
I really don't want to open a harem here

Mu Xiaoxiao never imagined that he would get hit by a truck and die, and transmigrate to a 2D anime world, not to mention get the legendary Goldfinger one day. [Ding! As a mortal, you dared to challenge the world and set foot in this chaotic world; your brave choice gives you a Rating: S] 'It hasn't even been five minutes since I traveled, and there is an S-level reward... Without a little bit of defense, could it be that I also have the appearance of the protagonist?' He thought seriously Being a Protagonist can be said to be a legendary start Anime world where he is a protagonist with a system, open a harem, and reaches the pinnacle of life or something like that. He was already imagining his bright future 'It's just that the system said what kind of chaotic place, what does it mean? Why can't I understand?' Coming all the way, he approached the warehouse at the back of the school, And then "Nanao, you don't want to see Katase being kicked out of the main selection, do you?" "You--" He never thought he would see such a scene on the first day, Fuck, this is too exciting, right? No, why do those two people look familiar... Relying on his many years of experience, he finally searched for those memories from every inch and corner of his brain, and after finding out who these two were His face changed drastically. "Fuck" _________, (This is a Translation) (Warning: This Novel contains Explicit Content, so read at your own risk.) As for NTR It does contain Netori( The one where Mc steals the girl), not Netorare. After all, it's a harem fanfic in the NTR world, so every girl he'll meet and save would obviously have a Boyfriend or a childhood Sweetheart, so it is obvious... ________ ___________ Original Version: https://www.jpxs123.com/tongren/8352.html Author: Sixteen Night Sky ____________ Read Advanced chapters on Patreon.com/abhi28

Abhii_28 · Anime und Comics
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256 Chs

Is this Shura Field?

Is that what you meant?

Just say it directly... Why create so much suspense?

Chizuru and Akane couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Natsuha Shinomiya went forward and hugged Mu Xiaoxiao's arms.

Anyway, she had done this action dozens of times and was already familiar with it.

The girl wasn't the least bit afraid that he would be angry; on the contrary, she knew he was possessive and wanted them to do the same..and this was something. she loved very much.

"I know."

"But after all, he didn't try to do anything to us, so I couldn't be too harsh..."

"Next time you meet this kind of person, it doesn't matter if you strike harder," the young man said, rubbing his eyebrows, "But I forgot that you are just ordinary girls."

Even if they had the protection of the ring, it was only for self-protection, after all.

So, except for Natsuha, who had practiced Aikido before, it was a bit difficult for the other girls to resist if they met a scum, even if they were immune to hypnotic poisoning.

They couldn't fight with pure strength, and even though they had Luna and other pets, and even if he could teleport anytime if they were in danger, it was not the ideal method.

Not to mention the worry of leaving them alone without self-protection; they might even feel that they were a burden to him.

Which was obviously not the case, but they didn't know about his system, so it was not without reason that they might feel so...

Even if they did not have such feelings, it might be dependency, and people generally can't distinguish.

The moment he chose this path, he always had one goal in mind, and that was to make these girls stand up for themselves.

It didn't mean that he didn't want them to rely on him; it's just he wanted them to take the lead, knowing that he would always be behind them.

Now that there were many girls on his team, he could officially start his plan to clear the waste on Earth...

And for this reason, these girls need to be strengthened.

Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed Nanao Akane, who was about to cook and looked around at the girls in the living room before speaking..

"Originally, I planned to wait until this ability reached its full level before... but now it seems I have to tell you in advance."


The girls looked confused, not knowing what he wanted to say.

"Hey, before I knew it, there were so many people here... I feel so mixed."

"You're happy, right?" Akane hummed and pouted.

"So many girls are so proud of you... they have already fallen for you, you know, right?"

"Ahem, well... I'm a little proud, but it's really complicated. After all, I didn't plan to open a harem at the beginning..."

At this point, Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head solemnly, "What happened in the past is just... No more talking."

"Anyway, no matter what I thought before, now that I have accepted you, all I will be responsible to the end."

Is this a scumbag's statement?

It's embarrassing.

"Including your life and future, I won't let you have any accidents!"

"Well... everyone, I have a rather special contract here, called - a love contract."

Love contract?

Several girls fell silent instantly, holding their breaths and not daring to blink, staring at him nakedly as if they were looking at some delicious meat and wanted to swallow him in one bite.

"This love contract is a special contract that can only be signed by girls who like me. It has no binding effect on you, but has a special increase..."

The breathing in the room suddenly became heavier.

Damn it, why do I suddenly feel so dangerous?

"It can help you get additional attribute increases.

Of course, these increases are obtained from me. The stronger my attributes, the higher the increase..."

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became,

"No, you guys should say something too; don't be silent."

Staring straight at me, I feel so flustered~

"There's nothing to say. It doesn't matter whether there is an increase or not. Since it is a contract that can only be signed by lovers, of course, I am obligated," Nanao Akane blinked and spoke the obvious.

"Yeah... and a love contract sounds so romantic," Natsuha smiled brightly.

Hearing his two girlfriends nod in agreement, he looked at the third.

"I had already expected Akane and Natsuha's reactions. What about you? Are you willing too?"

"Of course I am willing," Chizuru Shiina blushed and muttered shyly, "I have already done it with you, Xiaoxiao... how could I not want to."

As soon as these words came out, Serizawa Yukiha and Haruno Kasumi were on pins and needles.

"That, I am willing too. Although I have not been with Xiaoxiao... but I have confessed my feelings to him." Yukiha looked up and said.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned to the last girl, "Um, Kasumi-kun, you..."

"Everyone has it, so I can't be left out. Besides, I..." Haruno Kasumi's eyes were watery as if she would cry on the spot as long as he said rejection, "I'm willing too."

"You are all willing, but there is one thing I want to say in advance...

Whether the contract can succeed or not is not a matter of voluntariness but depends on your heart."

'Even I can't change it.'

"In other words, if you really love me, then it would be very easy, and if you don't, then no matter how you deceive yourself, you won't be able to make a successful contract."

"That's it."

Several girls raised their heads and raised their hearts, looking at each other, and one by one... they began to feel confident.

Even though the time of falling seemed fast, none of them had any doubts.

The boy's figure was already engraved in the heart; how could they fail?

"In addition, depending on the strength of the emotion, the increase in power is also different," Mu Xiaoxiao explained.

"If the love is strong, the increase will be strong, and the strength will be stronger. If the emotion is weak, the increase will be small, and the strength will be weak."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone, especially Natsuha's eyes, lit up, and she stood up from the ground suddenly, her eyes burning.

"In other words, as long as I kill everyone here, I will be the one who loves Xiaoxiao the most?"

I... fuck.

Mu Xiaoxiao almost hit his chin on the ground.

The pink atmosphere that was originally very ambiguous and sticky... instantly became murderous.

Even Yukiha, who has always been soft and cute, looked at the other girls with firm eyes, causing bursts of sparks to collide.

And his scalp was numb at the sight.

Did these heroines suddenly become erect?

"Hey, no, what are you doing? What do you mean by killing everyone here? Natsuha, don't mess around," looking at them like that, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but warn seriously..well, although it seemed to have no effect.

"Of course, I was not kidding, but it is like what you said: it's just a competition.

As long as I'm the strongest, it means I love you the most. It's such a simple and clear method; I like it."

"Natsuha, I will not lose to you.

If you want to talk about love for Mu Xiaoxiao, I definitely have the deepest love!" Nanao Akane said with high spirits, "I was the first to come."

And I am the one who loves him most..

"Emotions have nothing to do with first come, first served,"

Shiina Chizuru also stood up, "Even if I came later, my feelings for him are not weaker than yours. I will definitely become the strongest!"

"Me, me too," Yukiha Serizawa hugged her chest and clenched her fists, "I won't lose either."

Haruno Kasumi looked left and right, "Everyone is very confident... Let's compete. It sounds so interesting, and I'm not afraid of you either."

Everyone stood up.

Wait, are you really going to fight?

Didn't I already explain that the use of this [Love Contract] is to make these women...stronger?

Well..thinking about it, they were talking about strength..

It's just the reason for it was different from what he wanted to say..

It was for the noble task to destroy the yellow hair scums with him..but he had a feeling that he shouldn't speak at this time.

This is the legendary Shura Field?

This is not a Shura field; this is a battlefield!

It feels so intense!

"Xiao Xiao, come on quickly, make the contract now."

"I suddenly regretted it... This is to give you the power to protect yourself and help your companions, not to fight with each other."

"We don't care about other fights, but this is the only one, and this is the only feeling I have for you.

For thing feeling, I don't want to lose to anyone!"

There was no doubt in

Nanao Akane's eyes..

Solemn and confident..

Okay, I'm going to show off, just don't bleed.

"Akane, let's start with you."

"How exactly do we do it?"

