
I Really Dont Want To Be A Trainer

Warning: this is not my work, it's a chinese novel, I just edited it so that it could barely be 'readable' I used this as a source: https://comrademao.com/novel/i-really-dont-want-to-be-a-trainer/ Summary(from the site): Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of inverse attributes, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Lu Ye, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone UP owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!” The book is also known as: “Five-division Lu Ye”, “Adolescent trainers will not dream of a Shenao champion”, “Miss Zhulan wants me to confess”, “Becoming a world champion starts with the anchor”… [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] Summary(From me): A dude named Luke realized that his world is fused with the Pokemon world, and he'll quickly adapt to the new world he's in... little did he know, he'll get into a lot of sh*t and a lot of misunderstanding... Tags: Misunderstanding, Pokemon, Male MC, shameless MC, Capitalist Chinese MC(LOL, but kinda true tho) idk I'm bad at making a summary, my review of the novel below.

simp212 · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

Early on Sunday morning, Luke met the landlord who got up early to collect rent in the corridor.

"Luke, did you hear any weird noises last night?" asked the landlord.

"Ah? I went to bed early yesterday, what exactly is it?" Luke answered.

"I don't know…Many people in the community say that they encountered strange things, the lights in the corridor can't be turned on. Our elevators obviously have only one basement floor, but many of the tenants all said they saw a 2nd basement button…"

"It's okay Miss Liu, it may be that the light bulb is broken, I will check it later." Luke said with a smile.

Liu relaxed and said softly: "I made a fish-head soup today, you can come if you want."

Luke nodded, he then walked to the entrance of the corridor, but halfway through, his face went strange.

"Fish head soup… it isn't going to be a Magikarp… is it?"

After that, he entered the elevator, and went up and down, checking the functionality of the thing. But, aside from a few creak sounds, the wires are all normal.

Luke came to the first floor, he checked the electric wires there, and changed one of the light bulbs.

"Weird, the light bulb is obviously fine…" he muttered.

Luke scratched his head, seeing nothing's wrong, he walked back into the elevator.

The air was humid in the dim elevator, and the dirty mirrors, which were around the elevator, were covered with mildew.

But then, Luke noticed something. Below the "B1" button, there was a button that displayed "B2", and it was surrounded by mold.

Luke rubbed his eyes, but then the "B2" button disappeared, and only the "B1" button appeared in front of him.

"A ghost in broad daylight?" Luke swallowed. "system, how to deal with this case?"

[Recommended Ability:

Holy light Lv1 requires BP points: 2000

disciplinary Lv1 requires BP points: 3000

Great Prestige of The Heavenly Dragon lv1 requires BP points: 5000


Luke brows twitched. "Forget it, it's not the time to vomit this— —How come you think that I can afford all this?"

[Recommended Ability: Spirit Vision Lv1 requires BP points: 500]

[Whether to spend 500BP points to unlock Ability "Spirit Vision lv1"]

"Just hurry up! Hurry up! "

[Remaining BP points: 260]

[Spirit Vision Lv1: Improve vision, a small probability of Foresight Spirit Physique creatures. (Your vision is different from ordinary people, but be careful, Spirit Too high Vision is sometimes not a good thing…)]

Luke looks around carefully, and a drop of cold sweat falls from his forehead.


"What… nothing? "

In the empty and humid elevator, a breeze of cold wind passes through Luke's neck, a musky smell permeates the room, and a dim yellow incandescent lamp flickers.

And Luke suddenly saw an old man in a Security uniform yawning outside the elevator as it opened.

"young man, you have been standing inside for a long time…Did you piss yourself in there?" "

Luke left the elevator with a weird expression.

"Sir, are there any urban ghost legends around here?" "

"Yes, my granddaughter told me." The old man perked up and got interested, "Said that there was a woman named Ripples, who was actually a Pokémon Mawile. "

"And an old lady with a cat face, guess what— Zoroark!"

"Sir, stop." Luke looked weird. "Your granddaughter knows a lot of things!" "

"That is, my granddaughter is an elite trainer! "The security looked triumphant. "I know you brat, the tenant on the sixth floor, and I haven't seen you out for half a month. "

"Look at you at a young age, not being a Trainer, making contributions, and being a small streamer is a disappointment!"

"Thanks to your auspicious words." Luke said sarcastically, and retreated in a hurry.

Walking on the way to the Pokémon store, Luke recalled the scene just now.

"It shouldn't be a supernatural event... It's nothing more than a Ghost Type Pokémon… This is reasonable. "

Luke is a staunch materialist. Therefore he didn't believe 'supernatural' events… even though it technically counts as one.

"The landlady probably knows a couple of trainers… I'll ask her to do something about it."

After calming down, Luke opens the internet to search for nearby businesses.

"For lunch, there is some kaiseki restaurant here…Slowpoke tail sashimi for… 3888 Yen? Fucking hell!"(E/N: Kaiseki = traditional multi-dish japanese food)

"Let's buy some Pokeballs first." Luke muttered, there are some Pokemon stores nearby, I'll check them out. "

In the system store, a 200 BP normal red-and-white ball is a bit expensive for him right now. Compared with this, in reality, a Poké Ball is only around 500 yen, which is quite cost-effective.

When he arrived at the Pokémon store, Luke spent 2500 yen to buy five Poké Balls, and his balance was 17000 yen.

But in the Pokemon store, Luke did not see any of his favorite Starter Pokemon.

"Eevee and Growlithe are all popular Pokémons." The clerk regretfully said, "Even if you pre-order, you have to wait for about six months. "

"It's fine, I'm just asking... "

Similar to precious pets in previous lives, Eevee is priced at 30.000 Yen and Growlithe is priced close to 50.000 Yen.

And Luke is a bit broke right now…

Pokémon eggs such as Weedle and Wurmple are very cheap. You can pick one from two to three hundred. The Bird Pokémons, like Pidgey or Taillow, are also on sale, about 2000 Yen.

But Luke wondered, instead of buying this badly bred Pokémon, it's better to go to the wild and grab one by yourself.

"If you want to catch Pokémon by yourself, please pay attention to your safety." The clerk blushed with Shame and continued, "In recent years, there has been a lot of news about accidental injuries."

Luke's plan to get an Eevee fails miserably, and Luke has no choice but to return to his residence.

As Luke was walking through the streets, the sun was setting behind the western hills, and groups of wingulls flew across the sky, issuing a hoarse growl.

Luke was playing with his pocket-sized Poké Ball in his hand as it changed size again and again, enjoying his walk.

But suddenly, a drop of cold sweat swept across Luke's forehead.

"It broke." he cursed.

The vision in front of his eyes suddenly became blurred, and his view of the world became different, as if someone suddenly gave the world a topsy-turvy color.

If he has to describe it, it's like Jojo's Bizzare adventures art style…

He arrived in front of the elevator, but then he saw that the row of elevator buttons was covered with scary green bloody handprints.

The incandescent lamp above his head shook wildly, screaming abnormally with a 'zhinging' sound, the light flickered violently, and finally went out with a "pah" sound.

In a dead silence, a rotten musty smell filled Luke's nasal cavity, and a cold and wet wind, like a scarlet long lick, passed over Luke's neck.

Luke shivered all over.

The door automatically closed, then it moved towards the second nonexistent basement floor.

["Spirit Vision lv1" activated!]

A fluorescent green light appeared in front of Luke's eyes, like an "eagle eye" or some sort.

Now, Luke has calmed down, expressionless, and lifts his head.

A pair of bulging eyes, with a grin at the base of the ears, and scarlet and long tongue.

It was a Gastly, and it approached Luke quickly. It Looked at Luke intently, his big eyes staring at Luke's for a hot minute.


white light lit up abruptly.

Luke lowered his head, his hands shaking, and sent a message to his social media.


"What should I do if I encounter a ghost at night? Pls answer!"