
I reincarnated in the anime world

A guy who died in earth and reincarnated in the world of anime. Wishfulfillment  Warning before reading: I don't recommend this to anyone. Also please watch your words and might hurt someone's feelings. If you lonely and depressed please don't make my work as the punching bag to relieved your anger. THIS DOESN'T HAVE ANY SINGLE PLOT THE STORY WILL GO ON WHAT THE READERS REQUESTED.

sigufo · Anime und Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 17

A/N: I'm having a hard time deciding if I add supernaturals. Do you guys want it?




After the two having a debate Shun said that he wanted to cook.

Ryõta agreed to let Shun cook for tonight's dinner.

Shun then properly introduce Utaha to Ryõta.

"This is Kasumigaoka Utaha my Girlfriend, she also studying at your school and both of you are in the same year" Shun said while sitting near Utaha and holding her hand.

Ryõta then nodded and said "Please take care of my idiot brother, he may be a bastard but he is a good person that will never leave you".

"I'll take care of this idiot" Utaha genuinely smile.

Hearing those words Shun snorted.

"Hmp" He said as he turned his head sideways.

Both Ryõta and Utaha laugh seeing the face of Shun.


Opening the door of Shun's room, Utaha and Shun directly enter the room.

Utaha was still in her school uniform and she has still a bag in her hand.

Utaha then lie down on the bed looks tired.

"So how was your day?" Shun asked as he undress.

"Nothing much the same as usual" She said as she stared intently on Shun's body with a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Did you inform your parents before coming here?" Shun asked.

He doesn't want to let her parents worried about her, he love his family and can't stand an hour letting his family worried about him.

"Of course, YEA! I forgot!" Utaha then sit straight and put his bag on his thighs and opened it.

She put a black rectangular shape box in the table. She opened it and it reveal a circle shaped cookies.

"I baked cookies" Utaha said as she smile charmingly.

Shun who was done changing he is wearing a black sleeveless t shirt with a white short.

He sit near her, he looks at the cookies on the table then look at her.

"You see it my first time, baking a cookies it may not be good as your cooking okay" Utaha said.

She didn't taste her cookies and wanted to let Shun taste her cookies first.

"Sure" He said as he stretch his hand towards the cookies and grab one piece of it.

He eat it directly, crunching sounds sounded in the room.

"What does it taste?" Utaha said as he look at Shun who was emotionless eating the cookies.

Hearing the words, Shun who was thinking something got out of his thoughts he then said as he smile "It's very delicious".

His smile looks like forced up, his fore head has a bead of sweat as he keeps eating the cookies.

He grabbed another cookie and eat it.

Utaha seeing the face of Shun that looks like struggling something she then said "No, need to force yourself"

She was embarrassed seeing him. She was afraid if Shun gonna say something bad.

Seeing her look Shun stretch his hand pushing the half eaten cookies to her mouth.

"Eat it" He smiled, seeing the smile on Shun's face she then look at the eaten cookie in his hand and blushed.

'This is indirect kiss right?'

She then closed her eyes and tucked her hair she slowly approach the cookie in Shun's hand and eat it whole.

When the cookies in her mouth, her hand immediately put in front of her mouth and spit out the half eaten cookie that shun gave.

"HAHAHAHA" Shun laughs hard seeing Utaha spit out the cookies she baked, although the cookies taste was still in his mouth.

Utaha embrassingly stand up and ran towards the bathroom.

Shun's stomach hurts from laughing hard. He then took the baked cookies to the living room where Ryõta was in the sofa watching news.

"Yo, you want some?" He put the cookies in Ryõta's side.

Seeing the cookies Ryõta instantly interested in it and grabs one and inserted it directly towards his mouth.


"This is disgusting, where the hell did you get this" Ryõta said as he look at Shun who was in the floor laughing like a mad man.

"I bought it on the streets earlier" He lied. He doesn't want to embrassed Utaha.

"Bastard" Ryõta immediately stands up and go the bathroom from his room.

Seeing the Ryõta leaving the livingroom Utaha who was in the room immediately waked towards Shun who was still in the floor laughing.

She pinched his sides and and said with embrassed face "Liar".

He could have just tell that the cookies tasted bad and why let her also taste it?

But she was also grateful to him that he didn't hurt her feeling directly.

"Man, where were you when your mother was teaching you how to baked" Shun said making Utaha who was already embarrassed get even more embarrassed.

Seeing that she couldn't refute he grabbed her hands and they both walked towards the kitchen.

"Let me teach you how to baked cookies" He said as put on an afron.

"Okay" she said as she smiled she was very interested in cooking and baking, she wants to get praised by him.

They both started baking.

After sometime baking, playing and teasing they finally finished baking cookies.

The kitchen that was clean was now full of flours and Shun and Utaha's face was white clearly due to flours.

Both of them was smiling, smell of the cookies instantly spread making Ryõta who was watching the news instantly ran towards the kitchen.

The three of them started eating the cookies, Ryõta was surprised after tasting his brother and his brother's girlfriend's cookies.

After cleaning the messed they made both Utaha and Shun was now in Shun's room doing their business.

Shun was in a chair in his hand was Utaha's laptop where she create novels.

He looks at Utaha's novel and wants advise her mistakes in the novel.

"Utaha? Can you tell me more about yourself and your family?" Shun asked Utaha with a calm face.

"Sure, I don't mind telling about me and my family" She said.

She didn't mind telling her story to Shun.