
I Really Transmigrated?

"Well what can I say other than that this isekai thing really work well, at least it did for me." ||WARNING|| ||DO NOT TRY TO BE ISEKAIED|| Follow the story of our protagonist as he is transmigrated in a xianxia world and tries to fullfill his duties as a transmigrator.

Re_King · Ost
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1 Chs

I Really Transmigrated?

<p>In a small city of Jura<br/><br/>In a dirty alley, on a bed made of straws lay a skinny corpse.Well to call it a corpse would not appropriate as it was still breathing. It's facial features were contorted as if in extreme pain. Suddenly it's eyes opened as they stared blankly at the sky. Only after a long time did they retain their clarity. <br/><br/>"Shit.. I really transmigrated?"<br/><br/>Aakash, or now Li as the owner of this body was previously called spoke. <br/><br/>"Hehehehehehahahahhahaha"<br/><br/>"Yes yess I live, I am fu*king aliveeee."<br/><br/>"Hehehehehehahahahhahaha"<br/><br/>Aakash was a normal young man living peacefully on Earth.Well as normal as what people call a "weeb" be. He was obsessed with anime, novel and anything in between. But that life was ended tragically as he was tortured brutally by some mentally deranged people who did so to "send a message" to his community. It was purely a stupid conflict in which he was involved. He died a very aggrieved death. But there was nothing he could do other than lament his own fate being a cruel one. <br/><br/>His deranged laughter has attracted the attention of the pedestrians on the streets towards the alley but they minded their own businesses, dismissing it as nothing but the musings of a insane tramp. Which is quite common in this city as many people with not even enough to eat a single meal lost their grip of reality in this cruel and selfish environment. <br/><br/>Only Aakash knew that his laughter was not the musings of insane but for this new chance to live and also for the ability that he has received. <br/><br/>As Aakash closed his eyes he found himself is a completely dark space. In front of him suspended just above his head is a ball of light which he got to know is called "The Origin".<br/><br/>"Origin.. "<br/><br/>"Origin of what?" he thought. <br/><br/>"Well it does not matter, what matters is the abilities it grants me"<br/><br/>"From the memories of the previous owner of this body, it is clear that it is a eastern fantasy world with cultivators and such."<br/><br/>"It is very dangerous to live here and the lives of people are worth worse than a piece of bread as this is what happed to the previous owner of this body. "<br/><br/>"He was being forced to give up his piece of bread he found in a heap of garbage but because of hunger he swallowed the whole piece but was later beaten to death by his fellow tramps. "<br/><br/>"Hehehe.... Well at least he didn't die hungry. "<br/><br/>"Well I should thank you for dying as without it I would not be able to live. "<br/><br/>"I really could not believe that such a thing happened to me, well it should be a compensation for my previous tragic experience. "<br/><br/>"And it doesn't matter now all that matters is the future.Now let's see this Origin first. "<br/><br/>As soon as he touched the Origin a stream of information was transmitted to his brain. <br/><br/>"Amazing."<br/><br/>It was all he say. <br/><br/>The abilities the Origin gave were just too heaven defying. Wait.. heaven defying when did I started using such a world. Well it was used in eastern novels too much and it is common in this world too. This maybe the result of these memories. <br/><br/>It doesn't matter to him anyway. <br/><br/>The first ability of Origin is to store his soul imprint.Every being has it and it is the very basis on which that soul or body is formed.One could even say that this is the basic unit of ones existence just like the body is built on the basis of DNA that ones parents has That is to say that as long his imprint is in this orb anyone or anything could not kill him as what it would kill is his body and soul. With Origin hidden in a different dimension no one would be able to find it. And as long as it has enough energy it can recreate his body. Origin can produce energy itself so this is not a problem at all. And how can it create something out of nothing which violates the basic principles of physics? Well it involves higher law of the world which is not something Aakash can touch now. The last ability for now as more would be unlocked with higher cultivation is the ability to control his body perfectly much like the Life Return in One Piece which the Marines practice.With it he will be able to control every cell in his body and strengthen with the energy the "spiritual qi" as that is what people in this world call it. <br/><br/>"Well I have to say that those novels did not lie."<br/><br/>"Hehe... Getting transmigrated after dying and obtaining a.., hmmm what do those Chinese writers call it, aaaah yes."<br/><br/>"The Golden Finger"<br/><br/>"So, The Origin is my Golden Finger."<br/><br/>"Now, what should we do next? <br/><br/>Hmmmmm."<br/><br/>"First, this body is too weak so let's just trust this Origin thing and kill this body and get born with a new one."<br/><br/>"And if the information I got from the orb is correct I should be reborn with perfect health much like a video character.And as this body is very weak even weaker than a normal human teen the energy consumed will be negligible as it does not even amount to a fraction of energy produced by The Origin in a second and I will be able to change identity easily as Li would be dead with his weak body beaten to death."<br/><br/>"Now now if you think about it I am really like video character and this whole world is a game."<br/><br/>"Yes yes this whole world is a game and I am the player."<br/><br/>"Hehehehehehahahahhahaha"<br/><br/>Aakash opened his eyes as the sounds of his deranged laughter subsided. <br/><br/>His eyes revealed his decisiveness. <br/><br/>In his previous life after being captured he also tried to commit suicide but was not decisive enough which led to his failure in dying and losing his only chance of release from his cruel fate as he later even got deprived of the privilege of death. <br/><br/>"Hehe what a pathetic loser I was that I could not even kill myself."<br/><br/>"But what was a curse in my previous life will be a blessing in this life."<br/><br/>"Now let's get to work."<br/><br/>As he said that he started to think of a way to kill this body.He discarded the thought of sharp objects or banging his head against a wall or something as it will leave traces and he wants to do a perfect job as it will be crucial for his next plans.<br/><br/>Suddenly a thought came to his mind, he was a science student in his previous life so he thought the perfect way would be to die of inner causes. <br/><br/>It would be very difficult to do without external means but if you count his perfect body control it will be easy.First he thought of making the interior wall of his heart rapture but he rejected it because it is not a common cause of death as the heart is protected inside the ribcage and a rupture is very difficult.He wanted the death of this body common so people would ignore it.Some might think that he is thinking too much but he knows from the novels he read that the means of people in a cultivation world are amazing.The Origin has the ability to shield him from those superpowers like the law of karma or even the ability to see the past but it is powerless against a physical investigation or it may be that he may not have enough cultivation to unlock those abilities.So if he did this thing right then he would truly be free and no one would be able to track his past or suspect anything. Now lets get back to the present topic, he then thought of cutting the supply of oxygen to his brain but then it would look like a death from suffocation. <br/><br/>"This method is a viable solution but it needs to be further refined."<br/><br/>He thought rather than cutting the supply of air for whole brain it could be used to cut only the areas responsible for maintaining bodily functions. <br/><br/>It should be noted that there is not a single person who is able to kill himself be simply holding his breath as after a person passes out from the lack of oxygen the part of brain responsible for involuntary actions will resume breathing. This is why we do not suffocate while sleeping.The area responsible for this is called "medulla oblongata" and is located below "cerebrum" in the back of the head. <br/><br/>If he cut off the supply of air for this part then all involuntary actions in his body will seize to continue which include breathing, beating of the heart, circulation of blood which essentially means death. And as it is only a small part of brain even if someone do a post mortem of his body he will only find that the cause of death was as such which can be made by hitting at the correct position which further make it seem like he was beaten and someone landed a blow there accidently which caused his death so it could be said to be a foolproof plan. <br/><br/>Now that the plan has been decided it is time to execute it.Aakash with the lessons learned from his last life will not make same mistakes again.Even if he has to endure pain a hundred times more.So first he got a stick which was used to beat him.Then he slammed that stick to the area which would be a approx. loction of "medulla oblongata", then he used perfect control to cut off the vessels that supply of oxygen to this area. <br/><br/>Now all he has to do is endure the pain and feel as life is slowly drained from his body. <br/><br/>As the darkness of death enveloped him his only thought was<br/><br/>"In this life it will a all or nothing there will be no between.I will put my trust in this Origin.If I die I die but if I live.. <br/><br/>If I live then this world will a game and I will be the only player.The only one to play with this world."</p>