
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · Fantasie
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16 Chs


The next day ren visited Peter at the tavern where he stays and knocked on his room. Peter was sleeping and didn't respond to her. She tried to open the door and surprise, surprise, Peter forgot to lock the door.

Ren: "This idiot sleep with the door unlocked in a tavern. Sigh, if like without me he's a lost cause."

Ren walked to Peter's bedroom and found him sleeping shirtless. She was about to wake him up, but she wanted to take a close look at him while he was sleeping. Ren walked slowly to Peter's bed and looked at his lips. She leaned down and gave him a kiss.


Peter opened his eyes and kissed ren back.

Ren: "AGHHHHHH!" She jumped back in surprise "P P Peter, you're awake?"

Peter: "I knew you would kiss me while I was sleeping ahahaha."

Ren: "Sh shshsh SHUT UP!"

Peter: "All this time you were calling me pervert, but you're just as pervert as me ahahaha."

Ren: "I'M NOT A PERVERT!" She punches Peter in his stomach.

Peter: "Ughhh"

Ren's face is a bright red "G Get up! you're late for your training."

Peter: "Ok OK, I'm up"

Peter stood up from the bed wearing only his underwear in front of Ren.

Ren: "What are you doing? Put some clothes on!"

Peter: "Hey! It's my room I can wear what I want. You're the one who got in without my permission."

Ren: "Just meet me at the training ground."

Peter: "Are you sure you don't want to join me in the shower? hehehe"

Ren: "Hmm, If you manage to beat Captain Malena in the fight I'll join you in the shower. How about that?"

Peter: "OHHH MAA GAAWD! Captian Malena, be ready because I'm not losing!"

Ren took Peter to the training ground to start Peter's lessons. Ren gave Peter a wooden sword and told him that she wanted to spar with him.

Ren: "Since you can't use elemental magic yet, we'll spar every day with swords starting from today,"

Peter: "Sure thing, but I'm not the same peter you met at the outlaw village. I got a lot stronger."

Ren: "Heh, big talk from a man who cries for my name every time he got in trouble hahahah."

Ren points her sword at Peter.

Peter: "What can I say I like you."

Ren's face gets red. "Sh shut up! here I come."

Ren charges Peter and tries to slash him, but Peter blocks her slash with his sword. Ren jumps back only to get surprised by Peter, who immediately charges at her and swings his sword at her. Ren tries to block the attack, but Peter faked his swing and tries to trip Ren down. She saw what Peter was trying to do and immediately jumped above Peter and landed behind him. Ren put her sword behind Peter's back.

Ren: "Looks like I won the spar."

Peter: "I almost had you though. Just wait, one week from now I'll be the one who wins hahahah."

Ren: "Ohh yeah? Keep the same energy then."

Ren and Peter spared again a little, and after they decided to call it a day. Peter thanked ren and told her he'll meet her tomorrow at the training ground, but before Peter was about to leave Ren invited Peter to come with her to her room in the castle.

Peter: "You're inviting me to your room why?" Peter looks at ren suspiciously.

Ren: "It's nothing pervert I just wanted you to see my room plus I have the best hot spring in my room you'll ever see in your life."

Peter: "You have a whole hot spring in your room? Damn! I want to see that."

Ren: "Really? Let's go then!"

Ren took Peter to her room and told him to wait. Peter was amazed by how big her room was.

Peter: "She wasn't lying about her room."

Ren came back to Peter and gave him a towel.

Peter: "Huh? A towel for what?"

Ren: "For the hot spring. That's I brought you here."

Peter: "We are sharing the hot spring?"

Ren's face turns red "You don't want to?"

Inside Peter's head: "OHHH MAA GAWWWD!"

Peter: "Ofcouser I want to share the hot spring with you, but I thought you said after I win the fight with captain Malena?"

Ren: "Well, I... I changed my mind. Besides we are engaged so it's ok."

Peter: "LET'S GO!"

Did ren invite Peter only to relax in the hot spring or did she have something else in her mind? Find out in the next chapter.