

"Call Kurenai into the office." Hiruzen pressed a button on his desk and asked the receptionist.

Soon, a young woman with red eyes and a bandage skirt entered the room and bowed. "Hokage sama, you called."

"Yes. I want to ask, how is your training of that Kurama girl going?" Hiruzen asked.

"Not very good, Hokage sama. While her genjutsu prowess is the best I have ever seen, along with her kekkei Genkai, her physical state is not fit to be a ninja. However, she is still adamant about becoming one. Over the past 4 months, since I have been training her, she keeps talking and looking up to Guy's students, including Guy himself.

While I appreciate her enthusiasm and optimism, I don't think I will be able to continue training her. I was actually thinking about asking the poor girl to change her path altogether." Kurenai bowed as she apologized.

"Looks up to Guy, does she? Very well. Kurenai Yuhi, from today onwards, you will not be the private tutor of Yakumo Kurama. Say your goodbyes, and focus on your new team. Dismissed." Hiruzen's mind ran a million miles an hour as he thought of the various possibilities of his actions before ordering the red-eyed woman in front of him.

"..Yes, Hokage sama."

"I hope Kakashi will be able to handle her. He is the only one who knows how Guy operates and trains. Maybe he can help the girl out since Guy's still busy with his team." Hiruzen muttered before getting back to the never-ending pile of paperwork.


"Oi Naruto, where are you going so early in the morning." The next morning, when the sun still hadn't shown its face, Naruto quickly dressed up before going out of the house.

"Since today's the first day of my career as an official ninja, I wanted to visit mum and dad. It's been a while since I visited them." Naruto smiled as he rushed towards the cemetery with a huge lunchbox.

"Oh. It has been a while hasn't it."


"Hey mum, I know it's been a while since I visited. How are you? Did you meet any friends and family up there? Who am I kidding? Everyone must have been your friend. How could they not be, you are the sweetest person in the whole world, everyone must love you.

I forgot to tell you before, but I became a full-fledged ninja. Today's my first mission. But it's going to be a training exercise, but still, it's my first mission with my team.

Oh, did you know, that our team leader is none other than Kakashi? Can you believe it, that little brat who used to follow you and dad is going to be my new jonin leader.

But he's still depressed. I can feel it whenever he's around. He misses you two very much. Every time he looks at me, I can feel his guilt and regret just swell up.

He misses you very much. I miss you guys a lot; you know.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, yesterday, when we were waiting for him to show up, there was this girl, and she was really mean and stupid, and then she said something bad, and immediately Kakashi came to the rescue. Can you believe it, he had been standing outside of the door that whole time, observing us, but the moment that girl insulted me, he came to our rescue.

He's a good guy. I like him.

Then there's this other guy, I told you guys about him previously, didn't I? Sasuke used to be really stuck up at first, but then, after his clan died, he just shut himself off completely. I tried to reach out to him and help him, but it was too hard.

But yesterday, I finally made progress. Turns out, our lives were really similar. He was just trying to process it all himself, the only way he knew how. But deep inside, he was still trying to reach out, but just couldn't.

But I finally caught him and pulled him out. I don't know how much I helped, I wonder if he's still going to be all emo like always, but I can definitely feel a change inside him. I hope it's for the better.

Oh, oh, also…" for the next hour, Naruto sat in front of his mother's gravestone, eating his breakfast, unknown to the fact a cyclops looked over the boy with tears in his eyes.

'Talkative, just like nee-san.' With a small smile in his eye, the man continued looking over the boy, forgetting all about the time.


"Yo, Sasuke, sleep well last night?" Naruto asked as he met up with Sasuke as they made their way to the training grounds.

"Hn." he nodded in response, still not used to the overly social naruto.

"Oh come on. Don't be so shy. Talk a little. Express your emotions a little. Live a little. You know, if you keep acting like this, you will never find yourself a girlfriend." Naruto slapped the boy's back, who just glared back, as he rubbed the spot.

"Tsk. My good mood from a nightmareless sleep was just ruined looking at your face. Go away, shoo, shoo." Sasuke snapped back, annoyed as he chased the yellow-haired brat, trying to get back at him for the back slap.

"Catch me if you can. Come on, come on." Naruto taunted as he jumped from roof to roof, startling the early risers enjoying the calm and peaceful morning, as Sasuke and Naruto chased each other, eventually reaching the training grounds.

"Huh, he isn't here yet. That masked idiot, is he always going to be late every time?" Naruto yelled in annoyance when Kakashi still didn't show up an hour after the intended meeting time while rubbing the deep red handprint on his back.

"Yo Sasuke, how far have you reached with your chakra control training." Seeing as there was nothing better to do, Naruto asked the boy.

"Chakra control training. You mean like sticking leaves on your forehead?"

"Yeah. That's the basic. How far along as you?"

"Humf. I can stick 29 leaves all over my body constantly throughout the day, how about you?" with pride evident on his face, Sasuke replied.

"You have to pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers."

"What? Well, how many can you stick?" Sasuke, not expecting this reaction asked.

"I don't know, I haven't done that exercise in like a few years. I already moved onto the next stages long ago." Naruto revealed nonchalantly.

"There are more levels above that?"

"Yeah, there are. There's always something above it. But still, there are limits, this ain't a cultivation novel." With that, Naruto went on to explain the tree walking exercise to the boy, who looked at him incredulously.

Previously, he had seen ninjas walk on walls and ceilings, but thought it was some technique they would learn when they became genin. Only now did he realize that it was a chakra control technique.

Immediately, Naruto explained the process, while Sasuke began climbing the nearby tree.

At first, the bark snapped because he pumped in a lot of chakra into the soles of his feet, but slowly after, he just slipped off.

"Find a balance suitable for you. Start low, then increase it slowly." Naruto provided some tips from the sidelines, watching his new friend eat dirt every now and then.

Only after half an hour, Sasuke was finally able to run up and down the whole tree easily, even going as far as standing upside down, and walking on the tree with his hands.

"Damn. That's impressive, it took me like 45 minutes to get it right, and I ended up blowing apart a few trees on my first few tries." Naruto praised the boy who stood victorious at the top branch.

"That's because I'm an Uchiha." He smugly replied.

"Alright, alright. Now get down before those birds think your big nose is a branch and shit on it."

Just as Sasuke grumbled and got down, Naruto sensed Kakashi arriving.

"Yo Sensei. You're late." Naruto yelled.

"Sorry, sorry. A black cat crossed my path, so I took a different route, then I helped a granny cross the road, but then I thought about how if that black cat didn't cross my path, I wouldn't have been able to help the granny, so I got lost on the path of life thinking about fate and whatnot." Kakashi replied shamelessly.

"Fuck, you leveled up your bullshit excuses." Naruto was stunned. He had heard of the legendary excuses from Hiroki, but hearing about them in person, more over them being so high level, Naruto wanted to bow down.

"Enough of that. Since Sakura was kicked out of the team yesterday, and since the Leaf cannot have only two genins in a team, I brought you guys a third member.

Go on, introduce yourself." Walking out nervously from behind Kakashi, a young girl with brown hair, one side let out freely, while the other was braided spoke up.

"My name is Yakumo Kurama. Nice to meet you. I hope we get along well in the future." The girl bowed politely, as Naruto and Hiroki were stunned at the unexpected development.





I decided to add Yakumo Kurama as the third member of the team.

Thanks for suggesting the character. I added her to the long plan as well. She will be useful like a certain pinkette.

Also, I read all the comments you guys hand. and i have to say, some of your guys didn't like that i kicked Sakura out of the shinobi program completely.

But dont worry, while she may not be a shinobi, she still has some use when she is taught right. That is, she will eventually end up as a medic, seeing as she at least was talented in that aspect. She will start to become a medic when Tsunade comes back to the village, which will be some enough, but Sakura will have less screentime that Tenten herself.

I decided to add Yakumo Kurama as the third member of the team.

Thanks for suggesting the character. I added her to the long plan as well. She will be useful like a certain pinkette.

Also, I read all the comments you guys hand. and i have to say, some of your guys didn't like that i kicked Sakura out of the shinobi program completely.

But dont worry, while she may not be a shinobi, she still has some use when she is taught right. That is, she will eventually end up as a medic, seeing as she at least was talented in that aspect. She will start to become a medic when Tsunade comes back to the village, which will be some enough, but Sakura will have less screentime that Tenten herself.

DaoistLeoncreators' thoughts