
I Reincarnated And Became The Shadow Butler Who Saved The World

This is my very first story and I don't know how to write a story so I hope you enjoy! "I'm sure you already know the present circumstances, so I am going to ask you for a small favor. Can you save this world? In exchange, I will give you a tiny bit of my power to make your job easier." Those were the words I heard in my dream. This is the story of how Zeta, the weakest general in the Hero's army in his past life, saved the world... As a butler! *Story might start off a bit slow but, things will begin to speed up around Volume 3. Also, the butler part is going to be insignificant in the earlier chapters but, it will get attention, soon *Update times might be a bit unstable but, I will try to make sure that the maximum amount of time in between the chapters is only 2 days. *Chapter Length: 1000 words to 1650 words Limit, Exceptions May Happen

KrystaliteRadiates · Fantasie
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115 Chs

Chapter 12: Sacred Sword: Light Surge

When Corvin left, I checked the shadows of the trees.


It should be around lunch time already. Let's get back. I look back at my nearly finished secret base. I smile. It will be finished by tomorrow when the person who accepted my request comes here. I will be able to do my research in peace.

After looking at my base, I turn around and start running through the forest to the village gate. I pass through and keep running until I reach a house on a small hill. This is my house. I open it and greet everyone.

"I am back!"



I check again.

No one here.

Just like this morning.

Maybe the meetings are taking longer than usual. I think father won't be coming because he is going on the expedition to the volcano. I don't know about mother though. I should just wait here until she gets back.

That reminds me. Everyone is trying to make sure that the noble's vacation here is going to be good, right? Maybe some facility in this village hired mother to work there while the noble is here.

Anyway, I will just wait.


Author's Note: Rowan's point of view (Rowan is the father of Alex, the protagonist)

I am currently in a meeting room with all of the people who are high-ranking among the knights. Last week, my friend in another city, Jabil, sent 20 trained knights here. The purpose for doing so is obvious. It is for the famed Vulcan Expedition.

The Vulcan Expedition is a famous event for people living on the southern part of the Kragstelo Continent. It is famous because of a phenomenon around the volcano that affects the monsters living near it. It affects them by giving them abnormal amounts of magical power. This, in turn, causes monsters to grow stronger at a rate incomparable to other places in the world.

The only other places in the world that have this phenomenon are the valleys near Quaran, the gulf of Laenirda, and in certain rooms in the labyrinth of Crocyti. The leading monster professors and environmentalists are currently researching as to why this happens. Those complicated things aren't connected to us though.

Our job is to exterminate any strong monster. If we stumble across a new species or subspecies, we are to carefully extract its parts and send them to the Adventurer's Guild. We do the same thing every 4 years.

On a different note, I don't care what kind of monster we fight. We will win and go back home. I will make sure that my family stays safe, especially Alex.

Speaking of Alex, he is a weird kid. Not weird in a bad way, it is just, he feels like he already has experience in life. He is also good at things that a person wouldn't expect a 4-year-old boy to be good at. He was even able to execute a Raging Waterfall without him ever seeing it.

While I was thinking that, the meeting finished.


I didn't even need to say anything? Why was I even here?

Doesn't matter.

We will have to be prepared so that we will be able to kill all of the strong monsters while minimizing our own losses. I wonder what kind of monsters we will be fighting today. The last time we went, the strongest monster we fought was a juvenile Flamewing.

Because of that, we prepared fire-resistant armor in case the monster we fight also has the fire attribute.

"Captain, the troops are moving! We have to go already!"

I snapped out of my thinking and turned around. The one who called out to me was one of the newer knights in our squad, Corvin.

"Sorry, I was spacing out. Let's go."

"Yes, Sir!"

While walking with him, I start thinking of him. My evaluation of him is high. He is loyal, hard-working, and I have reason to believe that he is the one who accompanies my son to the forest.

On the day he applied, the other knights asked him why he joined. He told us the story of his brother and his determination to become a knight like him. He has lots of motivation. I hope that one day his dreams come true.


We have arrived.

I take a deep breath.

"Alright! We are heading out to the volcano now! If you still have something to do, go and do it!"

I look around the crowd of knights.

No one is moving.


That means everyone is prepared for the expedition.

"Ok! Let's GO!"




There are so many monsters. This is so much more than the amount we had to fight the last time we went on the expedition.


"I hope there aren't a lot of monster this time."

"Idiot! Of course there are going to be lots of monsters. We are supposed to be hoping that we will return alive!"

"Sorry, Captain Zetranos!"

Some of the knights here are underestimating the danger. The weakest monsters here are goblins. They come in hordes though. Their danger as a horde would be the same as a high-ranking monster. While I was busy thinking, the Vice-Captain walked towards me.

"Sir! The vanguard has reported seeing a huge group of goblins heading this way."

Really? Speak of the devils themselves.

"Everyone! There is a group of goblins heading here right now! Prepare your weapons!"

At my shout, all of the knights raised the swords they were carrying, getting ready to fight. After a few minutes, the goblins came and attacked from all sides.


"Sir, they surrounded us!"

"Hold your formation! Don't let them get past! Those of you who can use magic, bombard them from behind!"

I issue out instructions and fight them.

After 15 minutes, we were able to kill all of the goblins.



What the!

There are so many other monsters here! Were they attracted by the sound of fighting and the smell of blood!?

Heck, there is even an adult Moltenwing! A Moltenwing by themself is already classified as an Upper-C Rank monster!

Back to the Present-

This is outrageous! There weren't this many last time! What happened here! As I was thinking that, we were getting pushed back very fast. Think! What should you do?!



"I have an idea! But, it will take some time to charge up. Surround the monsters and keep them your formation! When I give the signal, spread out quickly!"

I shouted that at the top of my lungs.

"You heard the Captain! Do exactly what he says!"

Corvin was the one who said that. Reliable as always. I will give him a pay rise and maybe a promotion later.

I sweep my right leg to the side and bend it. I keep my left foot straight and I raise my sword above my head while pointing it towards the monsters. I gather my light elemental magic into my sword and keep charging until I can't keep it in anymore.

"What is the Captain doing?!"

"He is about do something amazing, rookie. Just wait for it."

I ignore the words of the other knights. After charging for 5 whole minutes, I give the signal.

"I am ready!"

The knights quickly evacuate the frontlines and watch me.

"Sacred Sword: Light Surge!!!!!"

My sword fires a beam of light towards the monsters and envelopes them. After the light dissipates, there is no trace left. Only ashes remain.

I fall onto my knee. I used up too much of my light magic. That must have been the strongest Light Surge I have done in my life. But, there was no other choice. More than a hundred monsters and a Moltenwing leading them.

""""Captain! Are you alright!""""

A couple of knights run over here. I must look very weak right now.

"I am alright. We will continue the expedition until we know there are no more strong monsters."


I stand up and look at the forest quickly. I feel like something was looking at me right now. However, it is running away. It must have been a weak monster that saw the annihilation. I also see an abnormally large mound near the forest.

I look closer.

It is a mossy rock.

False alarm.

Oh well.

Our job is not done yet.

Sacred Sword: LIGHT SURGE!!!

Also, if you have online class, don't read this! Focus on your studies!

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