
I Regret The Past So I Will Change It Again

Asterio, who fought infinitely to atone for his past failures to forgive himself and try to find ways to go back but the worlds didn’t want him to be with peace. Asterio felt betrayed the moment he learned the truth about what happened that day. He wholeheartedly believed that there’s still hope as long as he’s alive but look at him his on the verge of death still hoping. "Is this where I’m going to die, I’m afraid of death and losing you…" Baku said while her teary eyed and Asterio tapped her forehead with his forehead and said: "Don’t worry, I’m here aren’t I, nothing’s gonna happen to you, trust me" "I trust you… Mister… even in the afterlife I will still choose to fight and die for you, no one can stop me from doing that" "This little brat is stubborn as ever" All of the scattered supreme beings have all gathered and surrounded the whole area and wanted to used a finishing blow that would surely erased their existence. "I will erased your existence, you ugly piece of shit!!" Asterio said. "If I’m a little bit more fast then I can make it but, I’ll make sure this will not be the end" "I’ll will make sure to take you all with me and this whole damn worlds" Asterio self-destruct. … *Ding ————————————— Hello!, I’m the author this is my first time writing novel because there’s a person I saw everyday reading novels, as someone who doesn’t read novels but I started to read when I planned to write my first novel and also english is not my first language but I’ll try to improve along the way. I’ll try to be motivated writing for my readers and keep to write till the end of this story I give you all a satisfactory ending. I am happy to read your comments so I will feel motivated to write even more. 1/2 chapters weekly, I’m busy for now but there will be a time when I’ll increase the chapters weekly. ———— Disclaimer: I do not own the book cover

TheBusiest_Author · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Supreme beings

All of the kings and rulers were shocked by the sudden sword slash that can annihilated a supreme being that are peak being in the abyss.

They slowly open their eyes, if they didn't close their eyes and covered their ears in time the possibility to not see and hear in lifetime is very high.

The sword slash was too dark that can blind a person to death and the powerful death sound that echoed throughout the abyss and it contained a death energy that can kill all the being around it.

"W-What did just happened?"

"What is that?"

And they looked around them and they saw the slashed where the supreme being located. This split the supreme being in half, the light that surrounds his body we're gone only the darkness inside the distorted space can be seen.

"What happened to the powerful being"

"He just died like that"

And they get on their knees trembling and wondered what would happen to them since even the supreme being the peak of the abyss was killed in a one slash.

"What will happen to us now"

"We'll all die no one can stop him"

"Why must I been involved in this war"

The mysterious being that we're beside on the wise kings said something to boost the morale and spirit of the warriors.

"Are you all cowards? How could you get that position you have now, is it all for nothing? All the blood and sweat you put were put into nothing? Is that the so called kings and rulers"

"Don't worry, there's nothing to fear we still have an trump card, Let's join forces once again and let them hear our voices"

Each of the kings raise their voices and it echoed throughout the abyss. The supreme beings that we're secluded from the rest of the great worlds quickly approaching the battlefield.

The supreme being are the trump card of each great worlds and an old monster only appeared when the great world are in grave danger.

But this time is different the whole abyss will get destroyed they can't afford to lose more kings and rulers.

"This is our chance to kill that blood thirsty man!!…"

All of the sudden the pressure they felt began to rose and their knees and heads bend over. Even if they tried to look upward they can't as the pressure rose.

Various lights approached the battle field the kings and rulers was pressed against the space.

As they moved towards the space-time was distorted no one can escape the gravitational force that they emitted.

The supreme beings appeared around Asterio one by one. They all shone and have different energies, it's almost like all the colors were present on the scene.

The supreme being that we're on the front made a speech and said:

</This…This was the first ever in our history that someone manage to turned the abyss upside down and massacred a lot of our kinds, friends and our families/> he opened his mouth freely while the saliva was being pumped out of his mouth.

</And this will also be the last that this historical event would occur…/> he paused for a little and said:

</We decided that we would personally intervene and eradicate the threats in the abyss/> he paused for a little and said:

</Starting today… The supreme alliance would take overall command of the abyss/> he said this and it echoed in the abyss.

The beings in the great worlds heard the voiced that makes one tremble and they knew this event would make a huge impact on the abyss in the future.

The new order has been established from this day on.


Asterio was covered in blood, his long crimson hair were covered of various of people's blood and the blood drips into the abyss.

"Are you all gathered here? Is there stronger than you guys? I guess your all the power houses in these abyss"

"I'm honored that you gathered here for me"

"So, should we end it all here"

The supreme being were alerted and cautious in the situation. Even though they didn't plan and talked about the situation they would have to face now.

But deep inside they knew that the threat in is in front of them. The moment he take another step forward or show some hostility towards them.

They will show no hesitation to engage and take the initiative to eliminate him.

Asterio simply took a step forward and all the supreme beings presented each one of them created a materialized long swords.

And goes to where Asterio located at the incredible speed, the millions of long swords penetrated his body.

The millions of long swords stayed at his body. The scene was so gruesome for a normal being to see.

Asterio was hardly seen by them because of the piled up of swords and he spoke:

"Is this all the so called supreme being amount to?"

"Your nothing much it's just stings me"

The kings and rulers they started laughing when they heard what he said about.



"You must be a comedian in your last life, look at your self we don't even know if your a person that and you said it's only stings you"


But the supreme beings didn't have any reactions and they were only staring at him.

"You have a great potential, if only you didn't created this mess we could have let you join us and live peacefully" said by the supreme leader.

"Mess? What did I even do, you all started this"

"Live peacefully? There's no such a thing as peaceful life and there will never be any"

"And me joining you? HAHAHA!! You're not even worthy of my attention"

"You planned all of this, you started everything from the start and take advantaged of the situation to rule everything by creating this Supreme alliance"

"And in the end I've only been used"

The other supreme beings whose beside of the supreme leader were angered from what he said.


"How despicable you dared accused us"

"You ungrateful thing!! He was talking nicely to you yet, this is what you said"

The supreme leader whose in the front line was shocked from what he heard and thought to himself:

"H-How? How does he know, is this coincidence or is he that just smart? If he knew this from the start how come he didn't do nothing about this but, he continued to do this for what reason"

"There no way he knew all of this I might thinking a lot of things this days"



A roar had been heard from a far and started to moving towards where the center of the crowd had gathered.

"A mighty roar that can shaken all the souls an ancient beast that can only be found from that great world, The Bakunawa"

"Why are you here for" said by the supreme leader

"What do you think you're doing"

"What do you mean by that? We're merely punishing this madman that caused this whole thing"

"What did he even do?"

"Look around you" said by the supreme leader.

And Baku started to swaying his head around and saw the blood everywhere, the great worlds had been destroyed and countless corpses are floating around the abyss.

"Did he really do this" Baku said this while looking at the supreme leader and took a glanced of Asterio.

The supreme being noticed when Baku took a glanced of Asterio and came up an idea to get rid of him too.

"Why are you that concerned about this matter? Do you know him"

"This doesn't concern you If I knew him or not"

"Your Kings promised me that they would do me a favor and this was the best time that my favor must be carried"

"What favor?"

"I just want you to let go of that man and I want him ali—"

"What do you mean by that? What favor are you even talking about? When did that happened?"

"Wait! There's must been an misunderstanding here, from the beginning we agreed that—" Baku said this and he saw Veiro and the kings wicked smile and laughed.

"Ouhh, I see"

"I know what's happening now, in the end I couldn't help you my friend, I'm sorry" he said this while looking at Asterio.

At the same time in the background you would heard the supreme leader talking and he said:

"You must be accomplice of him, kill this beast—"

[Primordial Dragon's breath]

A dragon's breath has been unleashed to the supreme leader by the Ancient beast.

He swiftly moved his breath all over the place and this burned the kings and rulers around him also the great worlds. This also made the supreme beings to not move rashly they can't treat this fight just like the other one.

"That's why I don't want to trust anyone, I promise in this lifetime I won't trust anybody again"

"I will burned all the things that my eyes can see, I will not stop and no one can stop me"