various numbers and letters, these were codes. Codes for what though?—you may ask, well, codes for a game she's been working on.

Believe it or not, the girl was a famous game developer loved by many, though the girl herself didn't like the attention, it felt nice to be appreciated every once in a while, after all, appreciation and affection was something her family could never give. Why? Because they're dead.

Her finger hit the final key and she slouched on the chair taking off her glasses and rubbing her tired eyes.

"I need a break from all those. Maybe it's about time I went shopping or something a woman my age should do," she said to herself as she stood up and put her glasses back on and opened her curtains only to hiss at the bright light and shut the curtains.

"Maybe that isn't the best idea," she said.

She sighed in defeat having lost an argument with herself and agreeing to go to the outside world and... the girl shuddered at the next word, socialize.

One thing the girl lacked, was a social life. It wasn't that she was an introvert, she just doesn't like people. On second thought, she might just be an introvert.

She left her apartment and headed for a nearby cafe, what she didn't expect was that Caramel Frappuccino would be the last she'd ever have, too bad she couldn't savor the moment.

Sakura walked down the streets and turned to an alley with extreme caution.

'Alley's are never a good omen," she thought to herself.

She flinched and squeaked once she heard footsteps shuffling from behind her causing her to whip around and come face to face with a middle aged male who carried a knife that he held high up in the air and a crazed smile on his face.

"Sakura-chan, I love you," he confessed.

The woman shuddered at the confession that came out of nowhere, and that fact that it came from a man she has never met. The man was thrice her age!

"U-Um... If you're saying this in hopes of me returning your feelings then I'm sorry but I don't... love you..." she stuttered out her last words as she took a step back when he took a step forward.

"Don't worry Sakura-chan, I'll get you to love me. One. way. Or. another," he said, swinging the knife as he finished.

Sakura knew she was done for. She knew going into the alley was a bad idea but she went in anyway. She was dead for sure, now.

Every time the male stepped forward in an attempt to get closer to her, she took a step backward until she hit a wall.

'Dude, get away from me! I'm only 21, and you're what? 30-something? I'm too young for this. Rip my poor soul,' she thought.

"Fine then, if I can't have you, no one will!" He screamed as he ran towards her with the knife pointed towards her chest.

She took a step to the right causing the man to hit the wall. He then relentlessly stabbed her to which she dodged all the futile attempts. She took a martial arts class and boy, was she glad it finally came in handy. She lifted her leg and kicked the male in the stomach knocking him a few feet away from her.

The man breathed heavily as he ran towards the female who in return turned around and headed for the opening of the alley. Unfortunately, her heel broke causing her to stumble and fall. She cursed inwardly and whirled around in order to stop the knife only to have it end up shoved straight into her chest. Her eyes widened as she coughed up blood and fell to the ground.

'Damn, I really chose the wrong day to wear heels,' she said to herself.

She felt herself being lifted so she squinted her eyes in order to get a better view only to come face to face with her murderer. Her face morphed into disgust as he caressed her face with his bloody hands.

"Now you're mine, Sakura-chan," he said as he cradled the female.

'That's it. Just let me die already,' she groaned.

Luckily, she died before she felt the males lips on hers. She shuddered at the thought as wondered if had a corpse.

'Please let me be a rock in my next life,' she said as a bright light encased her soul and the next thing she knew. She was in her current predicament.

"Why am I human and not a rock?" She asked no one in particular as she looked at herself in the mirror.


Over time, she came to realize that she was reborn in a game she developed thats later became very popular in the time span of a year.

Her thoughts came to a stop once she reached town. The town's name was Envurn, the town of trade and goods. The town had many tourists over the years and the population increased. The town was famous among merchants and cuisine lovers.

She towards the sky and covered her eyes to protect them from the sun's harsh light as she watched the birds fly by, before smiling and heading towards the gate the of the town.